A Successful Second Mexican Empire

So I am still working on my "When the Levee Broke" timeline (aka "Lincoln Dead in 1861"), and I was thinking about the butterflies that would result. Hannibal Hamlin would be president in 1861 and would very likely win the presidential election in 1864. As a result, he would be president when in OTL Napoleon III pulled France out of Mexico and withdrew support for Emperor Maximilian I of the Second Mexican Empire. As a result liberal forces who supported Benito Juarez, who had previously been the president until the French invasion of Mexico in 1861, ousted Maximilian and reinstalled a republican government.

One of the main reasons for liberal success in Mexico was funding and support from the United States which, adhering to the Monroe Doctrine and fearing an imperial power on the US doorstep, sought to oust French influence. President Andrew Johnson even threatened war with France if they did not end their imperialism in Mexico.

Now, in TTL, Andrew Johnson is never president. While Hannibal Hamlin and his administration would almost certainly not tolerate French intervention in Mexico, there wouldn't be much he could do about it. In TTL, the Civil War lasts a couple years longer than in OTL, ending in 1867 rather than 1865. In addition Reconstruction takes a lot more military resources due to a larger, more-entrenched Confederacy. So while Hamlin would probably threaten war over French imperialism, it is unlikely that he could actually back up his words with action and Napoleon III might call his bluff.

Anyway, I'm just curious: what would need to occur in order to create a successful Second Mexican Empire? Is it a far-fetched notion that I'm pursuing for the "lol butterfly effect" or is there something to my brainstorming?

In addition I have what I think might be a far-fetched idea. In order to sate US fears over the Second Mexican Empire, I had an idea of Napoleon III, with Maximilian's support, ceding the Baja peninsula to the United States as a sign of good will between the nations. How plausible is this idea? I've been unable to find any information regarding US or even Mexican interest (beyond the fact that the peninsula was already under Mexican control, and had been previously defended from colonization by US invaders) in the peninsula. Like I said it's a crazy idea and just something I've brainstormed, but I'd like to float it by the community before I completely dismiss it.
Either have Maximilian make different and wiser decisions, or have a different person step in entirely. Max was politically naive and jumped into the role of Emperor of Mexico. His decisions tended to offend as many groups as he helped never giving him a solid footing. He or whoever gets the throne needs to cultivate support locally. Depending on the POD the French will withdraw their troops and the Empire will be on it's own.
why is Hamlin automatically re-elected in '64?

Lincoln was an iffy project for re-election, and he's considered a great president. Bump Lincoln off early, who knows what's going to happen. Certainly, if (accordingly to your TL), the war is going to last a few years more, Hamlin is no shoe -in. More likely, replaced on the ticket, the same way he was in OTL.

US machinations put an end to the Maximilian experiment, but it was likely headed that way anyhow, even with a friendly US.
If Juarez gets captured there's a huge blow to the liberal cause and it might fracture or dissolve in the aftermath. There's no saying how long his reign lasts in a more peaceful environment, but it's bound to be much better off sans Juarez regardless
Yeah, Maximilian just didn't seem like the right kind of emperor to have any sort of success in Mexico. Too liberal for the conservatives who wanted a monarchy. Any suggestions on who to replace him with? I feel like replacing Maximilian is one of the main ways to get a successful Second Mexican Empire.

The capture of Juarez is interesting, and would certainly be a morale blow for the liberals. Sounds like a good idea.

Like I said, the Baja idea was just a crazy idea I had that is likely to be scrapped. Selling it off, while pleasing the US, would certainly not endear the emperor to the Mexican people and would likely spark more revolution.
I think you would need a different person from Maximilian entirely--he was a liberal, quite in contrast with his Catholic, conservative constituents who opposed Juarez.
Whoa, there's a TL about it?

Link please?

It's not actually a TL about the Second Mexican Empire, it's an alternate Civil War where the Confederacy is crushed, but a huge number (some 350,000 IIRC) flee the US to take up Maximillian's offer of safety in Mexico. The result is the Second Empire seems to survive longer so far...

A Glorious Union is the TL. Here's the most recent index of chapters.

However, the chapters directly relating to Mexico are chapters; 58, 100, (126 Part 2 - this one not so direct), 131, 134, and 148.