The Al Gore Presidency

Dammit, I am surprisingly interested in the next update.

I would request that the author consider briefing us on President Gore's dental hygiene routine. I would expect that a man of his stature would floss, brush and gargle at least three times a day, for at least a three minute cycle. I would also expect he conceals a small mouth mirror on his person so as to be able to regularly check for food or other objects in or around his mouth.

Not everyone has time to flounce off to the bathroom half a dozen times a day you know
That's one quick crap. In fact, it's so quick that I think the whole thread should be moved into ASB.

I don't think the time involved the entire process of pulling down pants, wiping and washing his hands. Just the actual individual process of defecating, which then means he took a shit for over a minute straight, which is a surprisingly long time.