British-Italian War of 1935

Matt Quinn said:

I never said the Austrian gov't would allow Hitler to do anything. My scenario has Hitler jumping on the anti-Italian bandwagon in order to seize Austria (an Italian ally) and a parcel of north Italy that has lots of Germans (South Tyrol). This also gets him some "diplomatic capital" he can expend on getting the Sudetenland and the Polish Corridor without a fight.

Matt, unless Austria actually becomes a co-belligerent of Italy in the Anglo-Itaian war, he's not going to get any diplomatic capital for what will be seen as an oppotunistic land grab. Certainly not of the kind that can get him the Sudetenland and the Polish Corridor.
I was actually thinking about a scenario like this and found this thread; I thought I'd bump it, since this is a very interesting discussion.
OTL the Italians relied mainly on high-level attacks by medium bombers, which was unnerving but almost completly ineffective against fast moving targets.
it has been a great disappointment that the level bomber is practically incapable of scoring hits on moving ships.
This could butterfly development of B-17. A major rationale for it was ocean patrol & attack. OTOH, it might lead to USN buying something like the Mars, H8K, or Sunderland...& just possibly using them for strategic minelaying in WW next... If so, this might just defend going ahead with the P6M eventually, too....
FAA getting its independency a year or two earlier (1937 OTL)
Wasn't it '39?
thoroughly navalised Hurricane called the Hawker Blizzard
The RAF certainly has trouble in lobbying a strong bomber command as an independent strategic arm, but will soon be operating loads of new Gladiators, Hurricanes, Blenheims and Battles etc. (all had prototypes flying in 1935).
You might see greater willingness to spend on better types than that & get the likes of Spits & He-112s, instead. And there wouldn't be a Bomber Command at all; IIRC, at this time OTL, RAF was still organized as Luftflotten were, as integrated fighter/bomber commands. Given combat experience, this might prove its greater effectiveness (or not...). Given success at Taranto (which I'd expect RN to pull ASAP), Britain might push development of CH/CHL, seaborne, & ultimately AI/ASV radar. So, too, USN/USAAF might take a lesson about protecting anchorages... (Of course, they'd still not believe Japan would dare attack...)
the Japanese might see an opportunity to have a go while the British are occupied in Europe
If LoN is tougher TTL, might see a “UN” force join ROC against Japan...
Of course Hitler would probably realize that he's unlikely to get such a chance again to test equipment, tactics and commanders and may very well try to get all of those things in through Portugal.
I could readily see Hitler sending much more equipment, plus manpower (not sent OTL) to China. A Legion Draken?
U.S. perceptions of the level of the Japanese threat was based on seeing Japan as a power operating in tandem with Germany. Although I think you'll still see a collision here, the fuse is longer.
Actually, it's liable to be shorter. FDR was mainly interested in helping Britain against Germany & trying to avoid war in Asia/PTO, knowing it would take effort/supplies from ATO/ETO (contrary to the belief of the Pearl Harbor conspiracy loons). Absent that, USG's liable to be tougher with Japan sooner, seeing China as a huge potential market (& presuming Sinophile FDR's still President).
Britain and France have just tag-teamed with Hitler to defeat Italian imperialism
Never forget Hitler always, always, always wanted to go after SU, & didn't really want war with Britain. If Stalin gets cocky over Finland, & Hitler's halfway smart (maybe ASB itself, but for argument's sake...), he gets Poland on his side & they, perhaps jointly with Britain & France, but likely with Balts (ex-SU & nervous), & maybe Cz & Turkey (long hostile to Russia), go after SU...
Next there is no blitz and no serious battle of the Atlantic.
I'm dubious of no BoAtlantic. If Germany's at war with Britain (which I'd prefer not happen; it's boring:p), I'd expect U-boats.
The absense of a Bombercommand demanding the lions share of all resources will free an enormous potential. The cost of building and running 40 bombers was equivalent to the cost of building and running one battleship. So halving Bombercommand to just 500 operational bombers would free resources to more than double the RN complement of battleships (or whatever ships you like).
True, but nothing like so simple. Aircraft production, especially bombers, got higher priority because it was easier to increase production of aircraft & crews faster than for ships: the “bang for buck” was quicker to pay off.
Production from the Empire, Dominions etc. is not included in UK numbers. Canada and Australia undertook quite a production, but I have no data.
It was noticable, but not huge. For examples: of 7000 or so Hampdens, Canada built around 1400; for the duration, Canada built around 1400 Hurrys, & maybe 700 Lancs.
at Kongeå (line Ribe-Kolding).
KorsÃ.... or Ã…rhus
I was actually thinking about a scenario like this and found this thread; I thought I'd bump it, since this is a very interesting discussion.
Ditto, on both points. I may steal most of this...:D Just a couple of unraised points: does Italy still steal British/U.S. codes? If so, can/do they use information in planning ops in Africa, as Rommel did? And do Poles, presuming a closer relationship with Britain, pass on info on German codes they've broken? I'm presuming it's a bit early for the Enigma adventure yet, & IIRC, Wehrmacht hadn't adopted it yet.
Nobody ever finds out what happened to Mussolini, but it is rumored to involve some cement and a boat.
:D:D:D And the new Duce is Tony Soprano?:p