AH Title and Description Game

PM is the PM- A Canadian TL

A TL about a different structure of Canada, much like the US under the AoC. However, after a Rebellion in 1837 Canada decended into a sorta proto-Civil War between the Confederate leaning West (including everything west of Manitoba) and the Government (everything else). The US would eventually intervene and the Government would emerge victorious over the Confederates. This led to a more centralized government in Canada based on the American model.

Better Red than Dead: A Belyorussian TL


The Canadian Revolution
Better Red than Dead: A Belyorussian TL
A Belarussian-related timeline set in the controversial 2010 presidential elections, where Alexander Lukashenko was forced to resign after widespread protests, especially in the Belarussian-speaking western regions. The title of the scenario was derived from the last (fictional) televised speech delivered by Lukashenko: "It's better to see Belarus to be Red, as the West and their agents who masquerade as patriots say, than a dead society". The timeline, which was first posted on Alternate History Discussion Board, became an instant hit in Belarus itself through its translated version in Belarussian language; the storyline caught the ire of the authorities, especially from Lukashenko himself. It was said that this "magnificent piece of online (speculative) fiction" paved the way for the nationwide protests, which almost simultaneously held as the same month as their Ukrainian counterparts (Maidan), and led to the unexpected resignation of the so-called "last dictator of Europe".

Pick your choice:
A.) Baywatch: Bahamas

B.) Gothic Republic of Austria

C.) This is the TBC/Esto es la RTT/Ici la RTT: The Full History of the Texan Broadcasting Corporation

D.) The Warriors of Tungusian Tundra
C.) This is the TBC/Esto es la RTT/Ici la RTT: The Full History of the Texan Broadcasting Corporation

A story covering the rise of the Texan Broadcasting Corporation (TBC)'s rise to power as one of the dominant forces of media in North America, with a well-developed backstory about the rise of an independent and trilingual Texan state starting from greater French colonization of Texas, which gradually leads to an independent Republic of Texas that revolts alongside its Latin American counterparts during the post-Napoleonic revolutions and decolonization. The timeline in part details the rise of the Texan state as an independent power in its own right as a counterbalance to the power of the United States of America and Mexico, and how it comes to develop its own separate identity in the through the 19th to 21st centuries, but mostly covers how the Texan Broadcasting Corporation comes to dominate the news media in the country and the surrounding region from its inception in the 1930s following the British BBC's model, its challenges in trilingual broadcasting, and the threats to its business model later on as broadcasters from across the Texan border encroach on its near-monopoly and how it begins to cope as an oligopoly.

Britannia Rule the Stars!
Israeli Iskandars & Palestinian Patriots -- the Rise of the Moscow-Tel Aviv Coalition and the US-Palestine Pact
Also known as "How Cold War rivalry affected the Hebrew-speaking peoples of Palestine and Israel?", this series of articles first published in prestigious Hebrew-language daily HaAretz in 1977, in which criticized both Moscow and Washington of manipulating both Tel Aviv and Jericho governments into "freezing" Israeli-Palestinian relationship. Written by writer and journalist Amos Oz, it was hailed as "one of the best political essays that reflected the Cold War era in this part of the Middle East".

Britannia Rule the Stars!
The slogan of the British (and Commonwealth) space program, launched in the 1960s as response to the Moscow-Washington space race. Aside from Great Britain, dominions like Indiana, Australia and New Munster contributed financially to the space program, while nations like Tanganyika, West Indies and India contributed volunteers. The British (and Commonwealth) space program had collaborated with their American counterpart NASA to some of the groundbreaking space programs like sending unmanned expeditions to Venus and Mars, as well as launching satellites and its own expedition to the asteroid belt from their common base in Guyana.

Pick your choice:
A.) Baywatch: Bahamas

B.) Gothic Republic of Austria

C.) The Tale of Two Cubas

D.) The Warriors of Tungusian Tundra

E.) El Caudillo Andrés Novales
The Tale of Two Cubas

The Bay of Pigs invasion sparks a civil war that ends with the provinces of Isla de la Juventud, Artemisa, Mayabeque, Matanzas, and Cienfuegos seceding from the rest of Cuba and declaring themselves a new country, the Cuban Free State. The new nation quickly signs alliance treaties with the United States and Mexico as the Castro regime flees Havana to establish a new headquarters in Camaguey; during the late '60s and early '70s the Cuban Free State and Castro-ruled Communist Cuba remain locked in a tense standoff as U.S. troops deploy to the island to support the Free State government while the Soviets increase military aid to the Castro regime. With the election of Ronald Reagan to the U.S. presidency in 1980 the pendulum begins to swing for keeps in favor of the Cuban Free State, and by 1987 most other countries-- including the Soviet Union --have come to regard the Free State as the legitimate Cuban government. The standoff finally ends in 1990 as a group of young military officers disillusioned with Castro overthrow his rump regime and pledge their loyalty to the Free State. A reunification pact is quickly signed, and on Christmas Eve that same year officials in Havana proclaim the re-establishment of the Republic of Cuba.

Forget Clothes, We Don't Even Have An Emperor!
Forget Clothes, We Don't Even Have An Emperor!

In a Central Powers victory world, Austrian Emperor Charles I died in 1922, leaving his 10 year old son Otto the emperor. Otto I reign is marked by the rule of Austria-Hungary by his advisors, who steadily begin to oppress the Hungarians and other ethnic groups in the region. The political situation in Austria-Hungary becomes increasingly unstable. When Otto becomes old enough to assume command in 1930, the country is on the verge of falling apart, not helped by the Stock Market Crash. Only German intervention saves it. Eventually, Otto abdicates, and establishes a US style democracy, in order to address the grievances of the ethnic groups. Each state has its own parliament, which answers to the two main parliaments in Vienna and Budaphest. The Emperor is no longer a political leader, leading to the title.
The Rise and Fall of the Nazi Empire
Two Indias
Forget Clothes, We Don't Even Have An Emperor!
During the Interregnum (1250-1325), in which the Holy Roman Empire had no Emperor, Adamite groups like the Taborites or the Brethren of Free Spirit, who do not consider nudity sinfull but holy, appeared everywhere in the Empire. They were considered heretical by the Church but they managed to obtain so many followers that even the German nobility refrained from starting the crusade against them ordered by the Church. The so-called Adamite Revolution soon spread all over Europe and forced the Church to compromise and accept many (but not all) of the Adamite teachings. The title is a quote from a letter written by the Duke of Swabia to the Duke of Saxony in which he voiced his support for the Adamite cause.

Choose (and write at least four sentences! But more would be better.)
... and a Whore shall rule the World ...

The Maiden Queen of England and the Slave Queen of Scots
The Importance of Being ... Nude?!?

Let the Titans rule!

Wearing a Bikini in the Office, That's Conservative and Prudish ...
The American Empire of New Carthage
All That Was, Will Be
Let the Titans rule!

A TL about the ATL 2020 US presidential presidential in a world where Ross Perot became the US president in 1996 and broke the back of the 2-party system. The title of the TL comes from the slogan of the American Reformist Objectivist Party (the slogan itself being a referance to Rand's Atlas Shrugs), a new party that splintered from Perot's pro-buisness pary in the 2000s. The A.R.O. (pronounced "arrow") party is set to win the elections in 2020 and take the power from the Social-Democrats (S.D. Party, an ofshoot of the US Democratic Party) who rulled from 2016 but were mired in scandals and failed to end an economic depression (which occured as a result of an ATL debt-ceiling crisis). But the SD is doing eveyrthing in its power to stop Arrow from winning & is even suspected of backing radical anarcho-communist "Occupy" terrorists as they bomb polling stations and bully buisnessmen. The author was eventually banned for his political views and a new forum rule banning writing of "politically incorrect" TLs was introdced to the site.

"It's not Hitler's fault that you're Jewish!"

The Brown Son - Superman raised in Mussolini's Italy (hey, if E.N. gets to do a Superman title than so do I)

Her Majesty's Challengers on Chinese soil -- the 1999 Hong-Kong Crisis

Israeli Iskandars & Palestinian Patriots -- the Rise of the Moscow-Tel Aviv Coalition and the US-Palestine Pact
(hey, if E.N. gets to do a Superman title than so do I)
The huge difference is, that his titles are stil vague. The title "Superman's Dead" does really not have to be a title about the Superman franchise or fanfiction about Superman.
Your titles however are very specific. It would be better to remove the parts after the hyphens.
"Superman's Dead" was not intended as a title for Superman. It came from a song, for one. My thinking going into it was that it symbolized the death of iconography and a general sense of loss of innocence and a "Bronze" or "Iron age" taking over from some past golden age. I was thinking myself of the 1990s, and the jaded era that was. If I wrote the description, it would be for a more dystopian 1990s.

You can have "The Brown Son" but not the "Superman raised in Italy" thing. And please don't be so specific with titles; that goes for everyone. If hyphens can be handled responsibly, I allow it, but it's being too specific that is the problem.
Her Majesty's Challengers on Chinese soil -- the 1999 Hong-Kong Crisis

The UK refuses to recognize the PRC in 1971, and continue to support the Republic of China. When the expiration date for British Rule in Hong Kong comes in 1999, they give Hong Kong to Taiwan. However, the People's Republic responds by sending in troops into Hong Kong. The British send in troops into Hong Kong in support of Taiwan. This results in a tense political situation, where the British troops actually enter the Chinese mainland. However, due to intervention from the US, a deal is struck, where Hong Kong became an independent state, which would be a neutral zone.

The Rise and Fall of the Nazi Empire
Two Indias
Two Indias

The Chinese invasion of India in 1962 results in the long-term Communist occupation of more than half the country. A Chinese-controlled puppet regime is set up in New Delhi while the officially recognized Indian government regroups in Calcutta to organize a guerrilla resistance to the occupiers. The war goes on until Mao's death in 1976, at which time the puppet regime collapses and its leaders either flee to exile abroad or are executed for treason.

We Have Met The Enemy And He Is Drunk Out Of His Ever-Lovin' Mind
We Have Met The Enemy And He Is Drunk Out Of His Ever-Lovin' Mind

Operation Unthinkable is declared and the severe pressure of it drives Churchill to even greater alcoholism. After four months of slaughter, France torn apart, and the tactical nuking of Russian soil, desperate talks are held in Geneva. Stalin and the Russian delegation are shocked to see the state of Churchill - killing any talk of armistice, as the Russians don't believe they can rely on the Prime Minister to be rational or coherent.


Mosque and State
Mosque and State
In order to prevent that schism of the faithfull will also tear the Caliphate apart, the early caliphes decide to secularize the Caliphate. Sadly that did not prevent the schism of the faithful into Shiites and Sunnites but also led to a constant and bloody struggle between the religious and the political leaders that crippled the Caliphate and eventually tore it apart.
Many consider this TL being extremely unrealistic. The statement of its writer that he wrote it to show the inherent problems of Islam that will always prevent any modernization got him banned.

Choose (and write at least four sentences! But more would be better.)
... and a Whore shall rule the World ...

The Maiden Queen of England and the Slave Queen of Scots
The Importance of Being ... Nude?!?

The 99 Deities of Islam

Wearing a Bikini in the Office, That's Conservative and Prudish ...
The American Empire of New Carthage
All That Was, Will Be


Gone Fishin'
The American Empire of New Carthage

A timeline set at the peak of the Second Great Awakening about an evangelist, inspired by Jefferson's quote of a 'Great empire on the West Coast', sets out westward to form a new christian state. Arriving after many years with a band of loyal followers, he founds a city names New Carthage, spreading his influence across Oregon in a cult like fashion, his army and court inspired by Carthage. When American settlers settled in Oregon, his used his influence to form a new state out of the area, however is opposed by America and Britain. Eventually, New Carthage collapses when the evangelist is deposed of, and becomes a State/Territory in the union, however a bloody guerrilla war follows.

The timeline was received initially warmly, praised for originality and it's take on the Second Great Awakening, however was soon criticized for relying too much on the 'Great Man' theory, the authors ignorance on local geography, not knowing of Russian settlements at the time and making the aftermath of the evangelist's death a metaphor for the Iraq war.

Kalifornien Über Alles

The American Empire of New Carthage

In a world where Carthage destroyed Rome, and became the primer power of the Mediterranean, America is discovered by Carthagian successor in 1500. The first colony in the New World is called New Carthage. It steadily expands, annexing the Aztec Empire, before becoming the Empire of New Carthage. It also has conflicts with the Incans. Eventually, both the Incan and New Carthage empires collapse by 1800, but their legacies live on. In 2000, there are now a string of Carthage-Aztec inspired republics scattered across North America, whilst South America is primarily ruled by the Incan successor.

The Rise and Fall of the Nazi Empire
The House of the Rising Sun
The House of the Rising Sun

A study of the Polish-Lithuanian Atomic Bomb Project set during the Third Global War in which the Commonwealth finds itself surrounded by it enemies in the Muscovite Republic and the North German League. Largely abandoned by English allies who are focusing their attentions snapping up North German holdings in India and Muscovite territories in Cathay the Commonwealth embark on a hugely ambitious and costly super weapons program.

Though successful the ironic twist in the tale is that the Polish-Lithuanian conventional forces are too outmatched due to the diversion of resources to the bomb project to take advantage of the destruction of a large portion Koenigsberg along with much of the North German High Command.

A sequel is still pending.

Operation Otter


A Suitable Staff


Silenced Service
Silenced Service

The British Empire does not decide to have a look at China's civil service and copy it - with a less efficient civil service, we see the Empire become increasingly unmanageable and corrupt, greatly checking its power and the stability of colonies.


A Day That Will Live In Ignorance
A Day That Will Live In Ignorance

Some minor technical difficulties end up forcing Yamamoto to abandon bombing Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. He later manages to convince his superiors to call off any bombing. Hence, the day goes by, without any major events to Americans. The Planned invasion ends up becoming an item for the archives, which many are ignorant of. However, on January 22nd, 1942, a German U-Boat bombs a passenger boat headed towards Boston. This, in parallel with the sinking of the Lusitania, causes the US to enter the war in Europe, having some minor involvement in the Japanese war. In the end, the war ends with two atomic bombs in Munich and Frankfurt, and Japan falling to an invasion by the Soviet Union.

The Rise and Fall of the Nazi Empire

The Atari Famicom
The Rise and Fall of the Nazi Empire

Although the monarchy did survive the German defeat in World War I it could not prevent the rise of the Nazi party and their takeover. Thus the so-called Nazi Empire was born. But the Kaiser and his family worked in secret against Hitler and his minions. That eventually led to the Fall of the Nazi Empire just before Hitler could start World War II.

Choose (and write at least four sentences! But more would be better.)
... and a Whore shall rule the World ...

The Maiden Queen of England and the Slave Queen of Scots
The Importance of Being ... Nude?!?

The 99 Deities of Islam

Wearing a Bikini in the Office, That's Conservative and Prudish ...
All That Was, Will Be