President Forever and other 270soft games Megathread

Just played an absolutely mad game as the Greens.

Labour (led by Ed Miliband): 274 Seats, 25.9%
Conservatives (led by David Cameron): 198 Seats, 21.4%
United Kingdom Independence Party (led by Nigel Farage): 67 Seats, 19.6%
Green Party (led by Natalie Bennett): 20 Seats, 17.1%
Liberal Democrats (led by Nick Clegg*): 10 Seats, 7.2%
SNP (led by Nicola Sturgeon): 55 Seats, 3.9%
Democratic Unionist (led by Peter Robinson): 8 Seats, 0.6%
Plaid Cymru (led by Leanne Wood): 5 Seats, 0.6%
Sinn Fein (led by Gerry Adams): 4 Seats, 0.6%
Social Democratic and Labour Party (led by Alisdair McDonnell): 3 Seats, 0.5%
Ulster Unionist (led by Mike Nesbitt): 1 Seat, 0.3%
Independents: 5 Seats, 2.1%

*lost his seat.

I created a scenario where the 2 main parties are balkaniszed into a Right, Center, Center Left and Left

I played as Huntsman and won due to having the House but with 20%. Also Christie surged in the last week significantly

I created a scenario where the 2 main parties are balkaniszed into a Right, Center, Center Left and Left

I played as Huntsman and won due to having the House but with 20%. Also Christie surged in the last week significantly
You had Christie represent the right? Wouldn't that be better for a Tea Party dude? Also, were there primaries?
You had Christie represent the right? Wouldn't that be better for a Tea Party dude? Also, were there primaries?

There were primaries and Christie won somehow

Yeah Ted Cruz was almost winning when a scandal sunk him

I was also leading as Huntsman for a while when Christie and Warren surged and beat me into third place
Just had the best game. Played as Gore in 1992. Beat Clinton in the primaries and then chose him as running mate. A reasonably tough battle with Bush. The PV was slightly off but the EC map was quite close to the OTL 1992 one. Really NJ?

Look at Montana, incredibly close three-way race there.

gore clinton.PNG
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After incumbent President Ulysses S. Grant announces his retirement, the Republicans and Democrats have several candidates battle it out until he convention. For the former it is Indiana Senator Oliver P. Morton and Postmaster General and former Governor of Connecticut Marshall Jewell. And the latter select New York Governor Samuel Tilden and Indiana Governor Thomas Hendricks. While at first it looked like an easy Democrat victory turned to a narrow Republican score.

President Morton's term wasn't memorable, though when he died following a stroke in August, many mourners attended his funeral, including new President Jewell, whom would continue the Reconstruction of the Southern states.

OOC: So we don't get President Tilden, but without Hayes and the close electoral vote, Reconstruction gets another four years of life. Good or Bad?

After almost four unremarkable years of President Jewell, the 1880 elections swings around with the incumbent once again refusing to run.

In his place, former President Ulysses S. Grant of Illinois wins the nomination. In a shocking turn of events, Grant chooses Frederick K. Douglass of New York to be his running mate, the first African American to be selected by a major party for the office.

On the other side of the aisle, Civil War hero and, once a "Superb" officer under Grant, Winfield Scott Hancock wins the Democrat's nomination and selects former New York Governor Horatio Seymour as running mate.

Unfortunately the country is not ready for a former slave to a heartbeat away for the Presidency (especially with vile rumors being spread about Grant's health and state of mind.) Although Grant and Hancock are more than cordial towards one another, the parties are not, and Grant goes down to a terrible defeat

OOC: I was playing the nominee of the Greenback Party, but I was really hoping Grant/Douglass would win.

I set out to see how well I could as McCarthy in 1976. I fundraised and built up my profile in California slowly seeing my polling numbers rise there. Carter meanwhile emerged from the clustf*ck of the Democratic Primaries beating the McGovern/Brown axis via last minute support from Scoop Jackson and George Wallace - he then selected Carl Albert as his VP. Meanwhile in the GOP Ford beat Spiro Agnew by 60 delegates and nominated James Buckley as his running mate. By September California was a dead heat and was swaying between me and Ford. Then I released several scandals against Carter and several high powered aids which saw my numbers explode up from around 5% to 15% in the final poll. I intially was only expecting to win West Virginia, California and maybe Oregon if I was lucky - Carter was projected to win most of the South minus Virginia and Louisiana - the final result was... well rather a surprise to say the least. (The percentages and the vote totals also nicely match up with each other.)

I set out to see how well I could as McCarthy in 1976. I fundraised and built up my profile in California slowly seeing my polling numbers rise there. Carter meanwhile emerged from the clustf*ck of the Democratic Primaries beating the McGovern/Brown axis via last minute support from Scoop Jackson and George Wallace - he then selected Carl Albert as his VP. Meanwhile in the GOP Ford beat Spiro Agnew by 60 delegates and nominated James Buckley as his running mate. By September California was a dead heat and was swaying between me and Ford. Then I released several scandals against Carter and several high powered aids which saw my numbers explode up from around 5% to 15% in the final poll. I intially was only expecting to win West Virginia, California and maybe Oregon if I was lucky - Carter was projected to win most of the South minus Virginia and Louisiana - the final result was... well rather a surprise to say the least. (The percentages and the vote totals also nicely match up with each other.)

The Democrats will never forgive you for that one! Also, did Agnew not commit bribery in his scenario?

Decided to try the new PI out by a "Everybody but the Significant Ones in". Very chaotic primaries.

Romney and the GOP has a consistent lead, but it got a little weird. Democratic Tennessee due to collapse in GOP support, eventually majority Dem.

Now Texas has gone blue as well...

Cory Booker dominated the primaries (which started off looking like an epic Bernie vs. Liz Warren fight).

I'll keep ya updated. Oh, observing as Bloomberg.

It was a slaughter, an absolute landslide. Although bizarre Blue Tennessee held up, with 71.5% going for Booker and only 21.8% for Romney... (Johnson got 5%)

Another game, this time in 1972. The Democrats led at some points, but after fighting off his Republican opponents, Grant won big.

Observing as Tilden.


Altered by implementing an "Observer" party/candidate, and added Hatsune Miku to the GOP just for lols. :eek: Also, Roosevelt is alive and running for a fifth term.

Franklin D. Roosevelt/Claude Pepper
Thomas Dewey/Earl Warren

No Thurmond or Wallace, they stayed in the Dems.

Polls as of FDR winning the nomination.


Altered by implementing an "Observer" party/candidate, and added Hatsune Miku to the GOP just for lols. :eek: Also, Roosevelt is alive and running for a fifth term.

Franklin D. Roosevelt/Claude Pepper
Thomas Dewey/Earl Warren

No Thurmond or Wallace, they stayed in the Dems.

Polls as of FDR winning the nomination.

Alabama... is Republican...!? :eek: