Map Thread XII

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Bahaha, I managed to forget about the text in the map: It's about the territories conquered in the Fourth European War. Belgium and the Netherlands were split up between Germany and France. That's pretty much the meat of what it says, the remainder is TTL fluff. I'll translate it if anyone asks.

City Map
for the territories gained in 1993
Publisher: State Ministry for the Interior

After the Peace Treaty of Rotendamm (Rotterdam) concluded in January, the Fourth European War has ended in a decisive German-French victory.

The treaty splits the former Kingdoms of Belgium and the Netherlands between the Republic of Germany and the French Federation. This map depicts the new border.

For the orientation of all citizens of the republic, a new roadmap for the conquered territories was published by the General Automobile Club of Germany. In this simplified version, you see the German names of the incorporated municipalities and large unincorporated municipalities.

According to the Language Unity Act of 1994, the written use of the Dutch and Flemish unlanguages without a special permit is henceforth prohibited, and will be prosecuted with a prison sentence of no less than 5 and no more than 40 years.

A table of place names in Dutch-Flemish unlanguage, with the correct-language counterpart, can be requested from the State Ministry for 31.49 Republic Marks.

Currently, the territories are considered a protectorate of the republic; it is however expected that the territories will be split among the Provinces Rhineland and Lower Saxony as soon as possible in the interest of standardisation.

President Krupp has also declared that some of the territories may, in exchange for the remission of some war debt from the second European war, possibly be ceded to Norway.

In the will of God, Germany onwards!
Here a map depicting a totalitarian Germany. But, for a change, not a Nazi Germany.

It's cryptofascist, essentially. It is Republican, and curiously it touts social progressivism (having legalised homosexuality, self-selected gender identification, and all hallucinogenic and narcotic drugs) despite having an established state religion: The Evangelical Reformed Church is the state church; the Evangelical Lutheran, Roman Catholic and Greek and Russian Orthodox Churches are recognised religious organisations, while other religions are forbidden from organising or establishing public places of worship (Jews and Muslims have taken to using rabbis'/imams' homes as replacement synagogues/mosques)

Effectively, think of a hypernationalist flawed democracy that takes great pride in its own democracy. The National Parliament Landestag is tricameral: The National Assembly Landesversammlung (elected by all citizens aged 16 or over) the National Council Landesrat (elected by over-25-year-olds resident in incorporated municipalities kreisfreie Städte with a certain minimum amount of capital), and the National Senate Landessenat (appointed by the President).

This German Republic is allied to the French Federation, the Scots Commonwealth and the United States of America. Its main adversaries are the Kingdom of Poland, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Grand Duchy of Norway, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

Oh yeah, and one of Germany's most notorious policies, which it shares with its allies, is that of Vereinheitlichung, "standardisation", which amounts to cultural genocide: Propagating or practicing the culture, even just the former official language, of a conquered territory is faced with imprisonment.

Flevoland with the exact same borders as OTL is not very likely.
But I find your scenario interesting....:)
A German Republic and a French Federation? That seems a little topsy-turvy to me.
Indeed, that was sort of intentional. The idea is that ITTL, Germany consolidated earlier, while France went straight into being a Federation rather than really ever coming together as a kingdom - a bit more like Switzerland. I do agree, it looks a bit like I've just decided to switch the histories of Germany and France around :D
I'd really like to know what kind of scenarios you have on your mind. Oh, and didn't Reagent say he'd imagine creating a map of some South African city network? I don't see an extension as really, well, productive. I also remember islander's Bonaparte Metro.

I'm going incredibly parochial and expanding the Nottingham tram network. I may do some in depth sketch maps to show the actual lines as not even my OS map actually covers everywhere:D
Should've guessed. :eek:
I can see FECK and China instead of the USA and Soviet Union!
The Mexica are nothing to sneeze at, nor are the Eurasians, Romans, or Franco-Germans. But yes, anyone following trends will realise that the FECK is heading towards a solid #2 in a few years.
The Mexica are nothing to sneeze at, nor are the Eurasians, Romans, or Franco-Germans. But yes, anyone following trends will realise that the FECK is heading towards a solid #2 in a few years.

Would anyone of these guys be able to take on OTL's USA of 2014 by their 2014?


Here's a map of an alternate Soviet breakup (all part of an ASB ISOT TL where this (along with several others) gets ISOTed into OTL World c. 1 September, 2014)



ISOTed into our world? Samn the west is happy!

Don't be too happy about it though.

Russia is still ruled by TTL Putin and a number of states have followed Russia in establishing a Eurasian Union (not including Ukraine). TTL Eurasian Union includes. . .


Deleted member 67076

Here's a map of an alternate Soviet breakup (all part of an ASB ISOT TL where this (along with several others) gets ISOTed into OTL World c. 1 September, 2014)


I'm kinda upset there's no former Korean SSR
I challenge both of you to do something with the breakup of NATO and/or the EU into different organizations of varying degrees of centralization. Or death zones, maybe.
Height of the Eurasian War in 1927. Tech is somewhere between WWII and the Korean War, no nukes. The Eurasians swept in to take advantage of a Franco-Roman war. They took inspiration from the Pointless War's occupation system with it's decimation of occupied populaces to break partisan efforts. The Mexica betrayed their Franco-German allies. The Danes joined the fun signing non-aggression agreements with the Eurasians and the FECK. The Romanians and Middle Eastern League teamed up with the Eurasians. China continues to roll their eyes about those foolish foreigners and all their wars.

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