Land Of Confusion: The Wild Ride of the 2012 IRNA Presidential Election

I guess it shows you just how bad relations have been between the IRNA and the rest of North America in the past, when a pro baseball team has to go all the way to Australia just to find a decent place for spring training... :eek: (Particularly considering that at that time of year, it's winter down there...)

Not true. It would be late summer; the seasons are reversed in the Southern Hemisphere.
Confessions of an IRNA Blogger

I am a Galtist and a follower of Jesus Christ. I know to some that this seems to be a walking contradiction. However I don't completely think so. In fact it was God who gave us the greatest guide in effective self governance. The Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount.Congressman Dr. Ron Paul (GL-PA) in a debate articulated why Rumsfeld needs to be extradited for his crimes. What was his reasoning overall? There was gross violation of those first principals of liberty.*

Don't think I've not informed myself concerning the policies and political histories of the other republics in North America "Free" or otherwise. I have many friends in the GUPR and aided some in their works of justice and compassion. I personally would've supported the PAP this last election but I hope Wellstone is a capable and fine leader in Plainesian tradition. But one word of advise. Be wise and cautious about some of the progress you are trying to influence.*

California is a haven for those for whom the advancement of science and technology that is the envy of the world. Not that my Indiana isn't a leader in that but ours is more of the kind that allows the world move faster and more efficiently people and goods. They have a great church congragation up there who have risked life and personal freedom to plant churches all over the world. Even in the very heart of the Confederacy they can be found. People of all races coming together often at great risk like my IHOP friends worshipping Jesus and serving people not on the terms of state control but on a very Galtist and Christian idea of voluntarism. I declare this day the Gate City of the South will fall to the King of Freedom.

Yes there is a lot wrong with regards to how minorities are treated in Dixie. Their law is so evil I would be denied citizenship due to my Cherokee blood. Which is mingled with that of Scottish royality and that of Hessians and Bavarians who fled Europe to seek freedom from landed aristocracy. There are many like me in your own country like this. My own pastor's family came to the IRNA as refugees seeking a better life and economic freedom. While I have much I can criticize the CSA I also have to praise some within their halls of power. There are those who believe like I that God sees us all equally regardless of race, gender, political idealogy, and religion. To those reformers I say keep the faith. Your nation will be free of this taint of apartheid. If there is a Nelson Mandela its certifiable there is an DeClerk. If Newton Gingrich is DeClerk then the 18 movement could be a Mandela of sorts.*If the hardliners like Duke keep running the show then I hold little hope at a peaceful reform. I see them and their Soviet allies pulling something which will engulf all of North America.
BREAKING NEWS -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez dies of cancer.

Hugo Chavez, the President of our Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has died of cancer while receiving treatment in a hospital in Cuba. He was 58.

Preisdente Chavez had postponed election scheduled for August due to the military situation with Columbia.

The nation is currently under the command of a joint armed forces-cabinet governing council. The attorney general of the nation is currently meeting with judicial advisors over the Constitutional guidelines for succession.

We urge all Venezuelans to remain calm and remain prayerful for the family of our departed President and true Bolivarian compañero. Vaya con Dios, Presidente Hugo Chavez.

Hugo Chavez Muerte.jpg


Presidente Chavez succumbed after a two-year battle of with cancer. Few knew of Chavez's health until the last 6 months when Chavez shuttled between Caracas and Havana for treatments.

In a statement from Palacio Fidel, President Rubio hailed Presidente Chavez as "A Visionary leader for Latin America who made our part of the world stand a little taller and made our part of the world a lot better..."

-- opposition click --

VENEVISION: "Venezuela can know breate freely for the first time in over 15 years as the bonds of the dictator Chavez have been...

-- Willem and Fatima click ---

WILLEM BONNER: Hugo Chavez, rebel, insurgent, became President, dead

FATIMA BERNANDES: Visionary, Legendary, Controversial...Brazillian President Lula says, "You won't find his like again."

WILLEM BONNER: Meanwhile, a search for a successor begins...

FATIMA BERNANDES: "And opposition forces stake their claim."

WILLEM BONNER: Reaction from around the world.

FATIMA BERNANDES: And Brazil ponders what its role in Latin America..

WILLEM BONNER: That and more to come on Jornal

--- 700 CLUB CLICK ---

PAT ROBERTSON: Now that an enemy of the Confederate States is gone, we need to plant a good friend in that government who realizes that the Confederate way work for all. Now we have a hope to plant another Godly seed in the Godless non-white world.

--- Rachel Maddow click --

JOE KENNEDY: "Many, even in Free North America don't grasp what Hugo Chavez has meant to Free North America...and its more than just low cost oil to poor people...Its also been about standing in the gap against Confederate aggression as well....and...

--- Peter Mansbridge click --

PETER MANSBRIDGE: "The Venezuelan Ah--position is moving fast to get elections back in track even mere hours after the death was announced. Henrique Capriles, a prominent state governor and opposition leader, called for Venezuelan unity in mourning but also implored the emergency governing council to hold the elections Chavez said would occur in August before the incurson by Columbian troops.

If nothing else Hugo Chavez was a different type of leader...With more on this different type of leader...Here's Rex Murphy..."

Hugo Chavez Muerte.jpg
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Wasn't Chavez a ruthless dictator who had a rather negative record regarding civil rights or is much less left-authoritarian than iotl?
Hugo is about the same as he is in the IOTL, The major difference is that the news organizations outside of Venezuela have a much more balanced view of the man and his government than IOTL. Now the Lone Star Texans are aren't fans of him, but will work with his government on common goals.

The Confederates are not fans of him, and the CSS has tried to kill him.

In many ways ITTL, Chavez has taken more cues from the Cuban and Brazillian way of doing things.

And yes, he still had his own Television show.

Venezuela will be interesting in the weeks and months ahead. How the succession and a possible election will be handled..

And there is the matter of the Venezuelan opposition..Some rather prominent opposition figures are owned by Atlanta. Capriles is NOT one of them, but there are people in his circle who are.
So he at least has amacible relations with the Rubio government? That's good. Hopefully we in the IRNA could in time.

The IRNA under Biden has had a best relations with Cuba since Rockefeller.

Rubio and Chavez are allies. They have their policy difference, but they also have a common enemy...Atlanta.
Hugo Returns Home --- Thursday March 7, 2013

El pueblo unido jamás será vencido,
el pueblo unido jamás será vencido...

"CNN reporting with a live picture from Caracas International Airport. A Cuban Air Force transport plane is delivering the body of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who died Tuesday in a hospital in Havana of heart failure. His body will lie in state through the weekend. His funeral is scheduled for Monday."

De pie, cantar
que vamos a triunfar.
Avanzan ya
banderas de unidad.

"Vice President Rodham Riley will our representative. She's leaving tomorrow. Josh, I want you talking to Capriles' people. Feel them out if there's an election that's the horse we might back."

"Sir, the Cubans may not be very happy about that."

"I'm going to see if we can work through Powell or King. A moderate is a better deal for everybody concerned."

Y tú vendrás
marchando junto a mí
y así verás
tu canto y tu bandera florecer,
la luz
de un rojo amanecer
anuncia ya
la vida que vendrá.

"Damn shame about Hugo. I had difference with the man, but Chavez was a good partner for Latin America. I've learned a lot from him."

"Marco, what about this new guy?"

"Maduro? Dios Mio. No! Imagine a Hugo with much less polish and political instinct. No! We need someone who can be groomed to be a balance. We cannot retreat back from the Bolivarians. That would just enflame the people and the people are on our side. Not to mention Lula, Diego and Bachelet."

"President Rubio, I have a concern about the Americans,"

"King, I don't blame you. Don't be surprised if you get a call from Joe Biden about that dang Capriles. He's decent guy, much like Lula, but to many people around him are owned by Atlanta. We cannot allow Gingrich, Duke and Graham ANY more access than they already have with the mentirosas in Colombia."

De pie, luchar
el pueblo va a triunfar.
Será mejor
la vida que vendrá
a conquistar
nuestra felicidad
y en un clamor
mil voces de combate se alzarán
canción de libertad
con decisión
la patria vencerá.

"You need to start pressing the advantage now. We may have a vote in 30-60 days."

"Not now. We must let the Chavistas have their time. We have plenty of time to fight the election. Right now, all opposition needs to back off."

"Some of the other won't. I hear rumors that Mr. Castell is here."

"I want nothing to do with that man, and I want no one who is with our effort to have anything to do with him either."

"He is influencial."

"He is a Confederate! The last thing we need is the Socialists saying we are supporting racial hegemony here."

"The bastard dictator gave them bread and bricks, that's the only reason why they voted for him."

"Forgive me my wife Mr. Castell, but she has a point. It is time for a reemergence of true law and order, but I question how much support you can give. Your own boss is under serious attack right now."

"Sir, I can tell you right now, after you win, you will be dealing with Newton Gingrich and he supports you 100%, and he will be there."

"That would be welcome for both sides. We could build a true alliance with Columbia, and Guyana and bolster a right Godly order here in South America against the socialists like Lula, that egoist in Buenos Aires and those...Injuns in the Bolivia and Peru."

"That is why I am here, amigo."

"A sad day for our revoution."
"Yes, but the revolution was not of one man, Nicolas. Remember that."

"Yes, companero. So much to do, especially after the funeral. We may have to contest and election and the opposition forces are already circling."

"You knew it would be coming, Nicolas."

"I'm going to need your help on this one, especially with you relationship with the Texans."

"I'll do what I can, but Condoleezza never supported Hugo, I doubt she'll support us."

"She doesn't need to support me, she just needs to make sure Texas stays neutral."

"There may be another way, Nicolas. Don't forget the title I hold, amigo mio. I think you can take a bold step that Hugo couldn't...Bring Caracas and Austin closer. I see nothing wrong with a positive convergence of worlds...In fact the wheels are in motion."

"How so."

"Say the word, and I can get you an audience with Rice-Hill and Calderon."

"Not even you could get the Texan President here."

"I don't need to Nicky. She'll come.
Condoleezza's position in our sphere demands her presence now."

"Chavez is dead, Praise God."

"Hopefully they'll put in somebody who knows Jesus and understands their place."

"Or we may just have to go there and show it to 'em..."

"Between them, Columbia and Guyana, we can have a real base. What the old timers dreamed about."

"The proletariat have lost a friend, and the cissies and the government may have added a battleground."

Y ahora el pueblo
que se alza en la lucha
con voz de gigante
gritando: ¡adelante!

El pueblo unido jamás será vencido,
el pueblo unido jamás será vencido...
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The Road to the Final Four starts here...

2011-2012 College Basketball National Champions
IRNA/Commonwealth Big Ten National Alliance
Men: Michigan State University Spartans
Women: University of Connecticut Huskies

Men and Women: March 8-10, Albany, N.Y., early rounds; March 16, championships, host highest remaining seed

Men: March 14-17 at Barclays Center, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Women: March 8-10 at Philadelphia (ealry rounds), March 16 at Barclays Center, Brooklyn, N.Y. (final)

Men: March 12-16, Madison Square Garden, New York
Women: March 8-12, XL Center, Hartford, Conn.

Men: March 14-17, United Center, Chicago
Women: March 7-10, Sears Centre, Hoffman Estates, Ill.

Men and WOmen: March 5-10 at University of the Sciences

Men and Women: March 5-10 at campus sites

Men and Women: March 5-10 at Bridgeport, Conn.

Men and Women: March 5-10 at Ashland, Ohio

Men: March 5-10 at campus sites
Women: March 11-17 at campus sites

Men and WOmen: No conference tournament, regular season champions receive league's automatic bids to the Alliance Tournament

Men and Women: March 11-16, first round campus sites, later rounds at Baltimore, Md.

Men and Women: March 7-11, Springfield, Mass.

Men and Women: March 9, 11 (campus sites), March 13-16 (Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland, Ohio)

Men: March 6, 9, 12 (campus sites)
Women: March 10, 13, 17 (campus sites)

Men and Women: March 9 (campus sites), March 15-17 (Evansville, Ind.)

Men and Women: March 6,7, 9, 11, 13, 16 at campus sites

Men and Women: March 5, 8, 9 at campus sites)

Men and Women: March 9-12, Indianapolis

Men and Women: March 4-9 at Charleston, W.Va.

Men's Alliance Tournament
Tuesday, March 19/Wednesday, March 20 - Play-in games, Dayton, Ohio

First Round/Second Round
Thursday, March 21/Saturday March 23: Palace of Auburn Hills, Auburn Hills, Michigan, IRNA; TD Waterhouse Centre, Boston, Mass., UCNE
Friday, March 22/Sunday March 24: University of Dayton Arena, Dayton, Ohio, IRNA; Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, IRNA

Regional Championships
Saturday, March 30: Verizon Center, Washington, D.C., IRNA
Sunday, March 31: United Center, Chicago, Illinois, IRNA

FINAL FOUR at Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis, Indiana, IRNA
Saturday, April 6
Monday, April 8

Women's Alliance Tournament
First Round/Second Round
Saturday, March 23/Monday March 25 - Comcast Center, College Park, Maryland, IRNA; Carneseccca Arena, Queens, New York, IRNA
Sunday, March 24/Tuesday March 26 - Gampel Pavillion, Storrs, Connecticut, UCNE; Bob Carpenter Arena, Newark, Delaware, IRNA

Regional Championships
Monday April 1: Webster Bank Arena at Harbor Yard, Bridgeport, Connecticut, UCNE
Tuesday April 2: St. John Arena, Columbus, Ohio, IRNA

FINAL FOUR at Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis
Sunday April 7, Semfinals
Tuesday April 9, Championship
16 men's and 16 women's teams
First Round at campus sites
Monday, March 25 and Tuesday March 26
Quarterfinals at campus sites
Wednesday March 27 and Thursday March 28
At Madison Square Garden, New York, IRNA
Men's and women's semifinals
Tuesday April 2
Championship games
Thursday April 4
BrianD, Nice Job on the College Basketball Tournament for the IRNA, Now as Chipperback needs to do GPCAA Tournament, Let's Check at Some Other Tournaments taking place elsewhere for Men's Basketball

BIG SKY: March 14-16 (Various Sites)
BIG WEST: March 14-16 (Honda Center - Anaheim, RGC)
MOUNTAIN WEST: March 12-16 (Thomas & Mack Center - Las Vegas, NFS)
PAC-12: March 13-16 (MGM Grand Garden Arena - Paradise, NFS)
SOUTHLAND: March 13-16 (Leonard E. Merrell Center - Katy, LSR)
SWAC: March 13-16 (Curtis Culwell Center - Garland, LSR)
WEST COAST: March 6-11 (Orleans Arena - Paradise, NFS)
WAC: March 12-16 (Orleans Arena - Paradise, NFS)

(Disclaimer: All teams are Subject to confirmation or clarification by the author of the thread)
(Disclaimer: All teams are Subject to confirmation or clarification by the author of the thread)

"PM me first before you try to post anything" -- what part of that don't you get?
(Disclaimer: All teams are Subject to confirmation or clarification by the author of the thread)

"PM me first before you try to post anything" -- what part of that don't you get?

Well College Basketball Season is Coming, However I'm Trying to Post the Tournaments taking place elsewhere besides the IRNA, GPUR and CSA ITTL, But I'm Planning to add more College Basketball Tournaments taking place outside the IRNA, GPUR and CSA ITTL, Because I Did PM'd It.


Monthly Donor
Well College Basketball Season is Coming, However I'm Trying to Post the Tournaments taking place elsewhere besides the IRNA, GPUR and CSA ITTL, But I'm Planning to add more College Basketball Tournaments taking place outside the IRNA, GPUR and CSA ITTL, Because I Did PM'd It.
Should have listened to BKW. He is wise in these things.

Maybe this will work.

Kicked for a week.
OBC's The National -- Thursday March 14, 2013

I'm Peter Mansbridge...and this is The National...

--- Anti-government guerilla forces ambushed and killed workers for a Confederate relief organization, but opposition forces accuse the workers of brokering arms deals for the Santos government.

--- In Venezuela... Life after Chavez, and opposition leaders clamoring for elections now.

--- Ottawa is gearing up for a budget battle. Prime Minister Layton readies for a duel with the Tories.

--- and Ontario racing great Ron Fellows prepares for his biggest challenge, as his Formula 1 team prepares for it's very first race.


Ontario Security Intelligence Service --- Ottawa, Ontario -- 9:00pm March 14, 2013

"Is that report right," CIA Analyst Charlie Bumworthy asked the Director the OSIS. "Where the hell did OBC get that from?"

Richard Fadden, OSIS director was stolid. "It's the OBC. They always seem to find an extra nugget of information. But our people in Colombia have checked it out. Not surprised. They have CSS everywhere in Colombia, Venezuela, even as far south as Argentina."

"The Rebs are making a push to get another brick in South America," Bumworthy said. "Could they?"

"They are going to make a try," Fadden responded. "The question is what horse will they back? They have more than one."


"Maybe. He has some people with Confederate ties around him, but he himself is Anti-Atlanta. He just doesn't see eye-to-eye with the socialists."

Fadden grimaced. "The problem with FARC is they are wildcards and the only person they'd answer to outside of their direct command structure is dead."

"So what do I tell my boss?"

"The facts Charlie," Fadden said. "If they want to be in this game in Venezuela, you better pick a horse and soon."

The national senate office of Martin Luther King III -- Havana, Cuba -- same time

"It was FARC, not our people," King said to John Lewis on the other end of the SecSkype.

"Still, Atlanta's going to make hay out of this," Lewis mused. "Three women dead in Colombia. And tonight at that damn debate they all railed on it."

"I watched a little bit of it," King said, "But I was more interested on what your people were going to do.."

Lewis smiled "We did our job this morning. Pushed the elections back two weeks and had Scientific Atlanta chasing their tails...Right now, it's Comrade Dees' game, and his kids are playing it..I'll tell you that."

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