Not Easily Conquered

Chapter 3
Business and Pleasure
2:33 pm.
"Yes, William called and said that you might be coming. Nasty business this." Alexis Komnemnos was a severe looking woman in her late 50s. She looked like she wanted to put her head through a brick wall. And was about to do it.
Laura Pierce was standing beside her. She looked more open and accommodating. She looked about ten years younger than Komnemnos, though they were probably the same age. "Why would anyone do that?"
Arturo said, "We were hoping you could help use with that. Was Maxwell Sr. well liked here?"
Komnemnos frowned. "Mostly, though he could be a bit strict at times."
"How do you mean?"
Pierce and Komnemnos looked at each other. Pierce said, "Alex and I were having a disagreement with Cliff. There was that merger with Armenta Oil. You heard about-"
Hamilton held up a hand. "William said it was in the final stages."
Pierce looked surprised. "It was anything but. Armenta didn't like the terms of the deal. We have been trying to renegotiate but to no avail."
Arturo asked. "How did Maxwell Sr. take it?"
Komnemnos shrugged. "Truth is we don't know. Clifford has been incommunicado since negotiations started two months ago. The only times he has appeared is at the monthly board meeting. And even then he does not say much."
Pierce started. "That's not true. We held an office birthday party for him last week. He was quite talkative then. Of course, he also seemed nervous."
"About what?"
"He didn't tell me. All he said was that he needed to put something to rest before he could close this deal with Armenta."
Chapter 3 cont.
After getting some of the company's files on Clifford Maxwell Sr. Hamilton and Arturo went to the morgue. Dr. De Bryn had the autopsy results. When they got there, around 4:00, Lemieux was there waiting for them.
"I heard about your case and thought that I could help."
Hamilton raised an eyebrow. "You mean keep an eye on us."
"It's no secret who your sister-in-law is, Hamilton. I just want to make sure that you are running a clean investigation. With so many powerful figures involved, I want to make sure that it is airtight when this gets to court."
At this moment, Dr. De Bryn entered the hall. "Ah, Hamilton, Arturo, Captain. You all here for the Maxwell autopsy? Follow me."
They followed him into the chilled room. "The amount of blood at the scene suggests that Maxwell died there."
Arturo had a notebook out. "How was he decapitated?"
Dr. De Bryn turned to look at her. "He was shot."
"Yes. I found some shotgun pellets that became embedded in the wound. 12 gauge, I believe. Someone stuck what looks like a double barreled shotgun at his throat and pulled the triggers."
Hamilton put his hand down from his mouth. "Jesus."
"I'll have the full report for you here."
Lemieux nodded. "Thank you, doctor."
"Just doing my job."
Lemieux turned to Hamilton and Arturo. "Alright, I want a report on everything you got so far on my desk by six. Then you have the rest of the day off."
Now it was Arturo's turn to raise an eyebrow. "Why?"
"Because this is going to get a lot of attention. I want you to prepare your families for it. Besides it's going to be a long day tomorrow."
Hamilton smiled weakly. "You got that right. Alright, Arturo, let's go. We have reports to right."
Chapter 3 cont.
7:23 pm
As Hamilton opened the door to his house, he groaned. He knew what was coming. If Senator Clifford Maxwell Jr. was home that meant that his sister-in-law Senator Sabra Nicholson was home. And she would be visiting. It wasn't that he hated his sister-in-law, far from it. He just finished a press conference and really didn't feel like answering more questions. As he entered the kitchen, he heard the radio playing.
"...Helene Jean of Haiti has said that if she were elected president next year she would put an end to the subsidies to solar companies and invest more heavily in oil. The current Conservative front runner says that the fact that her current campaign has some funding from the oil industry is in no way influencing her decision. In other news, a body found in Victory Park this morning has been identified as that of Clifford Maxwell Sr. The elder Maxwell was much beloved by some for his philanthropic work, while critics derided him for some his more unethical business practices. Some of our listeners may remember how during the war with Japan in the early to mid-70s that his was the only company that still traded with them in spite of the embargo. Clifford Maxwell Sr. was 70 years old."
Hamilton walked into the kitchen and saw his wife, sister-in-law and eldest daughter sitting at the table. "Ladies. How's things?"
"Hey Dad. Yuna's gone out with Tidus to watch the fireworks. Said she would be back when she can."
Hamilton smiled. "Alright. Why aren't you watching them, Joan?"
His wife, Nancy, stood and they kissed. "We thought we'd wait for you. Kermit insisted."
Hamilton looked for his son. "Where is Kermit anyway?"
"Upstairs. Trying to finish a painting."
Sabra stood up. "We need to talk about the murder."
"You know I can't go into great detail about it."
"I know. Just let me know if you need any help."
"Right now I need information."
"I met Clifford Maxwell Sr. a few times. And most of the time we nearly came to blows. We may not have gotten along but I did not wish him dead."
Joan gave a short nervous laugh. "You sound like you think you're a suspect, Aunt Sabra."
"I know it's just that I wanted to air what I knew of the man."
Hamilton smiled. "Understood."
"Da Da."
They turned to see Kermit. Hamilton was always glad to see all his children. Kermit was born deaf. Though it was difficult at times, somehow the made it through.
Kermit signed, 'are we going to the fireworks?'
Nancy smiled. 'Yes, we are.'
'Let's go then.'
8:30 pm
It was almost an hour before Arturo made it home. When she opened the door, she was greeted by Shannon Rosenbaum.
"Work bad today?"
"You don't know the half, Shan."
"Heard on the radio about Maxwell Sr. I'm going to have to take a rain check on fireworks tonight."
"What, why?"
"Harlan wants all hands on deck for this. A story this big."
Arturo groaned. Harlan Edison was the Editor-in-Chief of Arnold Tribune.
"Alright. But we have to get one night to ourselves soon."
Shannon smiled. "I know."
They kissed and Shannon left their apartment.
Interlude 1

List of Candidates in the 2000 Election:
Governor Ian Wallace-Liberty Party-Jefferson-Red

Congresswoman Heidi Summers-Liberty Party-Shoshone-Blue

Governor Mona Jessop-Liberty Party-Quebec-Lime Green

Senator William Jackson-Liberty Party-Michigan-Dark Green

Senator Don Harris-Liberty Party-Massachusetts-Purple

Governor Helene Jean-Conservative Party-Haiti-Dark Blue

Congressman Hugo Garcia-Conservative Party-Cuba-Brown

Senator John Hurlbut-Conservative Party-Calhoun-Orange

Senator Kendall Wilson-Conservative Party-Cascadia-Yellow

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Sorry for the lack of feedback. Lost track of this thread and just caught up.

I am still interested in the story and how it may be resolved. Learning bit slowly of the changes from OTL and the different states and boundries. Please keep updating when you can.