Alternate versions of yourself

Do you feel that alternate versions of yourself exist?

  • Yes, some of thoese ATL's have alternate versions of me

    Votes: 43 75.4%
  • no, there only one of me

    Votes: 7 12.3%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 7 12.3%

  • Total voters
I tend to live in my own little world or maybe I should say my own ittle worlds, plural. Yes in some of them the major independent US automakers survived and in the Summer of 2006 I'm driving a brand new 2007 Packard and have a 2006 Studebaker.

I'm one of those people for whom the real world sometimes gets to be too much, and when that happens I can escape into my own little world or worlds.

The idea and theories of alternate universes, multiple universes, and alternate timelines with those timelines diverging and merging has always fascinated me. I'm fascinated by the idea of all those alternate timelines co-existing together as one and consciously living in all of them at the same time, so I'm sure there are alternate versions of me perhaps co-existing as a single me all at the same time.
I'm not smoking or drinking anything. Maybe some of it comes from never growing up and still having a child's imagination.

I told my mother one time when I was a kid that I was never going to grow up, I was just going to stay a little kid all my life. She still reminds me of it sometimes and she adds, "I didn't know you were serious."
Here is a mind screw for you, how about an atl where you have a different gender? I wonder what a female Doctor What would really be like, or a kilnboy, how about Contessa Dearborn?:eek: :D


In the alternate gender timeline, I would be thin, because I was thin as a 5 year old, and my mom encouraged to "eat" to be strong, while when my sister was that age, Mom controlled her eating so she wouldn't become fat.
Here's a spinoff question from my last poll. Since some of you belive that ATL's really exist. How many of you beleive that versions of yourself live (or had lived) in some of thoese ATL's?
As for my own view, I like to think it's possiable.

Just so long as my alternates are nothing like the alternate that appeared in an episode of The Twilight Zone entitled Mirror Image
Well, any way you define alternate versions I would guess that there would be an alternate Imajin in quite a few timelines... For one thing, since under current theory literally anything could cause a TL split, there are the countless TLs where one atom in some far-off galaxy is in a different place, so we have an Imajin who is in every single way identical to the one writing this post. The same goes for earth divergences that haven't had effects on this area yet.

I would consider someone with the same genetics but different life experiences an alternate Imajin as well... So that gives you a range extending roughly from 1990 to today where there's a good chance of me appearing, unless I'm killed or something.

Past that, though, I wouldn't really consider someone with different genetics but otherwise similar (same birthday, for example) an alternate Imajin, but more on the level of a sibling... that's the category some theoretical "Imajinette" would fall into.
The alternate Wozza is a bit of a hard right boozaphile who makes really random comments on this site.


I tend to live in my own little world or maybe I should say my own ittle worlds, plural. Yes in some of them the major independent US automakers survived and in the Summer of 2006 I'm driving a brand new 2007 Packard and have a 2006 Studebaker.

I'm one of those people for whom the real world sometimes gets to be too much, and when that happens I can escape into my own little world or worlds.

The idea and theories of alternate universes, multiple universes, and alternate timelines with those timelines diverging and merging has always fascinated me. I'm fascinated by the idea of all those alternate timelines co-existing together as one and consciously living in all of them at the same time, so I'm sure there are alternate versions of me perhaps co-existing as a single me all at the same time.

Have you ever thought of just doing that? If ever the market is open in America for a new vision of the car its now. As we speak there are afterdealer addon companies that are basically just putting in more batteries to the Prius, allowing it to get close to 250 mpg if used as a commuter car entirely. .

Another is the diesel-electric hybrid, reputed to get 100mpg all the time.

And a market 4x that of the American is opening up in China.

Yet it's quite possible we will never be able to exploit it, for the Chinese govt will prolly require rightfully that cars sold there have a degree of efficiency and environmentalness that Americans still do not approach.

Prius says it might start putting in extra batteries itself. In five years.

With gasoline @$3.50 a gallon GM continues to produce and market Hummers and Minivans as its main product. They've just laid off 30,000 workers. It's 1973 all over again and American car manufacturers have truly learned nothing in 35 years/

Now, as never before, is the time for a new Henry Ford or Soichiro Honda to step forward with a new vision for the future.
Bright day
Abything major before say 1960 will wipe me out, anything before say 1984 that makes tv or newspaper in Bratislava can wipe me off.
There are soooo many different ways that one could be changed that I could be making this exact post in alternate universes an infinite number of times more, one second earlier or later...

*my brain hurts* :D


I'm pretty similiar in many worlds...

What if I found this website 2 years ago, 4 years ago.
On average of 25 post a day since i started, wow.


Of course, in some ATLs we don't exist, or we are dead (because of the invassion of the Evil Andorran Empire, or because of a widespread of the Rage virus, or we slipped in the bathtub last week). For example, if the germanic invassion of the roman empire had started one day before, none of us would exist because of thousands of alternate rapes. But probably there are alternate versions of all the alternate realities where we exist only for a matter of probability. In other TLs, the only difference is the actions of one individual (What if the best girlfriend you could have had was in your high school but you didn't see her?) Et Caetera, Et Caetera...
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