Help Designing a Flag for New York

How about this:

The Anchor Azure works well as a reference to the maritime history of New York, whilst also being a very convenient reference to the symbol on the arms granted to the second son of the monarch of the United Kingdom, who is traditionally given the title the Duke of York, after which the city and state is named.

We're not equal to you upstaters... we're much, much better. (Joking, which part of upstate NY are you from?)

I'm from 'round Albany. Little town called New Baltimore, right on the shores of the river.

We're bigger than you. Your city smells of soup, and your population resembles New Jersey. A pox on you.

That's because Long Islanders are silly people.

Upstate consists of once you get past the narrow 'wienie' of the state around the New York City area, and into the wide area. That's my opinion. It's much easier to divided between Western New York and the rest, though.
This man speaks the truth.
As a Long Islander...uh, no we're not.

On the actual topic, I sort of like the idea of an orange and blue flag. And it's not just because I'm a Mets fan. It's the sort of early-20th century visual offense that I can see happening, sort of "This is our flag, what are you going to do about it?!"