Explain the AH Quote

Henry VIII, in the immediate aftermath of The King's Great Confusion, apparently having forgotten that he personally wrote up the Writ of Attainder himself...

It's good to be the King!
"You are going to destroy the greatest empire in history!"
"Yes, to create an even greater Federation."
Quote from a conversation between Constantine the 9th and Alexos Pavlović, a Greco-Serbian revolutionary who would lead the wars of Byzantine Federalization. This conflcit would see the overthrow of the old Byzantine Empire and its conversion into the Federation of the Balkans.

"How dare you speak of our leader in such a manner. He is a man who lead our nation from the brink of destruction by foreign devils and transformed it into the greatest empire in the history of the world! Who do you think you are acting as if you have any right condemning his actions."
Quote from a conversation between Constantine the 9th and Alexos Pavlović, a Greco-Serbian revolutionary who would lead the wars of Byzantine Federalization. This conflcit would see the overthrow of the old Byzantine Empire and its conversion into the Federation of the Balkans.

"How dare you speak of our leader in such a manner. He is a man who lead our nation from the brink of destruction by foreign devils and transformed it into the greatest empire in the history of the world! Who do you think you are acting as if you have any right condemning his actions."

Quote from a DPRK media influencer in response to an American dignitary criticizing the superpower Korea's presence in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, and Okinawa.

"The worst thing to happen to this country was irony."
"The worst thing to happen to this country was irony."
The alleged last words of Michael Thompson, the final president of the United States, spoken moments before a firing squad comprised of his own revolutionaries shot him for supposed ideological treason.

"Listen: I'm tired, I'm cranky, and I good have reason to believe my wife is a vampire. Can you make this quick, please?"
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The alleged last words of Michael Thompson, the final president of the United States, spoken moments before a firing squad comprised of his own revolutionaries shot him for supposed ideological treason.

"Listen: I'm tired, I'm cranky, and I good have reason to believe my wife is a vampire. Can you make this quick, please?"
This memorable phrase was held by the Holy Emperor Francis I. He was convinced that his wife, Maria Theresa of Austria had become a vampire. This event corresponds to the "Great Vampire Epidemic" between 1727 and 1761. This epidemic would have started in Austrian Serbia where more and more villages would have succumbed to panic and destruction in the face of dead inhabitants returning in the form of vampires. For 34 years this pandemic of paranoia spread throughout the Balkans, reaching Ottoman Greece in the south, the Russian Ukraine and Poland in the north and the Hungary and Austria of the Habsburgs in the west. The most significant event will be the burning of Buda and Pest by its own inhabitants and the defenestration of the Holy Roman Emperor Francis I after he was refused to burn his wife.
The paranoid waves of vampires partly reached Paris and London and even North America and European trading posts in Africa and India. Louis XV in France launched a Great Purification by offering his Kingdom to the Virgin and thus saving his crown. The last waves of vampires began to recede after 1749 and the last traces of vampires will last until the 19th century in Transylvania.
It is still today impossible to explain the Great Vampire Epidemic, for many it could be explained by a contamination of crops with ergo of rye, but this does not explain its expansion all over Europe and the World. Others see in it the existence of real vampires who would have really attacked the Balkan populations of the time.
The impact of the Great Vampire Epidemic will be cataclysmic, it will annihilate the Habsburg Empire and the Ottoman Empire and will provoke the Renaissance of the Inquisition all over Europe.

"When the bullet passes through your skull, is it important to know why?"
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"When the bullet passes through your skull, is it important to know why?"
Common question in late nineteenth and early twentieth-century Fatalist rhetoric, designed to convince the huddled, downtrodden masses that the reason for their demise was immaterial in the face of dying for "the Greater Good." This "Greater Good" was either heavily implied or outright stated to be "God's Design" or "Plan." Those canny enough to see through this would often heckle the Fatalist proselytizer with words along the line of, "Well, yeah, if I somehow make it, I'd rather like to beat the ass of whoever shot me!" Of course, it was soon revealed that the entire movement was a tool of the rich to kill off the undesirable lower-class populations while retaining the best workers. This revelation would pave the way for a litany of revolutions in the 1940s.

(I might take this idea and run with it. It screams short story potential.)

"Ladies, gentlemen, and assorted eunuchs, thank you for coming. I've just received word from the very top, and... it's official. Only our sanity can cleanse this sinful world, by fire and by thunder! Gather your tools; we leave at once! May the Nine Divinities lead us to victory!"
"Ladies, gentlemen, and assorted eunuchs, thank you for coming. I've just received word from the very top, and... it's official. Only our sanity can cleanse this sinful world, by fire and by thunder! Gather your tools; we leave at once! May the Nine Divinities lead us to victory!"

This famous quote was stated by Senustret I, during the beginning of 2 additional aggressive but failed expeditions to the Nubian lands first started by his father and predecessor, Amenemhat I. He deemed the lands of Nubia as "places of sin" and wanted to cleanse it via "thunder and fire" or by force. He calls upon the Ennead, the 9 deities led by the Egyptian god Atum. Senustret I would later be executed due to his failure in the Nubian expeditions and as a "failure to the eyes of the gods."

"May your Rule be more peaceful and much successful than mine. I tell you, sir: I'm a failure and disgrace to this nation."
This famous quote was stated by Senustret I, during the beginning of 2 additional aggressive but failed expeditions to the Nubian lands first started by his father and predecessor, Amenemhat I. He deemed the lands of Nubia as "places of sin" and wanted to cleanse it via "thunder and fire" or by force. He calls upon the Ennead, the 9 deities led by the Egyptian god Atum. Senustret I would later be executed due to his failure in the Nubian expeditions and as a "failure to the eyes of the gods."

"May your Rule be more peaceful and much successful than mine. I tell you, sir: I'm a failure and disgrace to this nation."
Tsar Nicholas II to Alexander Kerensky following the February Revolution. The Tsar's self-deprecating comments on himself may have played a part on his survival in the October Revolution, as he was exiled into Siberia. The Russian Empire in exile was eventually set up in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, controlling the former Kamchatka Oblast and the Sakhalin.

"To those who are voting to remove me from office, remember this: No Prime Minister has ever managed to reduce crime rates like me."

"Blair, you introduced the concept of subhumans in the Council of Europe! In the 21st century!"

"On bullies, terrorists, rapists, serial murderers, and bankruptcy-inducing scammers. The people of Britain, and of the Council of Europe, even among the candidate states of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kosovo, they all supported this policy, and I will never apologize for this act. Reverse this policy, however draconian it appears to you, and I will assure you that crime rates will rise again."
"To those who are voting to remove me from office, remember this: No Prime Minister has ever managed to reduce crime rates like me."

"Blair, you introduced the concept of subhumans in the Council of Europe! In the 21st century!"

"On bullies, terrorists, rapists, serial murderers, and bankruptcy-inducing scammers. The people of Britain, and of the Council of Europe, even among the candidate states of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kosovo, they all supported this policy, and I will never apologize for this act. Reverse this policy, however draconian it appears to you, and I will assure you that crime rates will rise again."
A discussion between Prime Minister Charles Blair and the Leader of the Opposition Angela Rayner. Blair became famous for his programs of reductions of rights for convicted criminals, often giving them the choice between labor in state owned factories or military service. Supported by the so-called neo-conservative movement in the Council of Europe, Blair was eventually removed from power by a coalition of Labor, a revived Liberal Party, and defecting conservatives that formed the new Traditional Democratic Party.

Contrary to his expression, crime actually went down in the long term as the government instituted policies similar to the Scandinavian nations, focusing on rehabilitation and job creation.

"The United Empire of Japan and Northern Taiwan, in a historic moment, has officially ceded the city of Felicitas Julia (OOC: OTL Lisbon) to the People's Republic of Rome. More on that at 7..."
A discussion between Prime Minister Charles Blair and the Leader of the Opposition Angela Rayner. Blair became famous for his programs of reductions of rights for convicted criminals, often giving them the choice between labor in state owned factories or military service. Supported by the so-called neo-conservative movement in the Council of Europe, Blair was eventually removed from power by a coalition of Labor, a revived Liberal Party, and defecting conservatives that formed the new Traditional Democratic Party.

Contrary to his expression, crime actually went down in the long term as the government instituted policies similar to the Scandinavian nations, focusing on rehabilitation and job creation.

"The United Empire of Japan and Northern Taiwan, in a historic moment, has officially ceded the city of Felicitas Julia (OOC: OTL Lisbon) to the People's Republic of Rome. More on that at 7..."
A newscaster on the transfer of the Lisbon concession to the People's Republic of Rome, in exchange for Rome's return of Southern Taiwan. The Portuguese government in exile contested this decision.

"We, as socialists, must stand united, rather than being splintered off by nationalism. It is all too tempting to split into different nations, but if the revolution is to be defended, the lands of former Austria-Hungary must be kept together."
"We, as socialists, must stand united, rather than being splintered off by nationalism. It is all too tempting to split into different nations, but if the revolution is to be defended, the lands of former Austria-Hungary must be kept together."
Bert Dollfuss speaking during a cabinet meeting in 1924 on the subject of the Styrian Republic's people.

"The best thing about being deaf is that I don't have to hear how stupid you people are. The worst thing is that i'm stuck with having to stare at your ugly faces to properly communicate."
Bert Dollfuss speaking during a cabinet meeting in 1924 on the subject of the Styrian Republic's people.

"The best thing about being deaf is that I don't have to hear how stupid you people are. The worst thing is that i'm stuck with having to stare at your ugly faces to properly communicate."

A statement by Prime Minister Tony McGregor to his Cabinet after hearing negative feedback and doubtful comments on the new lockdown policies that he wants to enforce across the entirety of Great Britain during the Covid 30 pandemic. Tony would be publicly praised by his efforts to keep the lockdown firm during the height of the Pandemic in Europe. His advisors in the cabinet wanted to slowly reopen the nation even with the current crisis to rescue the failing economy. But he denies this proposal. He would be Britain's only deaf Prime Minister in the modern age.

"History shall remember. This is our finest hour. We shall go down in remembrance: the day we took down the British Empire."
A statement by Prime Minister Tony McGregor to his Cabinet after hearing negative feedback and doubtful comments on the new lockdown policies that he wants to enforce across the entirety of Great Britain during the Covid 30 pandemic. Tony would be publicly praised by his efforts to keep the lockdown firm during the height of the Pandemic in Europe. His advisors in the cabinet wanted to slowly reopen the nation even with the current crisis to rescue the failing economy. But he denies this proposal. He would be Britain's only deaf Prime Minister in the modern age.

"History shall remember. This is our finest hour. We shall go down in remembrance: the day we took down the British Empire."
A PR statement after the Facist United States executed project War Plan Red and successfully invaded London. Australia, New Zealand and Sudan remained defiant hold outs, and the statement was used as propoganda to increase war time moral.
The last poster didn't provide a quote so;
"And so, good people of the Soviet Government, as you can see, for nearly four decades now, the government, OUR government has been willingly releasing mutagenic substances and chemicals into rural Siberian and Turkic communities throughout the country with the goal of breeding super soldiers. Now let me ask you this, do these violations of basic human rights not go against the promises of equality and openness promised to us by the constitution which all people are expected to obey?"
The last poster didn't provide a quote so;
"And so, good people of the Soviet Government, as you can see, for nearly four decades now, the government, OUR government has been willingly releasing mutagenic substances and chemicals into rural Siberian and Turkic communities throughout the country with the goal of breeding super soldiers. Now let me ask you this, do these violations of basic human rights not go against the promises of equality and openness promised to us by the constitution which all people are expected to obey?"
An excerpt of a speech issued by an unknown rebel, shortly before the Siberian Revolt of 1972, which was ultimately crushed, but led to waves of unrest and rebellion that preceded the dissolution of the Soviet Union some ten years later

"This will be frowned upon by history, but I know it is right. Send the A-bombs, we have no other choice"
An excerpt of a speech issued by an unknown rebel, shortly before the Siberian Revolt of 1972, which was ultimately crushed, but led to waves of unrest and rebellion that preceded the dissolution of the Soviet Union some ten years later

"This will be frowned upon by history, but I know it is right. Send the A-bombs, we have no other choice"

Words of President Thomas Dewey after constantly debating on whether to launch Operation Downfall on the Japanese mainland or deploy the Atomic Bombs and force a quick surrender. This was a common debate in politics of the US during the final years of World War II in August 1945. 4 atomic bombs rained upon the Japanese Home Islands; Little Boy (Hiroshima), Fat Man (Nagasaki), Demon Core (Yokohama) and Super Hornet (Tokyo). With the death of the Royal Family in the last bomb, the Japanese surrendered by early 1946 after a short but bloody invasion of the southern islands of Japan.

"I'm participating in this anyway, my friends. Just come to call me as "Walden"."
Words of President Thomas Dewey after constantly debating on whether to launch Operation Downfall on the Japanese mainland or deploy the Atomic Bombs and force a quick surrender. This was a common debate in politics of the US during the final years of World War II in August 1945. 4 atomic bombs rained upon the Japanese Home Islands; Little Boy (Hiroshima), Fat Man (Nagasaki), Demon Core (Yokohama) and Super Hornet (Tokyo). With the death of the Royal Family in the last bomb, the Japanese surrendered by early 1946 after a short but bloody invasion of the southern islands of Japan.

"I'm participating in this anyway, my friends. Just come to call me as "Walden"."
The famed private contractor/bounty hunter called "Walden" (not his real name) arrived in Columbus, Ohio, after the dismantling of its police force due to a "systemic culture of brutality". He saw a business opportunity where he could set up a security outlet to handle criminals in the time that the police department was restructured.

"Dread it, run from it, war still arrives."
"Dread it, run from it, war still arrives."
Quote from Polish anarchist and nihilistic writer Karol Wojtyła, who was known to have carried out multiple terrorist acts in German occupied Poland and later Communist Poland, before eventually being caught and executed in 1978.

"The popular perception of the Chimp is of a gentle, peaceful creature, and the Gorilla as a violent, flesh craving beast. The thing is, much like with Romania and Ukraine, such perceptions are in desperate need to be swapped."
"The popular perception of the Chimp is of a gentle, peaceful creature, and the Gorilla as a violent, flesh craving beast. The thing is, much like with Romania and Ukraine, such perceptions are in desperate need to be swapped."
Canadian consulate general and ambassador to Romania Birutė Galdikas speaking on the Slavic Civil War in a CBC interview, noting that Ukraine had long become a right-wing haven for genocide. Always interested in zoology and archaeology as a child, she was noted for her elabourate use of animals for similes and metaphors.

"This cabinet is a joke, and not even a funny one; its pretty much at Seltzer and Friedberg present an Adam Sandler film levels. At the very least, we need it to be Monty Python and Mel Brooks levels if we want progress."
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