The American President

Just a little bit of fun, having just re-watched the film on DVD after picking it up for 50P.
The previous election is mentioned as "one of the closest in American history" a narrow win for Democrat Andrew Shepherd, the Democratic nominee from Wisconsin.
The film is dated taking place between November 1995 & January 1996 (newspapers have a 1995/1996 date on them).
Anyway here is my guess on the 1992 Presidential map.

Andrew shepherd (Democrat) 270 ev votes
Republican nominee 268 ev votes

The film ends with it almost certain that Shepherd is going to win re-election in a probable landslide against the likely Republican nominee Senate Minority Leader Robert Rumson.
My guess at the 1996 election result

President Andrew Shepherd 416 ev votes
Senator Robert Rumson 122 ev votes

*I have given Shepherd the four closest states by % margin that Clinton narrowly failed to win in the real 1996 election (Georgia, Colorado, Virginia & Montana)
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