AHC: Prevent the Sengoku Jidai

As the title says, it is possible to avoid the Japanese Warring States period that errupted in the 1460s that continued to the 1600s? With the growing power of the local daimyo in comparrison the central government in Kyoto perhaps such conflict is inevitable but I don't know. My best guess is to either try and end the Onin War quickly or avoid the Onin War altogether. My thought perhaps was that the Infant Ashikaga
Yoshihisa is never born and thus the transition of the Shogunate to Ashikaga Yoshimi is unchallenged. But would that really avoid the warring states period? Tell me your thoughts and perhaps also bring to mind if it's possible for the Warring States period to be ended any earlier than the 1600s.
I'd say it's impossible to avoid the warring states as it causes where foundational, the Ashikaga Shogunate was built on loose foundations with the problem of vassals clashing with one another for various issues all because Ashikaga central authority was weak. Ashikaga Takauji won out in the Nanboku Cho from a vast alliance of clans then the power of the Ashikaga themselves The Kyoto Kanrei basically switched between 3 families the Hosokawa,Hakateyama, and Shiba clans while the Kanto Kanrei was held by Uesugi with both eventually becoming only prestige titles.

If you want a shorter Warning States that doesn't long as it did, it's much simple only because the period only lasted to the 1600's because of circumstance. You could have Oda Nobunaga live longer, if he avoids the Honoji incident, maybe Akechi Mitushide's mother isn't killed, you could have Japan united in the 1580's. Hell Hideyoshi managed to unite Japan by 1590, but it didn't last because he was a peasant and had some bad luck succession wise with questionable decisions. His 3-year-old son died in 1591 he had his nephew Hidetsugu in 1595 along with his Nephew's entire family, leaving only with his young son Hideyori as the only male Toyotomi left.

You don't even need the 3 unifiers but you have to a good deal of knowledge of the politics and strength of each clan to make a decent TL. The Oda practically went from having only the small Owari province by 1560, having two by just 1567, basically controlling the shogunate by 1570 and being unmatched for the most part by the late 1570's.