President Forever and other 270soft games Megathread

Cruz/Martinez beat Clinton/Schiff. O'Malley did strangely well in the Democratic primaries, winning most of the early states. Kasich won New Hampshire but disappeared after that.

Nixon/Cabot Lodge win the E.V. vs Kennedy/LBJ, despite losing the popular vote. Kennedy narrowly lost NY(43,7%/42%) and CA(44%/42%) and he have lost this 2 states because the Unpledged Democratic Electors have create a spoiler effect that have been decisive for the defeat of Kennedy. Also Kennedy won in IL by 18.000 votes.

I was Byrd, and I only do campaign in MS and AL, but I was in the ballot on NY and CA.
What in God's name have I done?


Donald John Trump/Bernard Sanders (R)
Bernard Sanders/John Forbes Kerry (D)
James George Janos/Gary Earl Johnson (L)
David Evan McMullin/Mindy Lisa Finn (M)
Mark Cuban/Charles Timothy Hagel (I)
After two years of Trump in the white house, he have a low popularity, and the republican establishment decide to confront him in the primaries, also, the dems still have a shock of the victory of Trump, and in the legislatives elections of 2018 they lost 34 seats in the House and 6 seats in the Senate.

In the republican primaries of 2020, Marco Rubio narrowly defeat Donald Trump and he won the nomination in the 6º Round with a little difference between Rubio and Trump.


In the democratic field, Elizabeth Warren was narrowly over Brown until the California Primary, that was the tipping point.


In the General Election, Marco Rubio and John Kasich defeat in a landslide election against Brown and Becerra. Illinois was decided by only 35.000 votes, Michigan by 47.000 votes and NY by 76.000.
I'm just really bad at the game, or is there something I'm not getting? I see people pulling off quite interesting scenarios, but I'm having difficulty getting Rand Paul through the primaries (doesn't seem like a major upset, relatively speaking).

I'm using the 2016 campaign for 'President Infinity', and no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to secure more than a hundred or so delegates. Is there a trick I'm not taking advantage of?
I'm just really bad at the game, or is there something I'm not getting? I see people pulling off quite interesting scenarios, but I'm having difficulty getting Rand Paul through the primaries (doesn't seem like a major upset, relatively speaking).

I'm using the 2016 campaign for 'President Infinity', and no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to secure more than a hundred or so delegates. Is there a trick I'm not taking advantage of?
I honestly edit the campaign, give my candidate 3000 PIPs, get the endorsement of everyone, and campaign every day

Here is my altered 2000 Election. I played as the Reform party, (but did nothing).

Paul Wellstone's running mate was Russ Feingold, while Trump's running mate was Newt Gingrich.
Played as Jerry Brown in the 2016 scenario. Didn't do all that well, and only won Iowa, New Hampshire, California, and New Jersey. Trump won the Republican nomination on the tenth ballot after being endorsed by Jeb (lol).


Looks cool. Will there be the opportunity for alternate candidates at some point? Like Sarkozy?
Yes, I am doing right now the Primaries of Les Républicains with Sarkozy, Fillon and Juppé as the candidates, also I am going to do the primaries of the socialist party, between Manuel Valls and Arnaud Monteburg.