Any chance for an Estonian Finnish union?

Estonia and Findland are nations which are very cultrally similar as well as having similar languages. For this reason some people have proposed a union of the nations, with Estonia be included in greater Finland and the Estonian president wished for a union of Finnic countries in his political testament, writing an outline of a unification plan.–Finland_relations#Unification_proposals.
Of course to have this happen we would need to avoid Soviet takeover of Estonia but that is quite possible if we remove HItler and the R-M pact. The unionists would have the benefit of both nations facing Soviet agression.
Was there any chance for this to occur?
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As an Estonian, I dare say that there is a very strong linguistic similarity. At the same time, the situation is more culturally diverse. Historically, Estonians have strong cultural ties to the German cultural space, but since the 1960s it has been possible to watch Finnish television in Northern Estonia, which has had certain influences. There was no opportunity in southern Estonia, and the inhabitants of the historical tsarist Russian province of Livonia, ie Estonians of Southern Estonia and Latvians of Northern Latvia, are culturally so similar (ie very strong German influences) that they can be considered a similar case to multilingual Switzerland. At the same time, Finns are more culturally similar to Swedes than Estonians.

The difference between Estonia's north and south has always been so strong in some ways that it sometimes feels like they are two different nationalities speaking the same language, and this trend has intensified rather than weakened in connection with watching Finnish TV.