AHC: Nobel Prize for Vladimir Putin

Barak Obama goes to Moscow to negotiate over the Crimea. He tells vladimir that world peace is important. He is after all a Nobel Laureate in that regard. He then shows his Nobel Peace Prize to Putin. Vladimir smiles puts on the medal and never gives it back

LOL, hilarious.

Since the OP never said it had to be the Peace Prize, he might not be able to do it in the sciences but what about literature? While I think of Winston Churchill as much more able to use the language efficiently than Putin, how about this.

Putin likes to wrestle bears (if memory serves and the legends are true) and do other things to show his power. He decides to use this to his advantage and promote himself as one of the world's greatest ever leaders because he can wrestle bears and such. He creates a work analyzing many of the great world figures and personality traits that have mirroed their legacies. He can trash a couple of Russia's great enemies mercilessly (Hitler for many things, Napoleon for his height - even though his shortness was exaggerated - and probably other thigns, too). He can praise a former Nobel laureate (Churchill) which may get some attention. He can extoll the virtues of the leaders he thinks the committee would like to hear about.

In the end, someone else has to really help make it a polished work, but he would have magnified himself but at the sme time added to the world of lterature something that can at least be of interest. He might have to bribe some committee members, but it *could* happen if he chose to pump himself up in this manner.
Vladimir Putin somehow decides to write a series of Epic Fiction about Stylized History of the Russian struggles, who ends up as the best selling fiction books.

He then got Nobel prize in Literature
LOL, hilarious.

Since the OP never said it had to be the Peace Prize, he might not be able to do it in the sciences but what about literature? While I think of Winston Churchill as much more able to use the language efficiently than Putin, how about this.

Putin likes to wrestle bears (if memory serves and the legends are true) and do other things to show his power. He decides to use this to his advantage and promote himself as one of the world's greatest ever leaders because he can wrestle bears and such. He creates a work analyzing many of the great world figures and personality traits that have mirroed their legacies. He can trash a couple of Russia's great enemies mercilessly (Hitler for many things, Napoleon for his height - even though his shortness was exaggerated - and probably other thigns, too). He can praise a former Nobel laureate (Churchill) which may get some attention. He can extoll the virtues of the leaders he thinks the committee would like to hear about.

In the end, someone else has to really help make it a polished work, but he would have magnified himself but at the sme time added to the world of lterature something that can at least be of interest. He might have to bribe some committee members, but it *could* happen if he chose to pump himself up in this manner.

The "Ghostwritten Literature winner" seems to be the best option for Putin. If the ghostwriter tries to speak up, Putin can put his old KGB experience to good use. . .
Putin declares himself Tsar, and unites the Russian people behind him thanks to his adept use of the KGB. Twenty years later, he abdicates, retires to the south of France, and publishes a book detailing how he did it.

He wins the Nobel prize for Economics (subdivision: sociology).
Make him somehow negotiate an armistice in the Syrian Civil War.
You forget, Russia DID work out a deal to get Syria to dispose of its chemical weapons.
Perhaps Russia decides to promote the Revised Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty, reducing risk of military conflicts in Europe (which only Russia and Romania have ratified OTL)?
Perhaps Russia waits a day or so and goes to the Security Council after the Georgians breached their cease fire against South Ossetia and attacked the peacekeepers there. He presents the case of Georgia being the aggressor. Russia doesn't send any troops in (besides the peacekeepers- which were already in South Ossetia by mutual agreement with Georgia- and among the first sites attacked) until the SC approves. As a result, despite neocon and Russophobe pressure, the SC passes a peacekeeping resolution. The US refuses to let Georgian forces leave Iraqa. A multinational force (but mostly Russian- though the US provides air support, PSYOPS planes, and Georgia National Guard troops, as they have an arrangement with Georgian forces and have trained with them in the past) goes into Georgia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia, much like in Iraq 1991- with one exception. Troops do enter Tbilisi. Saakashvili and many of his allies are captured, and tried for launching a war of aggression. A new Georgian government is set up. South Ossetia and Abkhazia are recognized as independent nations.
Can we leave the inane jokes in Chat?

Instead of doing what he did, Putin, once he gets into office, cooperates super well with the West in the War on Terror, eventually making Russia a member of NATO and the EU in all but name. Domestically, not all Russians are happy about playing what they consider second fiddle to America, but foreigners love what Putin is doing. Butterflies (and actual Russian assistance) lead to a somewhat easier War on Terror, and because of the fact that Russia is an ally of the West IITL, European integration and the development of Eastern Europe goes really well. The council that decides the Nobel Prize winners recognize this and so Putin gets the prize, Russian atrocities in Chechnya and elsewhere notwithstanding.
How about Putin ramps up the pressure even more along the Russian border by demanding the return of all Russian speaking areas. The West have kittens but can't just give in, so in return for the land (it's other peoples anyway!) the west get Putin to agree a deal reducing the worlds nuclear arsenal. The West sells the deal to their people as: Averting WW3 and making the world a safer place! Nobel prizes all round.
How about Putin ramps up the pressure even more along the Russian border by demanding the return of all Russian speaking areas. The West have kittens but can't just give in, so in return for the land (it's other peoples anyway!) the west get Putin to agree a deal reducing the worlds nuclear arsenal. The West sells the deal to their people as: Averting WW3 and making the world a safer place! Nobel prizes all round.

I doubt that Munich 2.0 is a good way to achieve the goal.