Axis of Time sequels


So has anyone read the sequels to John Birmingham's Axis of Time series- Stalin's Hammer : Rome, Cairo and the just released Paris ? If so can you give a brief but spoiler filled description of the post WW2 world presented in them ?
Yes, I did.
In my biased view (freshly read third book colours reminiscences of previous one) world is a simmering cauldron, with quite hot Cold War going on. Also, all kind of governments and factions (mostly in background od the story) try to adopt parts of the future they like, while stopping parts they do not like from existing, and making usual muddle of things.


Yes, I did.
In my biased view (freshly read third book colours reminiscences of previous one) world is a simmering cauldron, with quite hot Cold War going on. Also, all kind of governments and factions (mostly in background od the story) try to adopt parts of the future they like, while stopping parts they do not like from existing, and making usual muddle of things.
Ah so it sounds like the events of the first trilogy are very much carried to their natural conclusions for the most part ?


So any readers have a nice spoiler landed summary ? I'm asking because Wikipedia only has the first trilogy covered .
No, no, no. It's the other way round.

Stalin said it historically was the butler who did it, until the time that those pesky Transitioned have had appeared.
So, in the interest of historical inevitability, Stalin has assumed butler role, to allow Better and Brighter (TM) Future to be realised (according to only true and non-reactionist historical doctrine, that is Marxism - Leninism ) .
I like Farouk going wild in keeping power,I'm sure the Shah in Iran is pulling the same deal,the Rhodesian colonial government will push for massive anti-communist European immigration,Castro will get assassinated,the Newfoundlanders might decide to not join Canada,getting a earlier case of nationalism,there are scores of good stories here.
It would be cool if stuff like Newfoundland staying independent happens, but that's the sort of minor butterfly that no one pays attention to.
It would be cool if stuff like Newfoundland staying independent happens, but that's the sort of minor butterfly that no one pays attention to.
You're probably right,but I like the minor changes in alternate history,like Ho Chi Minh staying in Boston and starting his own restaurant,or the Shah going crazy on the ayatollahs in the fifties or what the nuclear industry looks like with foresight of environmental damage,same as chemical industry