a saner Kaiser

I got this idea from my victoria, revolutions game

This is based on a slightly saner Kaiser
Realising that despite having defeated Russia the entry of the U.S into the war causes serious problems especially since his people are already starting to starve he sues for peace. Since France is in a weak position it persuades Britain to accept
A very minor territorial adjustment follows with France getting a tiny bit of Alsace Lorraine and minor reparations on the part of germany. However Germany gains a massive swathe of eastern Europe. These quickly become puppet states of Poland Estonia Lithuania and Ukraine. Note that there is also the state of free Ukraine which jealously guards its independence. Britain gained some land in the middle east off the Ottoman empire. However the Ottaman empire gained some land in the causcaus off Soviet Union and the puppet states of Armenia and Georgia were set up.In eastern Ukraine another rebel government was formed called Free Ukraine which was fiercely independent and after defeating the red army gained independence This had the side consequence in the soviet union of dislike for all things (and people) Caucasian. They proved though not to be a blessing in the short term. However in Germany the mood is one of outrage and it is clear that the Kaiser may be toppled.
By 1920 Italy descended into fascism with Mussolini spurting vitriol at a weakened Austria-Hungary. Taking a lead from Italy in 1922 the German fascist movement assassinated Kaiser Wilhelm and put Hitler in charge. Quickly it was realised that the new rulers in Germany would be very detrimental to eastern Europe and within a matter of months supported by Lenin the eastern European states revolted with the exception of Ukraine. It was clear as well that Germany was entering into a civil war with a strange coalition of communists, supporters of the ex Kaiser ,socialists and liberals all taking to the streets. Meanwhile in France Action Francaise was demanding more of Alsace Lorraine. The latest problems in Germany seemed a good excuse to quell the fascist movement in France. By late 1923 Hitler was forced to surrender to a mixture of forces. The result was that France gained Alsace Lorraine and part of the Saarland By 1924 and Poland had annexed all land west of Berlin a provisional government of socialists’ communists and royalists was set up in Germany. Meanwhile in the soviet Union Lenin died to be replaced by Trotsky Ironically despite its internal struggles for the time being Austria Hungary was stronger than Germany. Italy meanwhile was rearming fast and the Ottoman empire looking nervously at its Russian neighbour and with good cause- Arab rebels were beginning to be funded by the Soviet Union and Britain was beginning to see the logic in good relations with the Ottoman empire
In 1926 all things came to a head the emperor of the austro Hungarian empire was assassinated. This almost immediately led to the breakup of the empire with a land grab by Italy Poland, Serbia and Romania. Meanwhile a coup in free Ukraine led to a communist government replacing the very decentralised socialist government.
By late 1927 the situation in the old AH was clear Italy had gained land up to the German border and set up a puppet government in the rump of Austria. It had also gained most of the Adriatic coast with the rest having been taken by Serbia Hungary had managed to gain independence along with Czechoslovakia though it must be noted that there was hardly any of Slovakia since Poland had grabbed that as well
In 1928 it was the communists and socialists had formed a government in Germany to the horror of everyone else In 1929 the markets crashed and Trotsky predicted the end of capitalism by 1931. Meanwhile in the old AH some clear power blocks were emerging Italy, Poland Serbia and Romania
In 1931 in Britain the election was notable for a communist gain in West Fife. Elsewhere the communists looked strong nearly gaining several more constituencies and in France the government used Action Francaise as a political weapon against the communists-
Germany the communists gained a majority. Meanwhile in Estonia Belarus and Ukraine the communists came to power and the soviet union was rearming
By 1932 a war broke out between “free Ukraine” supported by the Soviet Union and the Ukraine supported by no- one by the end of 1932 Ukraine had been annexed
Fearful of the spread of communism France started shipping arms out to Italy and helping to train officers, worried about the spread of communists
In 1934 In the Ottoman empire a massacre of entire villages in the rebellious Arab regions in a vain attempt to stop the insurgency reached the United Kingdom courtesy of the communist party of great Britain. This provoked outrage as the British government had supported this and caused a general strike in some cities supported overtly by the communist party and less so by the labour party. This led to labour winning ,but not enough for a majority and 20 communists gaining seats- enough to form a majority government with a slim majority
In 1935 Romania had a communist coup. This lead to a more severe crackdown on communists in non communist countries
In 1937 the expulsion of soviet diplomats by Lithuania ended up in war Poland promised to support Lithuania Meanwhile Germany declared war on Poland. Followed by Italy and France declaring war on Germany Britain’s apparent support of Germany and the Soviet Union led to a political crisis which resulted in a split in the Labour party with 20% of Labour MPs joining the national labour party. The resulting election known as the war election saw the Conservatives regain power and promptly declare war on the soviet Union. Meanwhile in the u.s Theodore Roosvelt was making noises about the situation in Europe.