Explain the AH Quote

I once thought you were a god... but now I know that is not true. There is no God but Allah, and Mohamed is is prophet. And I shall give him a feast of the blood of misbeleivers.

-Emperor Montazuma

Allegedly the last words said by the Emperor before his death at Spanish hands - the only witness was his daughter Tecuichpoch Ixcaxochitzin, who was converted to Islam after fleeing the Spanish in 1521 and being picked up by 'Moorish' traders who'd followed Spain. Tecuichpoch Ixcaxochitzin rallied the battered Aztecs and declared a jihad on the Spanish. Her half-complete preaching of Islam was not taken entirely seriously at the time, the Aztec Islam tradition only properly forming after her death. The last words of her father are meant to have been a vision sent by Allah that the Aztecs should drive the infidel out.


"Zimbabwe stands alone."
"Zimbabwe stands alone."

UN General Secretary Boutros Boutros-Ghali when only Zimbabwe voted against the sanctions against the Democratic People's Republic of China, now a state limited to Manchuria after the Tianan'men rebels had a lot of success, but the PRC retreated to Manchuria. Manchuria didn't want to give up the bomb and, with the one opposing vote, the proposals of sanctions didn't become a resolution. This was the beginning of renewed international recognition of two Chinas...

"Please do not panic and do not declare war on anybody! As a member of alternatehistory.com, I know how to call such an event: We have witnessed a real ISOT! Please register on AH.com and discuss the event! Learn to live with the Human Government!" - A President of the United States to the UN General Assembly
UN General Secretary Boutros Boutros-Ghali when only Zimbabwe voted against the sanctions against the Democratic People's Republic of China, now a state limited to Manchuria after the Tianan'men rebels had a lot of success, but the PRC retreated to Manchuria. Manchuria didn't want to give up the bomb and, with the one opposing vote, the proposals of sanctions didn't become a resolution. This was the beginning of renewed international recognition of two Chinas...

"Please do not panic and do not declare war on anybody! As a member of alternatehistory.com, I know how to call such an event: We have witnessed a real ISOT! Please register on AH.com and discuss the event! Learn to live with the Human Government!" - A President of the United States to the UN General Assembly

After interest in alternate history exploded thanks to a critically-acclaimed 1632 television series, Ian (praise be unto his name) decided to advertise his forum to the world, much to the chagrin of the moderators. The above quote is from the first TV commercial for AH.com, depicting an American President addressing the UN in a rather bland ISOT TL.

(If using people's names above breaks any rules I will change it)

"Well, Holmes, I suppose we're in this together now."
"Indeed, Moriarty. Indeed..."
"Well, Holmes, I suppose we're in this together now."
"Indeed, Moriarty. Indeed..."
From arthur Conan Doyle's last book, THe start, a prequel to sherlock holmes series, taking place in Scotland Yard. It deals with their time in police, when they worked together.. After they retired from police in 1885, each went their separate ways: Moriarty became a criminal backer, and holmes a private investigator.

"They were forged for Mankind's darkest hour, and that hour is upon us"
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"They were forged for Mankind's darkest hour, and that hour is upon us"
A quote by Winston Churchill on the Automaton Fighting Force, a battalion of giant (140 ft tall) robots that fire lasers from eye slits. Made from an alien metal impervious to all human weapons, including nuclear weapons, they were found buried under the Siberian tundra in 1765. For the longest time they were studied by the Russians, cpatured and studied by the Germans during the First World War and finally captured by the Americans after WWII for study. In 1946 they suddenly burst to life just as suspicious objects were spotted over major cities across Europe. The ensuing Alien War was the closest humanity came to destruction in recorded history, our saviors being the AFF who fought off the Alien Menace.

"We are locked in an eternal struggle with the ever-present enemy! The Christian Tide!"
"We are locked in an eternal struggle with the ever-present enemy! The Christian Tide!"

Said by seljuk turk commander during 1st crusade. Although the crusades was a failure, it did result in treaty that stated christians, jews, and muslims could practice their religion freely in free city of Jerusalem.

"Do not waste your tears. I was not born to watch the world grow dim. Life is not measured in years, but by the deeds of men."
"Do not waste your tears. I was not born to watch the world grow dim. Life is not measured in years, but by the deeds of men."

A letter written by Alan Turing to friends in 1968, after his cancer was diagnosed as terminal. He had spent the last four years running the company English Electric LEO on request from the incoming Labour government, turning the underfunded hodgepodge company into a world leader - in gratitude for his work he'd been given a peerage, as Lord Turing of Wimslow, and his past conviction for gross indecency was quietly expunged after homosexuality was legalised.


"Where there is fire, there is smoke - and in that smoke my people will plot and scheme until the inevitable moment of your downfall, and THAT DAY is UPON YOU NOW!"
"Where there is fire, there is smoke - and in that smoke my people will plot and scheme until the inevitable moment of your downfall, and THAT DAY is UPON YOU NOW!"
Said to hannibal by general gaius Varro during battle of cannae right before shashing hannibal with his gladius. This resulted in roman victory at cannae, which resulted in roman expansion.

"Knowledge is power, guard it well" - motto of Prussian Imperial University
"Knowledge is power, guard it well" - motto of Prussian Imperial University

From the 1870s on, Prussia tried to manage a third way between the larger Austro-Hungarian Empire and the United States of Deutschland. Key to this was a heavy focus on education: this would allow the country to have top scientific, military, and cultural minds, keeping it competitive with larger, richer neighbours. The university and its motto stood proudly during the Prussian Golden Age, until it was bombarded during the Germanic War of the 1920s when Goring ordered the formation of "a grander reich of all German peoples". Prussia won but at a decade-long cost for its industry and economy.


"We serve neither king nor kaiser but Kongo."
From the 1870s on, Prussia tried to manage a third way between the larger Austro-Hungarian Empire and the United States of Deutschland. Key to this was a heavy focus on education: this would allow the country to have top scientific, military, and cultural minds, keeping it competitive with larger, richer neighbours. The university and its motto stood proudly during the Prussian Golden Age, until it was bombarded during the Germanic War of the 1920s when Goring ordered the formation of "a grander reich of all German peoples". Prussia won but at a decade-long cost for its industry and economy.


"We serve neither king nor kaiser but Kongo."

Quote from Joseph Ktumba, leader of the Kongolese Liberation Army. After Prussia was granted the Kongo, they raised a local chief named Kamissoko Mutombo to be the "King of the Congo", a vassal of the Kaiser. Kamissoko I was actually granted considerable autonomy, as long as he kept the money flowing. However, he soon proved to be a tyrant, leading to the 1879 rebellion.

"All roads lead to Svalbard."
"All roads lead to Svalbard."

Motto of Svalvard Global Seed Vault. It is a secure vault to preserve seeds of plants in case od apocalypse, founded in 1992.

"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are the iron guardians and they shall know no fear."
Motto of Svalvard Global Seed Vault. It is a secure vault to preserve seeds of plants in case od apocalypse, founded in 1992.

"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are the iron guardians and they shall know no fear."

Quote attributed to Muhammad the Great, founder of the Kedarite Empire, before the decisive Battle of Ctesiphon which toppled the Sassanid Empire.

"Whatcha gonna do, Yeltsin, when America rain down nukes on ya, brotha?" — US President Terry Gene Bollea
Quote attributed to Muhammad the Great, founder of the Kedarite Empire, before the decisive Battle of Ctesiphon which toppled the Sassanid Empire.

"Whatcha gonna do, Yeltsin, when America rain down nukes on ya, brotha?" — US President Terry Gene Bollea

Infamous statement made by President Bollea (1997 - 2001) prior to a radio address on July 7, 1998. Bollea was joking with his aides, believing that his microphone was turned off. It was not. The incident led to a diplomatic flap with the Russian Federation, and is considered to be a leading factor in Bollea being only a one-term president.

"You, Norton, are a mental case!"
Infamous statement made by President Bollea (1997 - 2001) prior to a radio address on July 7, 1998. Bollea was joking with his aides, believing that his microphone was turned off. It was not. The incident led to a diplomatic flap with the Russian Federation, and is considered to be a leading factor in Bollea being only a one-term president.

"You, Norton, are a mental case!"

Statement made on Twitter by Congressman Ted Cruz (R-TX) about Congressman Edward Norton (D-CA), based on the latter's support for banning mentally ill people from owning guns. 6 hours later, Twitter banned both their accounts after their exchange got out of hand.

"So, I believe it can be definitively stated that the Prime Minister's infrastructure program is what led to Mount Rushmore burning down."
So, I believe it can be definitively stated that the Prime Minister's infrastructure program is what led to Mount Rushmore burning down."
Said to Prime minister Matt Michels by a state senator. Unlike other states, governor's role is ceremonial, like germany. That means Prime minister has more power.

"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends."
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Said to Prime minister Matt Michels by a state senator. Unlike other states, governor's role is ceremonial, like germany. That means Prime minister has more power.

"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends."

Lord Salisbury to an joint assembly of Parlament, 1890. Following Portugal's refusal to withdraw from the territories claimed in the infamous "Pink Map", he was seeking an approval for a declaration of war to support his previous ultimatum, despite the hesitance of most MP's to break the record-breaking Anglo-Portuguese treaty of friendship.

Standard Oil? I've gladly washed my hands of that mess. Now that's nobody's business but the Turks
Standard Oil? I've gladly washed my hands of that mess. Now that's nobody's business but the Turks

Quoted by John D. Rockfeller Jr. when he sold Standard Oil to Turkish Company, Petrol Ofisi in 1950.

"do you remember how many breads you've eaten in your life?"
"My treasure? Why, it's right where I left it. It's yours if you can find it. But you'll have to search the whole world!"
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"do you remember how many breads you've eaten in your life?"

From the journal of an unknown Tsarist officer during the Russian Civil War describing the conversations he overheard from Bolshevik prisoners.. The February revolution had ended in a dismal failure and the October Revolution while more succesful, failed to take Petrograd. It ultimately led to the outbreak of a civil war between forces loyal to the tsar and bolshevik communists. The Tsarists would emerge victorious... after 8 long painful years which saw countless millions killed.


"...so the French have crossed the border and seem to be intent on passing through our Kingdom to get to Germany? ...Pierre, make a call to the German ambassador. Our neutrality has been violated. I never thought I would ever say this, but Belgium is going to war... against France... May god have mercy on us all."

- King Albert I of Belgium, 1914
"...so the French have crossed the border and seem to be intent on passing through our Kingdom to get to Germany? ...Pierre, make a call to the German ambassador. Our neutrality has been violated. I never thought I would ever say this, but Belgium is going to war... against France... May god have mercy on us all."

- King Albert I of Belgium, 1914

This resulted in Belgium joining Central powers. During battle of Antwerp, Belgium lost. And eventually As Entente won, belgium's monarchy went down with it. And Republic of Belgium was established.

"My treasure? Why, it's right where I left it. It's yours if you can find it. As I left the whole world there!"
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