List alternate PMs or Presidents

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Taft accepts appointment to the Supreme Court in 1902

1900 William McKinley * / Theodore Roosevelt [R]
1904 Theodore Roosevelt / Charles Fairbanks [R]
1908 Elihu Root / Albert Beveridge [R]
1912 Theodore Roosevelt / Hiram Johnson [R]
1916 Theodore Roosevelt / Herbert Hadley [R]
1920 Charles Evans Hughes / Calvin Coolidge [R]
1924 Charles Evans Hughes / Calvin Coolidge [R]
1928 Charles Dawes / Charles Curtis [R]
1932 Charles Dawes / Alf Landon [R]
1936 Albert Ritchie / Burton Wheeler [D]
1940 Albert Ritchie ** / Harry Truman [D]
1944 Harry Truman / James Byrnes [D]
1948 Dwight Eisenhower / Earl Warren [R]
1952 Dwight Eisenhower / Richard Nixon [R]
1956 Adlai Stevenson / John F. Kennedy [D]
1960 Adlai Stevenson / John F. Kennedy [D]
1964 Nelson Rockefeller / Gerald Ford [R]
1968 Nelson Rockefeller / Gerald Ford [R]
1972 Gerald Ford / George H. W. Bush [R]
1976 Gerald Ford / George H. W. Bush [R]
1980 John Glenn / Lloyd Bentsen [D]
1984 John Glenn / Lloyd Bentsen [D]
1988 George H. W. Bush / Arlen Specter [R]
1992 George H. W. Bush / Arlen Specter [R]
1996 Jack Kemp / Christine Todd Whitman [R]
2000 Jack Kemp / Christine Todd Whitman [R]
2004 Christine Todd Whitman / George W. Bush [R]
2008 Christine Todd Whitman / George W. Bush [R]

* Assassinated
** Died in office
Okay. Here's my Alt. List of UK PMs from 1945-2021.

Sequenced by PM tenures and Parliamentary Terms.

Red = Labour
Blue = Conservative
Gold = Liberal
Green = SDP

* = Resigned
** = Died in Office

For Coalitions Governments, parties are ranked in order of size.

1945-1949 - Clement Attlee
1949-1952 - Clement Attlee*
1952-1954 - Tony Benn
1954-1959 - Anthony Eden
1959-1962 - Anthony Eden
1962-1964 - Anthony Eden*
1964-1964 - Alec Douglas Home
1964-1969 - Alec Douglas Home
1969-1974 - Harold Wilson
1974-1979 - Iain Macleod
1979-1984 - Barbara Castle
1984-1988 - David Steel (Lib/Con)
1988-1990 - David Steel (Lib/Con)**
1990-1991 - Margaret Thatcher (Lib/Con)
1991-1995 - Margaret Thatcher (Con/Lib)
1995-1997 - Margaret Thatcher (Con/Lib)*
1997-1999 - Kenneth Clarke (Con/Lib)
1999-2003 - Kenneth Clarke (Con/Lib)
2003-2004 - Kenneth Clarke (Con/Lib)*
2004-2007 - William Hague (Con/Lib)
2007-2012 - William Hague (Con/Lib)
2012-2016 - David Milliband (Lab/SDP)
2016-2020 - David Milliband (Lab/SDP)
2020-2021 - David Milliband (Lab/SDP) - Ongoing

Parliamentary Majorities - Combined Majority for Coalition Governments.

1945 - 148
1949 - 18
1954 - 15
1959 - 75
1964 - 40
1969 - 30
1974 - 5
1979 - 8
1984 - 118
1988 - 129
1991 - 127
1995 - 73
1999 - 39
2003 - 67
2007 - 21
2012 - 80
2016 - 82
2020 - 44
Here's a list of PM's from a Scotland that won Independence in 1974.

1974: Robert McIntrye (Scottish National Party)
1978: Robert McIntrye (SNP)

1982: David Steel (Scottish Liberal Party)
1986: John Smith (Scottish Labour)
1990: John Smith (SL)
*retired 1994
1994: Donald Dewar (SL)
1998: Donald Dewar (SL)
*died 2000
2001: Jim Wallace (SLP)
2005: David McLetchie (Scottish Conservatives)
2009: Alex Salmond (Scottish People)
2013: Alex Salmond (SP)

Prime Minister de Gaulle
POD: For some reason, de Gaulle accepts the role as Prime Minister of France instead of demanding a new constitution and a Presidency

Charles de Gaulle (UNR/UDR): 1958-1970*
George Pompidou (UDR): 1970-1974*
Pierre Messmer (UDR): 1974-1979
Francois Mitterand (PS): 1979-1984
Jacques Chirac (RPR): 1984-1987^
Michelle Rocard (PS): 1987-1992
Valery Giscard d'Estaing (UDF): 1992-1997
Lionel Jospin (PS): 1997-2001^
Dominique de Villepin (RPR): 2001-2006
Nicholas Sarkozy (UMP): 2006-2009^
Martin Aubry (PS): 2009-Present^

*=Died in Office
^=Minority Government​
Heres a list I planned for my Halifax timeline, had I carried on with the Clem sequel...

Prime Ministers.
  • 1940-1945 Edward Wood, Lord Halifax(Conservative).
  • 1945-1950 Clement Attlee(Labour).
  • 1950-1954 Clement Attlee(Labour-Liberal coalition) 1
  • 1954-1959 Harold Macmillan(Conservative)
  • 1959-1960 Hugh Gaitskill(Labour) 2
  • 1960-1963 Harold Wilson(Labour)
  • 1963-1970 Denis Healey(Labour-Liberal coalition) 3
  • 1970 Edward Heath(Conservative)
  • 1970-1975 William Whitelaw(Conservative-Liberal coalition)
  • 1975-1980 David Steel(Liberal-Labour coalition) 4
  • 1980-1988 Michael Hesseltine(Conservative)
  • 1988-1992 John Smith(Labour-Green coalition)
  • 1992-1999 Chris Patten(Conservative-Liberal coalition)
  • 1999-2003 John Monks(Labour)
  • 2003-2004 John Monks(Labour-Liberal-Green coalition)
  • 2004-2008 Andrew Lansley(Conservative-PECcoalition) 5
  • 2008-present Yvette Cooper(Labour)
1. Bill passed providing for an AV/STV mix in future elections. Agreed as part of coalition deal.
2. Died in office.
3. Conservatives won most votes and seats. As a result, Wilson resigned after coalition deal arranged between Labour and Liberals. Healey won subsequent leadership election.
4. Conservatives won most votes and seats. The Liberals, despite being the smaller coalition partner managed to gain agreement from Labour that Steel would become Prime Minister.
5. Party of European Confederation, a federalist party calling for a single European State wins 20 seats and enters coalition with the Conservatives.

Leaders of the Opposition.
  • Clement Attlee(Labour) 1935-1945
  • Anthony Eden(Conservative) 1945-1951
  • Harold Macmillan(Conservative) 1951-1954
  • Ernest Bevin(Labour) 1954-1957
  • Hugh Gaitskill(Labour) 1957-1959
  • Rab Butler(Conservative) 1959-1964
  • Edward Heath(Conservative) 1964-1970
  • Barbara Castle(Labour) 1970-1975
  • Michael Hesseltine(Conservative) 1975-1980
  • Tony Benn(Labour) 1980-1985
  • John Smith(Labour) 1985-1988
  • Michael Hesseltine(Conservative) 1988-1989
  • Chris Patten(Conservative) 1989-1992
  • John Smith(Labour) 1992-1994
  • John Monks(Labour) 1994-1999
  • Michael Portillo(Conservative) 1999-2000
  • Andrew Lansley(Conservative) 2000-2004
  • Yvette Cooper(Labour) 2004-2008
  • Charles Kennedy(Liberal) 2008-present
Act of Union never happens and Scotland and England remain seperate but united under a king until 1901 when the titles of King of England and Scotland were divided among King Edward VII of England and the new King Arthur of Scotland. The first Independent Scottish elections were held in 1902 and would continue every four years. The Parliament has 150 seats and the number of seats won is indicated by the SW.

Reign of King Arthur I 1901-1942

1902: Henry Campbell-Bannerman (Scottish Liberals)
SW: 122
1906: Henry Campbell-Bannerman (SL)*Died in Office, 1908 SW: 78
1908: Robert Graham (Socialist Worker's Party) SW: 69
1912: Robert Graham (SWP) SW: 82
1916: Robert Graham (SWP) SW: 78
1920: Robert Graham (SWP) SW: 79

1924: William Adamson (SWP) SW: 94
1928: Tom Johnston (Lowland & Borders People's Alliance) SW: 96

1932: Archibald Sinclair (SL) SW: 84
1936:William Adamson (Socialist National Front) SW: 128
*died in Office,1938
1938: James Maxton (Communist Worker's Front) SW: 81*Last election during King Arthur's Reign

Reign of King Alastair I 1942-1976

1942: Alec Douglas-Home (Conservative Royalist) SW: 84
1946: Alec Douglas-Home (Conservative) SW: 114
1950: Alec Douglas-Home (C) SW: 97

1954: Jo Grimond (SL-Socialist Coalition) SW: 68(84 total)
1958: Alec Douglas-Home (C) SW:99
1962: Arthur Donaldson (SL) SW: 78
1966: Arthur Donaldson (SL) SW: 134
1970: Arthur Donaldson (SL) SW: 76
1974: David Steel (SL- Green Coalition) SW: 74 (79

Reign of King Robert IV 1976-

1978: John Smith (Socialist) SW: 137
1982: John Smith (S) SW: 111
1986: John Smith (S) SW: 98
1990: Gordon Wilson (S) SW: 76
1994: Nick Johnston (Centrist) SW: 87
1998: Alan McCombes (Socialist Alternative) SW: 84
2002: Charles Kennedy (Social Democrat) SW: 96
2006: Charles Kennedy (SD) SW: 84
2010: Liam Fox (Ce) SW: 100

ASBish I know.
JFK survives and dumps LBJ as his running mate in 1964

1961-1965: John F. Kennedy/Lyndon B. Johnson (D)
1965-1969: John F. Kennedy/Terry Sanford (D)
1969-1973: Richard Nixon/Spiro Agnew (R)
-Agnew resigned
1973-1977: Richard Nixon/Gerald Ford (R)
1977-1981: Jerry Brown/Henry "Scoop" Jackson (D)
1981-1986: Ronald Reagan/George H.W. Bush-
Reagan resigned
1986-1989: George H.W. Bush/Bob Dole
1989-1997: Mario Cuomo/Bill Clinton (D)
1997-2001: Bill Clinton/Al Gore (D)
2001-2009: John McCain/Tom Ridge (R)
2009-: Mark Warner/Bill Richardson (D)
My take on JFK survives​
List of Presidents/Vice-Presidents
John F. Kennedy/Lyndon Johnson (D): 1961-1965
John F. Kennedy/Terry Sanford (D): 1965-1969
Nelson Rockefeller/John Tower (R): 1969-1977
Robert F. Kennedy/Lloyd Bentsen (D): 1977-1985
George H.W. Bush/Bob Dole (R): 1985-1989
Mario Cuomo/William J. Clinton (D): 1989-1997
William J. Clinton/Diane Feinstein (D): 1997-2001
John McCain/Carroll Campbell (R): 2001-2005
John McCain/Lamar Alexander (R): 2005-2009
John F. Kennedy Jr./Mark Warner (D): 2009-Present
List of Defeated Tickets
Richard Nixon/Henry Cabot Lodge (R): 1960
Barry Goldwater/William Scranton (R): 1964
Terry Sanford/Hubert Humphrey (D): 1968
Hubert Humphrey/Henry Jackson (D): 1972
John Tower/Ronald Reagan (R): 1976
Ronald Reagan/Howard Baker (R): 1980
Lloyd Bentsen/Julian Bond (D): 1984
George H.W. Bush/Bob Dole (R): 1988
Jack Kemp/Paul Laxalt (R): 1992
Christine Todd Whitman/Orrin Hatch (R): 1996
William Jefferson Clinton/Diane Feinstein (D): 2000
Richard Gephardt/John F. Kennedy Jr. (D): 2004
Lamar Alexander/Tim Pawlenty (R): 2008



British Prime ministers, POD 1900

1908-1916 H.H Asquith.

1916-1921 David Lloyd George

1921-1925 H.G Wells

1925-1937 Violet Bonham Carter (first female Prime Minister and the youngest since Pitt at the age of thirty-eight, daughter of former Prime Minister H.H Asquith and grandmother of actress Helena Bonham Carter)

1937-1941 Archibald Sinclair

1941-1951 Clement Atlee

1951-1956 Winston Churchill (dies in office)

1956- David Carter

Would be interested to hear responses to this, part of an ASB timeline but I like to think that Wells, Carter and Sinclair are not entirely implausible choices and that the alternative timings work.
Asquith Mans Up!
H.H. Aisquith (LIB): 1908-1918
Andrew Bonar Law (CON): 1918-1923
George Curzon (CON): 1923-1928
Ramsay McDonald (LAB): 1928-1933
Stanley Baldwin (CON): 1933-1937
Clement Atlee (LAB): 1937-1945
Winston Churchill (CON): 1945-1951
Clement Atlee (LAB): 1951-1959
Hugh Gaitskill (LAB): 1959-1964
Alec Douglas-Home (CON): 1964-1970
Harold Wilson (LAB): 1970-1974
Ted Heath (CON): 1974-1979
David Steel (LIB): 1979-1990
Paddy Ashdown (LIB): 1990-1992
John Major (CON): 1992-1997
Gordon Brown (LAB): 1997-2005
David Cameron (CON): 2005-2010
Nick Clegg (LIB): 2010-Present

1861: Jefferson Davis / Alexander Stephens (Democrat)
1867: Robert E. Lee / Thomas S. Bocock (D)

1873: Judah P. Benjamin/ John H. Reagan (D)
1879: Albert G. Brown / Thomas S. Bocock (D)
1885: James Longstreet / Stonewall Jackson (Conservative)
1891: Clifford Anderson / Edwin Goodwin Read (Liberty)
1897: Joseph C.S. Blackburn / Irvine Bulloch
1903: John Sharp Williams/ Woodrow Wilson (L)
1909: Woodrow Wilson/ Thomas E. Watson (L)
1915: Carter Glass / J. C. W. Beckham (D)
1921: John J. Pershing / John W. Davis (D)
1927: John J. Pershing / John W. Davis (D)*
1933: Huey Long / Theodore Bilbo (L)
1939: Huey Long / Theodore Bilbo (L)
1945: Walter W. Bankhead / Harry S. Truman (D)
1951: Harry Truman / Estes Kefauver (D)
1957: James F. Byrnes/ Estes Kefauver (L)
1963: Jennings Randolph / Teófilo Borunda (L)**
1969: Harrison Stafford/Terry Sanders (Socialist)***
1975: Harrison Stafford/Terry Sanders (S)
1981: Kermit Roosevelt II/John F. Kennedy (D)
1987: Lee Harvey Oswald/John Connally (Communist Party)****
1988: General Parker Saletto (Effective dictatorship)
Ross Perot /Douglas Wilder (D)*****

1995: General Parker Saletto (Co-dictatorship with several other generals)******
1999: The Richmond Oligarchy*******
2003: Richard Vinciena********
2011: Richard Vinciena*********
2017: Richard Vinciena
2023: Matthew McConaughey / Bill Frist (Popular Party)
2026: Stephen Colbert / Andrew W. Mays (Unity Party)
2035: Britney Spears / Christina Cuellar (P)
2044: Malia Smith/ Jack Gardner (CUP) Confederate Unity Party

*Amendment to the Constitution allowed for more than one term.
**The Randolph Admin is notable having the first Non-White VP.
***Won election in unexpected landslide.
**** Immediately overthrown by Military Junta, starting the Second Confederate Civil War.
***** Saletto overthrown in 1992 by subordinates.
******Ross Perot and Douglas Wilder assassinated by Saletto-friendly coup.
*******Successor to the Co-dictatorship and Proto-Democracy, formed after Saletto's fatal heart attack.
********Elected by the Oligarchy, declared as "permanent ruler of the Confederacy", is immediately hailed as a hero, due to his youth and wealth.
*********Re-Elected unopposed in fraudulent election.
No Trudeau
Paul Hellyer (LIB): 1968-1972
Robert Stanfield (PC): 1972-1974*
John Turner (LIB): 1974-1978
Claude Wagner (PC): 1978-1979^
Brian Mulroney (PC): 1979-1982
Jean Chretien (LIB): 1982-1986
Brian Mulroney (PC): 1986-1994
Paul Martin (LIB): 1994-2004
John Manley (LIB): 2004-2006*
Stephen Harper (CON): 2006-2008*
Michael Ignatief (LIB): 2008-Present#

^=Died in Office
*=Minority Government
#=Coalition Government

Changes from OTL:
1-Pierre Trudeau is killed while visiting China in the late 1940s
2-Paul Hellyer wins the 1968 Liberal Leadership Election. His charismatic and energizing campaign fills the role of Trudeau.
3-Hellyer's government is more conservative than Trudeua's, and he is defeated in 1972 due to the economic situation in Canada
4-The Following PMs govern as you would expect
5-The situation in Quebec is simmilar, but the popular Quebec whipping boy's are Wagner (Law and Order) and Chretien (Federalist)
6-The Progressive Conservative Party never splits and instead simply changes it's name to Conservative in 2004
7-Following the Election of 2008, the Liberal Party forms a Coalition Government with the NDP and Green Parties. The Bloc Quebecois refuses to coalesce with either major party.​
There is my list:
1896: William McKinley/Garet Hobart(R)
1900: William McKinley/Theodore Roosevelt(R)

1901:Theodore Roosevelt(R)
1904:Theodore Roosevelt/Charles W.Fairbanks(R)
1908:William Howard Taft/James S.Sherman(R)
1912:William Howard Taft/Nicholas M.Butler(R)
1916:Charles Evans Hughes/Warren G.Harding(R)

1920:James M.Cox/Franklin D.Roosevelt(D)
1924:James M.Cox/Franklin D.Roosevelt(D)

1928:Herbert Hoover/Charles Curtis(R)
1932:Herbert Hoover/Charles Curtis(R)

1936:Franklin D.Roosevelt/John Nance Garner(D)
1940:Franklin D.Roosevelt/John Nance Garner(D)

1944:Thomas Dewey/John W.Bricker(R)
1948:Thomas Dewey/John W.Bricker(R)

1952:Adlai Stevenson/John Sparkman(D)
1956:Adlai Stevenson/John Sparkman(D)

1960:Richard M.Nixon/Nelson Rockfeller(R)
1964:Richard M.Nixon/Nelson Rockfeller(R)
1968:Ronald Reagan/George H.W.Bush(R)
1972:Ronald Reagan/George H.W.Bush(R)

1976:Jimmy Carter/Walter Mondale(D)
1980:Jimmy Carter/Walter Mondale(D)
1984:Walter Mondale/Geraldine Ferraro(D)

1988:George H.W.Bush/Dan Quayle(R)
1992:George H.W.Bush/Dan Quayle(R)
1996:Bob Dole/Jack Kemp(R)

2000:Al Gore/Joe Lieberman(D)
2004:Al Gore/Joe Lieberman(D)

2008:Ron Paul/Sarah Palin(R)
Any suggestions?
There is my list:
1896: William McKinley/Garet Hobart(R)
1900: William McKinley/Theodore Roosevelt(R)

1901:Theodore Roosevelt(R)
1904:Theodore Roosevelt/Charles W.Fairbanks(R)
1908:William Howard Taft/James S.Sherman(R)
1912:William Howard Taft/Nicholas M.Butler(R)
1916:Charles Evans Hughes/Warren G.Harding(R)

1920:James M.Cox/Franklin D.Roosevelt(D)
1924:James M.Cox/Franklin D.Roosevelt(D)

1928:Herbert Hoover/Charles Curtis(R)
1932:Herbert Hoover/Charles Curtis(R)

1936:Franklin D.Roosevelt/John Nance Garner(D)
1940:Franklin D.Roosevelt/John Nance Garner(D)

1944:Thomas Dewey/John W.Bricker(R)
1948:Thomas Dewey/John W.Bricker(R)

1952:Adlai Stevenson/John Sparkman(D)
1956:Adlai Stevenson/John Sparkman(D)

1960:Richard M.Nixon/Nelson Rockfeller(R)
1964:Richard M.Nixon/Nelson Rockfeller(R)
1968:Ronald Reagan/George H.W.Bush(R)
1972:Ronald Reagan/George H.W.Bush(R)

1976:Jimmy Carter/Walter Mondale(D)
1980:Jimmy Carter/Walter Mondale(D)
1984:Walter Mondale/Geraldine Ferraro(D)

1988:George H.W.Bush/Dan Quayle(R)
1992:George H.W.Bush/Dan Quayle(R)
1996:Bob Dole/Jack Kemp(R)

2000:Al Gore/Joe Lieberman(D)
2004:Al Gore/Joe Lieberman(D)

2008:Ron Paul/Sarah Palin(R)
Any suggestions?

I'm only curious as to why, after 8 years of Al Gore, Ron Paul gets the GOP nomination and has Sarah Palin as his running mate? All the other elected tickets seem plausible, but this one just smacks of ASB.

23. Benjamin Harrison/Whitelaw Reid 1889-1897 (R)
24. William Jennings Bryan/Richard Bland 1897-1901 (D)
25. Thomas Reed/Mark Hanna 1901-1902 (R) !
26. Mark Hanna 1902-1904 (R) !
27. Joseph Cannon 1904-1905 (R) *
28. William Jennings Bryan/Theodore Roosevelt 1905-1913 (C)
29. Theodore Roosevelt/Benjamin Shively 1913-1917 (C) X
29. Theodore Roosevelt 1917-1919 (C) !
30. Fredrick Gillett 1919-1921 (R)
30. Fredrick Gillett/Charles Evan Hughes 1921-1929 (PR)
31. Charles Evan Hughes/Franklin Delano Roosevelt (PR) 1929-1933
32. Franklin Delano Roosevelt/Al Smith (PR) 1933-1937
33. Huey Long/Charles Coughlin (D) 1937-1940 !!
34. Charles Coughlin/Charles Lindbergh (D) 1940-1942 !!!
35. Sam Rayburn (D) 1942-1945
36. Alf Landon/Henry Wallace (PR) 1945-1949
37. George Patton/Robert Taft (F) 1949-1953
38. Dwight D. Eisenhower/Joseph Kennedy (NC) 1953-1961
39. Joseph Kennedy/Nelson Rockefeller (NC) 1961-1964 !
40. Nelson Rockefeller (NC) 1964-1965
41. Richard Nixon/Joe McCarthy (F) 1965-1970 !!
42. Joe McCarthy (F) 1970-1973
43. John F. Kennedy/John Lindsay (NC) 1973-1981
44. Robert Kennedy/John Anderson (NC) 1981-1983 !!
45. John Anderson (NC) 1983-1985
46. Tedd Kennedy/Jerry Brown (NC) 1985-1993
47. Jerry Brown/Mario Cuomo (NC) 1993-2001
48. Ross Perot/George W. Bush (RF) 2001-2009
49. Dennis Kucinich/Bernie Sanders (NC) 2009-Present

R= Republican
D= Democrat, during the period between 1900-1936 had almost no northern support.
C= Coalition, Initially formed when Bryan teams up with noted progressive Republican Roosevelt in 1904 against unpopular Republican nominee and current president Joseph Cannon.
NC= New Coalition, formed by Eisenhower and popular Democrat Joseph P. Kennedy to stop what they saw as the dictorial tendencies of Patton.

PR= Progressive Republican, formed in 1920 by Gillett in an attempt to keep the coalition support group behind him without dealing with the Democrats.
RF= Reform, founded in 1992 by Ross Perot as a center-right party opposed to the more and more left-wing New Coalition and with the Freedom Party essentially extinct.
!= Died in Office
!!= Assassinated
!!!= President and VP assassinated simultaneously (plane bombed)
X= VP dies in office
*= Interim President, elected by congress during the presidential crisis of 1904. Following the crisis congress passed the 16th amendment naming the top 5 in line for the presidency, 1. President, 2. VP, 3. Speaker of the House, 4. President Pro Temp, 5. Senate Majority Leader.
I'm only curious as to why, after 8 years of Al Gore, Ron Paul gets the GOP nomination and has Sarah Palin as his running mate? All the other elected tickets seem plausible, but this one just smacks of ASB.

1.ASB got their own positions on a balanced ticket.
2.You really don't like Magneto/Poison Ivy GOP ticket?!
UK 1945-2010

1945: Clement Atlee (Labour)
1950: Clement Atlee (L)
1951: Clement Atlee (L)

1955: Clement Atlee (L)
1959: Hugh Gaitskell (L)
1964: Alec Douglas-Home (Conservative)
1966: Edward Heath (C)
1970: Enoch Powell (Nationalist Unionist)
Feb 1974: Enoch Powell (NU)
Oct 1974: Tony Benn (Labour Socialist)
1979: Tony Benn (LS)
1983: Michael Foot (LS)
1987: Roy Jenkins (Social Democrat)
1992: Arthur Scargill (Worker's Socialist)
1997: Paddy Ashdown (SD)
2001: Paddy Ashdown (SD)
2005: Roger Knapman (National Conservative)
2010: Diane Abott (SD)
Yet another one from me:

1979 - 1981 Margaret Thatcher (Conservative)*

1981 - 1987 William Whitelaw (Conservative)
1987 - 1991 Neal Kinnock (Labour - SDP coalition)**

1991 - 1992 John Major (Conservative minority)**
1992 - 1994 John Smith (Labour - SDP coalition)*
1994 - 1997 Margaret Beckett (Labour - SDP coalition)

1997 - 2001 William Hague (Conservative)

2001 - 2006 Tony Blair (Labour - SDP - Green coalition)

2006 - 2010 Simon Hughes (SDP - Labour - Green coalition)

2010 - 2014 David Cameron (Conservative - DUP coalition)

2014 - 2019 Caroline Flint (Labour - Green - SDP coalition)

2019 - 2024 Caroline Lucas (Green - Labour - Lib Dem coalition)

2024 - 2029 Chloe Smith (New Conservative - UKIP coalition)

* Died in office
** lost a vote of no confidence

Election years: 1979, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2001, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2019, 2024

Ok, I got a bit silly at the end lol.
1.ASB got their own positions on a balanced ticket.
2.You really don't like Magneto/Poison Ivy GOP ticket?!

Well, considering that I'm a liberal, not really :p. But really, it kinda does seem a little ASB since Ron Paul's libertarianism doesn't really fit in well with the post-Reagan (i.e. socially & economically conservative) Republican Party and Palin was only chosen by McCain in OTL as a way to shore up his support with the religious right as well as to get a desperately-needed boost for the campaign.
35: Richard Nixon/Henry Cabot Lodge (R): 1961-1965
36: Joseph P. Kennedy/George Smathers (D): 1965-1973
37: Henry "Scoop" Jackson/Hubert Humphrey (D): 1973-1977
38: Ronald Reagan/George Bush (R): 1977-1981
39: Robert Kennedy/Lloyd Bentsen (D): 1981-1989
40: George Bush/Jack Kemp (R): 1989-1993
41: Joe Biden/Doug Wilder (D): 1993-2001
42: John McCain/Christine Todd Whitman (R): 2001-2009
43: Jesse Jackson Jr./Joseph P. Kennedy Jr.: 2009-Present
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