POD required to avert the Spanish Civil War

I need a POD to avert the Spanish Civil War (1936-39).

To what degree do you lot think that this war was inevitable?

Was a nationalist victory under Franco inevitable - or could we have a completely different outcome under slightly different circumstances?

All input welcomed.
hm. turmoil, unrest, coup d´etat- unevitable, given the extreme dislike for compromise all sides had, and the sheer number of unresolved issues:

monarchists vs republican ideas,

a powerful catholic church being one of the largest employers and nearly sole provider of educational institutions and vs radical secularists and atheists.

regional autonomy vs centralism and hatred between groups. (example: autonomy statute for the basques rejected by the navarrese, which are also basques)

a large anarchist movement, therefore instability.

a plausible and not-so-farfetched POD would be having a competent dictator (pinochet type) in the time of the first world war and the decade after, who is able to use the economic boom times generated by ww1 to carefully change spanish society. rivera tried this with large infrastructure projects but most were badly planned and failed.

concentrating on the actual tl, i´d say from the moment members of the leftist governments own police force (asaltos) kidnapped and murdered (or tried it) main opposition politicians, the right-wing opposition in the army had a go.

my favorite (and politically biased) POD would be a stronger CEDA (catholic party)
more to follow later, lunch is served
the actual war:

PODs for Franco losing are:
1. the republican government quickly reacts, has a plan and carries it out. for example, quickly arming the militant workers.

2. more bad luck: the general´s rising failed where it met staunch counter-measures, like in barcelona. if you know the hilarious story of general Queipo de Llano seizing control of Seville, this point needs no further explanation.

3. Outside help: no air assets from germany and italy, bringing over combat-ready forces from the Army of Africa after the majority of the fleet remained republican;
no helping hands from the Royal Navy for the nationalists (intelligence & lines of communication through Gibraltar), or backing of the rising through foreign bussiness interests. (the chairman of texas oil (?) personally diverted tankers en route to spain with a cargo already paid for by the government to nationalist held ports in the first days of the rising)

4. the propaganda war goes in favor of the left early

during the war.

- the leftist war effort was seriously hindered by the communist tendency to assume control and eliminating other leftist lunatics instead of sorting it out when the war was one.

- the communist give up their tendency to substitute tactics, and more generally, sound objective analysis, with propaganda. They insisted on repeating hopeless attacks which could not achieve anything because the press release was better.

- the anarchists... well, in short, they give up what anarchism is about. in a civil war, which is effectively a war between nation states which happen to represent the same nation, the war effort has to be planned, controlled and performed, you need clear hierarchical command structures- in short, everything the anarchists dislike becomes a cardinal virtue.
Probably you would have to go back in the time before the coup of Primo de Ribera, maybe if he had opted to join a political party and to reach power in a votation. People could have voted him seeking an strong leader and the image of king Alfonso would not have been dramatically eroded...