AHC: LBJ/RFK presidential bid in 1960

So, with a POD post-WWII, how do we get the power team of Lyndon Johnson and Robert Kennedy to throw the hat in the ring together?
How do you get these men to get along?

And what would happen if they won?
RFK on a presidential ticket in 1960 sounds like ASB. He would be just barely eligible (35 in November 1960) and would have held no prior elected office.
Have JFK die from some health problem not too long after RFK's 30th birthday in November1955 and have a friendly Democrat governor appoint RFK to his brother's seat. As a Senator, he would probably have a friendlier relationship with LBJ .
Without many implausable twists and waves of the magician's hand a 1960 LBJ-RFK Democratic ticket is not going to come to pass.
I can't see them sharing a ticket no matter the year TBH. Two alpha males whose similarities in personality ignited as many sparks as their differences.

JFK as VP: That was floated in '56 and was shot down because LBJ knew he would just be a stalking horse.