Welcome to All Aboard America! This is a timeline created by myself. Though contributions from many other users may be accepted. This is an old version of my initial TL. But I chose to change a bit of the history. So here we go.

After World War 1, Congress had returned the railroads back to the private sector from USRA control during WWI. But it also instructed the Interstate Commerce Commission to create a plan to consolidate the railroads of the United States into a limited number of systems to preserve competition between the railroads.

William Z. Ripley had been the man in charge of revising the plan. But after it was bought out, there was instantly discussion by the railroads, who had themselves given their own opinions on who they would prefer to be merged with.

Everyone had something to complain about. For instance, the Van Swergin brother did not want the Erie yanked from them. Whereas the PRR also protested getting the N&W and Wabash yanked from them.

Now Ripley was prepared to present the revised plan to Congress. He was unsure of how well received it would be. But now was the ultimate triumph, he had been working hard to make sure the railroads could still work and compete functionally.

Much to his disappointment, the act was still vetoed. But the plan's genuine merits would eventually give it another chance. Only a few months after the Ripley Plan was rejected, the Stock Market crashed. As such, many railroads found themselves the victim of lower profits at best and bankruptcy at worst. It was not until Franklin Roosevelt's election in 1933.

Shortly after FDR's success, William Z. Ripley was summoned for a meeting with President-elect Roosevelt. The incoming president had read his proposal, and got an idea.

"Good morning, Mr. Ripley." greeted the President warmly. "I want to talk with you about that railroad plan you made a few years back."

"What about it?" asked Ripley.

"Let's do it." said the president.

Ripley was astonished. Even more so when Rossevelt told him was to be appointed to a special advisory panel on rail transportation, and as his first act, to write legislation that will put the “Ripley Plan” into effect. Ripley agreed to serve on the panel and to have the draft legislation ready by the end of January. He in turn asks Barriger and another young and talented railroad expert, William B. Poland, to serve as his assistants.

"First, before we do anything else," said Roosevelt, "We need to make some changes. Call all the railroad chairmen you can."

The next day, all were present for a mass negotiation of which road would get which. Or how to fix the problems that one road would have without being merged with the other. The negotiations continued for the entire day, only stopping once for lunch, again for the night, then for lunch the second day. But as soon as it was over, Ripley had created a new plan for use as soon as possible...

Boston & Maine: Bangor & Aroostook; Delaware & Hudson; Maine Central

New York, New Haven & Hartford: Lehigh & Hudson River; New York, Ontario & Western

New York Central: Rutland; Virginian

Pennsylvania: Long Island; Norfolk & Western; 50% of the Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Line; Toledo, Peoria & Western (east of Peoria); 50% of the Winston-Salem Southbound

Baltimore & Ohio: Buffalo & Susquehanna; Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh; Central Railroad of New Jersey; Chicago & Alton; Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville (Chicago- Indianapolis route); Delaware, Lackawanna & Western; Detroit & Toledo Shore Line; Lehigh & New England; Reading; 50% of the Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Line

Chesapeake & Ohio: Bessemer & Lake Erie; Chicago & Illinois Midland; Chicago, Attica & Southern; Detroit & Mackinac; Hocking Valley; Lehigh Valley; New York, Chicago & St. Louis; Pere Marquette

Wabash & Erie: Akron, Canton & Youngstown; Ann Arbor; Detroit, Toledo & Ironton; Erie; Pittsburgh & Shawmut; Pittsburgh & West Virginia; Pittsburgh, Shawmut & Northern; Wabash; Western Maryland; Wheeling & Lake Erie

Atlantic Coast Line: Atlanta, Birmingham & Coast; Chicago & Eastern Illinois; Clinchfield; Georgia Route; Gulf, Mobile & Northern; Louisville & Nashville; Mississippi Central; New Orleans Great Northern; 50% of the Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac; 50% of the Winston-Salem Southbound; 50% of the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis (East of Nashville)

Southern: Chicago, Terre Hautte, and Southeastern; Columbus & Greenville; Florida East Coast; Mobile & Ohio; Norfolk Southern; Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis (west of Nashville); Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville (south of Monon, IN, and Michigan City branch); Tennessee Central (East of Nashville)

Illinois Central: Atlanta & St. Andrews Bay; Central of Georgia; Seaboard Air Line; 50% of the Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac; 50% of the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis (East of Nashville); Tennessee Central (West of Nashville)

Great Northern: Chicago Central & Pacific; Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic; Great Northern; Minneapolis & St. Louis; Northern Pacific; Spokane, Portland & Seattle

Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific: Butte, Anaconda & Pacific; Duluth & Iron Range; Duluth, Missabe & Northern; Escanaba & Lake Superior; Trackage rights on Spokane, Portland & Seattle to Portland.

Union Pacific: Central Pacific; Chicago & North Western; Kansas City Southern; Lake Superior & Ishpeming; Litchfield & Madison; 50% of the Louisiana & Arkansas; Missouri-Kansas-Texas

Missouri Pacific: Chicago, Burlington & Quincy; Colorado & Southern; Denver & Rio Grande Western; Denver & Salt Lake; Fort Smith & Western; Fort Worth & Denver; Green Bay & Western; Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf; Oklahoma City-Ada-Atoka; Texas & Pacific; Western Pacific; 50% of the Trinity & Brazo Valley;

Southern Pacific: Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific; St. Louis Southwestern; 50% of the Trinity & Brazo Valley

Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe: Chicago Great Western; Kansas City, Mexico & Orient; 50% of the Louisiana & Arkansas; Meridian & Bigbee; Midland Valley; Minneapolis, Northfield & Southern; Missouri & North Arkansas; St. Louis-San Francisco; Toledo, Peoria & Western (west of Peoria)

Canadian-American International: Duluth, Winnipeg & Pacific; Grand Trunk Western; Minneapolis, St. Paul & Saute Ste. Marie; Wisconsin Central

An additional change to the initial plan was rather unorthodox. For one thing, railroads who had lines of strong value would get various declining interurban lines to replace them. For example, the Pennsylvania would acquire a string of interurbans from Toledo to Ft. Wayne, IN, the C&O would get a string of them from Lima to Cincinnati, and then the Erie would get many lines that the rest didn't take up. This was decided to be done because it would reduce the cost for new right of ways that would have otherwise been needed.

Many more lines would get the funds and aid to build their own lines where they wanted one, like in the case of the IC getting a new line from Nashville to Chattanooga, the Great Northern getting a new Twin Cities- Chicago route instead of the CB&Q, or the RF&P getting a new one from Richmond to Norfolk. As well as the consolidation of several Interurban lines in the Chicago area. Ripley had also developed a plan to split the operations into phases. Including a first phase that linked short lines. Phase Two would link the secondary lines. Then a third phase which linked up the major rail lines.

This time, the act was almost unanimously passed by Congress, and Ripley rest peacefully. Knowing that his dream had come true.
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