AH Title and Description Game

A future history timeline about how Toblerone candies helped spark a courtship between Prince George of England and a member of the Swedish royal family. Also offers speculation as to how Prince William might function as the new king of Great Britain.

Don't Shoot Till You See The Hairs Of Their Nostrils
An ASB TL about WW1 in a world where humans exist next to various cryptids like Yeti's & other "forest man". The story features things like the Red Baron vs Jersey Devils, Mexican chupacabras performing guerrilla attacks inside USA (Mexico enters the war on side of Germsny in this TL), Tsarist Almas performing human wave attacks against Austrians in Galicia (this os where the TL's name comes from, a phrase uttered by an A-H officer to his troops in a key battle) and Japanese Kappas performing amphibious assults on Kiautschou Bay.

Nude is the New Black
A hilarious TL where Jack Black, after his mainstream movie career nosedives, becomes a porn star. His porn movies are surprisingly popular, resulting in rise of "chubby porn". The TL focuses on reaction of various people to the events, from Glenn Beck raising a moral panic to Hanne Blank equating J.B. with Martin Luther King. TL ends with Black using his new noterietay to return to the mainstream.

"It's not Hitler's fault that you're Jewish!"

Bogatyrs, Narodnaya Volya & Tsar Alexander: Drugina 1884 (The Order 1886 parody)

The Slavic State of Syria - A Future History TL

The Sleepers Awaken - An Islam TL
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The Sleepers Awaken - An Islam TL
A retelling of Dune in a world in which an Empire rules most of the planet. Another difference is that the the syncretic religions of the far future were replaced with Christianity in the Empire and Salafist Islam among the Fremen. The TL was heavily criticized for its depiction of the religions (Christianity as decadent and evil, Salafist Islam as the only true and good religion). The TL was pure IS propaganda and was taken down shortly after the connection between its writer and the IS was discovered. The writer was banned for life.

Choose (and write at least four sentences! But more would be better.)
The Holy Roman Empire of French Nation

... and a Whore shall rule the World ...
Nudity is the New Black - A Fashion TL

The Maiden Queen of England and the Slave Queen of Scots
Tyrannosaurus Hex


Gone Fishin'
I'll try to get this back on track, sorry if two posts is against the rule
Nudity is the New Black - A Fashion TL

In 1993, the fashion world was shocked- Naomi Campbell struts down the catwalk, naked. No dress, no underwear, no shoes no nothing; only what she was born as. Starting a new trend, she inspires similar styles, forming the 'Natural' movement. In ten years, it's seen as a common piece of society in Central Europe and Southern America, where it was suited to the warmer climate, however it was not without controversy, and was faced with heavy opposition. EDIT (to make it more alternate-y): Now we examine the effects of a clothesless fashion trend on the clothing market, societies reaction to nudity of both male and female, how this trend helped progress the legal systems attitude to rape and sexual assault and the first nudist President of Croatia.

A song of Oil and Steam
Going Dutch- the Tale of Two America's
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I may let it go on a book. But not on an ASB video game setting. Ideally not at all; the reason being that it's something too specific; also I don't want it to become an archetype.
That... seems rather arbitrary. "Book parodies are allowed but video games are not because vediogames are too nitch". :rolleyes:
Nudity is the New Black - A Fashion TL
Second part of "Nudity is the New Black" TL. After retiering from movies for good, Jack Black starts a career as a fashon designer. His brands spread far and wide, becoming popular even with people like Kim Jong Un. But then news surface that Black's clothing is made in North Korean sweatshops, resulting in widespread protests in the West. Thus Jack Black leaves the clothing buisness.

"It's not Hitler's fault that you're Jewish!"

A Prussian Pinochet

The Slavic State of Syria - A Future History TL

Israeli Iskandars & Palestinian Patriots -- the Rise of the Moscow-Tel Aviv Coalition and the US-Palestine Pact
That... seems rather arbitrary. "Book parodies are allowed but video games are not because vediogames are too nitch". :rolleyes:

No. An ASB video game is problematic, because the point of the thread is not be be ASB. We've only given ASB descriptions traditionally when the title was just impossible to reply to and the thread was dead for a week because of it. You should not set out to get an ASB. It was also asking for a specific response. And ideally I do not want any pop culture parody. It's been abused too much. I let Bring the Jubilee go. I'm putting the foot down here.
No. An ASB video game is problematic, because the point of the thread is not be be ASB. We've only given ASB descriptions traditionally when the title was just impossible to reply to and the thread was dead for a week because of it. You should not set out to get an ASB. It was also asking for a specific response. And ideally I do not want any pop culture parody. It's been abused too much. I let Bring the Jubilee go. I'm putting the foot down here.
So Barb is allowed to make titles about lesbian queens & widespread nudism yet you flip a table over a title making a reference to a video game? Yeah, that makes sence :rolleyes:
So Barb is allowed to make titles about lesbian queens & widespread nudism yet you flip a table over a title making a reference to a video game? Yeah, that makes sence :rolleyes:

One is potential alternate history, and one is better suited as pop culture. In either case, I prefer you leave out a colon and a specifier. I don't care what title you make, so long as it's an alternate history story and people can reply to it. And I've repeated about the same thing more than once here.

The problem is -and people have said this many times by now and I've been PM'd about it more than once- when you guys post a title like that, people can't reply to it. And if I let that title go, I know for a fact the problematic trends are going to creep back in again until it becomes a dominating issue once again. It'll get back to that hiccup period we had, and it'll alienate people again. You have to take that into consideration and take the other people who have to reply into consideration.
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Shiftygiant did a Nudity post first, so:

A song of Oil and Steam

The Royal Navy does not go for oil-powered ships before WW1 (which has he side effect of keeping the Ottoman Empire out of the war). When other nations try switching to oil powered ships, Britain finds itself slowly losing the technological advantage and, desperate, starts trying to increase its influence in the Middle East to cut off rivals. The scene is set for a multi-faction Great Game over oil-rich nations and, eventually, a nasty war...


The Crash Heard Around The World
A Prussian Pinochet

The German-Chilean general Augustus von Pinochet was one of the principal leaders on East-West War enter 1973-1977 (this as part of WWIII). He commanded the German resistance in Munich and Hamburg of Warsaw Pact's attacks and your great moment was in January 1978 when the war was ended with NATO-American victory, in this same organization he would be nominated General Secretary in 1980, commanding this until 1989.

Mein Brain Hurts! - Adolf Hitler's mental problems
Diana Spencer-Obama - Yes, the Princess can
Waiting for Bill
Habemus Blairium
The German-Chilean general Augustus von Pinochet was one of the principal leaders on East-West War enter 1973-1977 (this as part of WWIII). He commanded the German resistance in Munich and Hamburg of Warsaw Pact's attacks and your great moment was in January 1978 when the war was ended with NATO-American victory, in this same organization he would be nominated General Secretary in 1980, commanding this until 1989.

Waiting for Bill

Bill Clinton doesn't run for president in 1992, and Jerry Brown wins instead, and
he and his more left-wing successors consolidate control of the Democrats, though rumors are hat the former Governor of Arkansas will run in 2004 and try to unseat President McCain, who seems unbeatable with rally round the flag effect due to the War on Terror, but the economy at home is suffering...

Fightback!-An Australian TL
The Party Goes On-A Canadian TL
Unfinished Business-An alternate History of New Zealand 1990-Present Day
Fightback!-An Australian TL

The story of the Japanese attack and occupation of northern Australia in the early 1940s. The Japanese occupy the north half of the island, establish prison camps, and force the locals into hard labor. The Australians, meanwhile, ferment a resistance movement in the occupied territory. With US and British help, the Australians are able to kick the Japanese out by 1943. The Australians, fueled by revenge, go on to play a pivotal role in liberating the Oceania region from the Japanese.

Superman's Dead

Dances at the End of Midnight

Revenge and Resurrection

Superman's Dead

A timeline where Shaquille O'Neal dies in a car crash at the height of his basketball career, leading to Ross Perot winning the 1996 Presidental Election.

What hath God wrought...

"Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground."

"The American Revolution was a beginning, not a consummation."
"Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground."

An alternate look at the Space race, specifically dealing with a lack of an Apollo 1 fire, as told by mission control. Here, Apollo 8 suffers the disaster, resulting in the death of Neil Armstrong and Jim Lovell. After harsh criticism, the Moon landings are delayed until 1974. The title is a reminder given to the commanders of the subsequent missions. The TL ends with Apollo 14 being the first mission to land on the Moon, with Buzz Aldrin the first man on the moon.

Fear, Loathing, and Green Energy on the Campaign Trail 2000
The Peacock and Brandon Tartikoff
Fear, Loathing, and Green Energy on the Campaign Trail 2000

In an alternate scenario, Jesse Ventura ran for the Reform party presidential nomination for 2000. In the OTL, Ventura pledged not to run for the presidency until his term as governor expired. Subsequently, the pro-Perot and Buchanan factions of the party splintered it apart; it never recovered. As the highest elected member of the party, Ventura is in a far stronger position than Buchanan. Subsequently, the 2000 election becomes all the more complicated. Ventura is a strong candidate, and is in a position to sap votes from both Gore and Bush. Nader remains just as strong as the OTL, but with the vote split, his electoral strength is buoyed.

The vote is split between Gore, Bush, Ventura and Nader. Gore has a disputed majority of the popular vote, while Bush has a disputed majority of the electoral vote. There is no sufficient electoral majority, and the election is thrown to Congress. The House elects George Bush as president. The Senate, by a bare number, chooses Joe Lieberman as vice president.

(Someone should write this timeline)

Pearl Harbor: The Day The Japanese Navy Died


In the alternate timeline, the United States intercepts communications clearly outlining the Japanese plan for Pearl Harbor, including time and fleet formation. The navy is put on high alert for an attack. When it does come, the fleet is prepared. The attack is a bloodbath for the Japanese fleet that attacks. All the same, the United States declares war on Japan for her aggression. The Japanese never recover from the initial blunder at Pearl Harbor. In engagement after engagement, they are pushed back and decimated. Though island hopping is bloody, the US maintains naval superiority and production builds up the fleet even greater as time goes by. By 1944, the United States is closing in on the Japanese home islands.

Kings, Queens and Billy Jeans

The Mongolian Frontier

Hijinks Ensure
The Mongolian Frontier
After the collapse of the Western Mongolian Empire which ruled Eastern Europe for more than five hundred years settlers from all over Europe move into the region now known as the Mongolian Frontier. But the region is not completely depopulated. Pillaging hordes of Mongolian warriors roam the steppes and small groups of the last Slavs hide in the forests and the ruins of long forgotten civilizations.

Choose (and write at least four sentences! But more would be better.)
The Holy Roman Empire of French Nation

... and a Whore shall rule the World ...
The Republic of Bikini

The Maiden Queen of England and the Slave Queen of Scots
Tyrannosaurus Hex

Let the Titans rule!

The Conservativism of Wearing a Bikini in the Office
The Republic of Bikini
A satirical nickname for the island-province of Bikini in the Marshall Islands, because of the fact that Bikinese people are center-to-left in nature, particularly with republican tendencies. First popularized in the classic Marshallese comedy series of the same name (1987-92), it first gained notoriety among the Bikinese because it parodied their idiosyncrasies and stereotypes; some argued that it reflected Bikini Province as a whole, while others accused the creators of the series of ridiculing the island-province and its inhabitants. Nonetheless, Republic of Bikini actually catapulted interest to Bikini, especially in the tourism industry; visitors from the rest of Marshall Islands visited the island-province and its "hidden gems", and it paved the way for the Bikinese provincial government adopted the show's title as its unofficial and satirical nickname. Nowadays, "Republic of Bikini" souvenirs are one of the best selling items in the Bikini Province.

Pick your choice:
A.) Baywatch: Bahamas

B.) Gothic Republic of Austria

C.) The Curse of Gurgamoya

D.) The Warriors of Tungusian Tundra
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