Question for Arab world scholars

Maybe fitting more for Help and Feedback or Non polit chat but could help me or others for a later topic...

Do we know much of the preislamic organisations of arabic societies, and in this case, titles, ranks of nobility, etc?

Are classic terms and titles as we know them - like Malik, Sultan, Emir, Sheik, etc 'new' and made with Islam and the societies who came with it (probably Calife is, due to the spiritual side of the deal) or preexisted (as perhaps Malik?)? What was used in the preislamic days?
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Emir and Sultan are definitely post-Islamic titles, the former literally means commander and came into use after the foundation of Islam. Emir roughly corresponds to the Western Duke. Sultan means authority and this title was first adopted by Mahmud Ghaznavi if I recall correctly. At first, Sultans were still nominally under the authority of the Caliph in Baghdad (emphasis on nominally, in reality the Caliph had no secular influence what so ever). But over time it generally came to be considered the Islamic equivalent of a King.

Now regarding pre-Islamic titles, I'm only aware of Malik and Sheikh being used in Arab societies. Both of which adopted by tribal chiefs and petty kings. But I'm sure there are ancient titles that were used by the Sabaeans, Nabateans, and other pre-Islamic Arab cultures that I'm not aware of (since they did not speak modern Arabic).
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Emir and Sultan are definitely post-Islamic titles, the former literally means commander and came into use after the foundation of Islam. Emir roughly corresponds to the Western Duke. Sultan means authority and this title was first adopted by Mahmud Ghaznavi as I recall correctly. At first, Sultans were still nominally under the authority of the Caliph in Baghdad (emphasis on nominally, in reality the Caliph had no secular influence what so ever). But over time it generally came to be considered the Islamic equivalent of a King.

Now regarding pre-Islamic titles, I'm only aware of Malik and Sheikh being used in Arab societies. Both of which adopted by tribal chiefs and petty kings. But I'm sure there are ancient titles that were used by the Sabaeans, Nabateans, and other pre-Islamic Arab cultures that I'm not aware of (since they did not speak modern Arabic).

Thank for your infos!
The opening chapters of No God but God by Reza Aslan have some great information on pre-Islamic Arabia, though more focused on its spiritual and religious aspects. The cosmopolitanism of it in particular is fascinating.
The opening chapters of No God but God by Reza Aslan have some great information on pre-Islamic Arabia, though more focused on its spiritual and religious aspects. The cosmopolitanism of it in particular is fascinating.

That I should check, thank.