2010 US Presidential Election

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townhall.com Friday April 9th

Walken Promises To Reverse “Big Spending Culture”

Glen Walken took to the stage in South Carolina this morning and promised supporters that a Walken presidency would “end the big spending culture in Washington”.

The man who acted as President for three days during the Zoe Bartlett crisis told a packed rally that “Washington has run out of control. Spending has gotten out of control and not nearly enough has been done in the past 12 years to get the American people’s taxes down. We need to give this country back to the people, free them from big government and growth and prosperity will return. I will work tirelessly to ensure that we cut the size of government.”

Following his speech Walken opened the floor to questions and spent nearly an hour answering the queries of both the locals and the travelling press pack.

He refused to be drawn on his Vice-Presidential choice saying only “we’re vetting a number of great candidates, when we make a decision you guys will be the first to know.” Walken followed that by confirming that the decision will be announced via text message to supporters, the first time such a communication approach has been used.
disputed said:
I tend to agree, but I think due to the events of "The Stormy Present", it suggests things are slightly different to OTL.

Walken is refered to as "President" in the episode and gets all of the trimmings of a former President - travelling on Air Force One to the funeral for example.

I'm sure there are better informed people than me on the subject ere, but my understanding is that Walken wouldn't have been sworn in as President to become acting President (much like Cheney in when he was acting President briefly). However, on the show he was sworn in so would effectively be President.

The Oath of Office is necessary before performing duties as President, which I believe Acting Presidents Bush (in 1985) and Cheney (in 2002 and 2007) never performed (Cheney wrote a letter, that's all I know).

Walken ascended to office with the express knowledge and intent to perform presidential duties, and depending on which Consitutional scholar you consult, is required to take the oath first (some think the 20th Amendment might've removed the requirement). Walken also resigned his position as Speaker/Congressman (as required), unlike Bush and Cheney who went back to being VPs. So the public's perception of Walken (tied into the traumatic Zoey Bartlet crisis) is/was on a much, much higher pedestal than Bush and Cheney.

I think the State Department wrote up new protocol following those two days that allowed Walken a high-up spot in the Order of Precedence (probably "all former Acting Presidents" behind "all former Presidents" and before "all former Vice Presidents").


The genealogy of the Pierce family, arguably the most influential political family in modern-day politics:
Pierce family.png

Pierce family.png

Friday April 9th

Former Prime-Minister Meyer wades into London Mayoral race with an attack on Stanley
Former Labour Prime-Minister Richard "Ricky" Meyer today waded into the race for London Mayor.
Meyer who now rarely gives interviews since leaving the Labour Leadership six years ago, and has been living most of the year in France, today in an exculsive interview for Sky News he talked about the London Mayoral race.
"I want Gerald to win, he served me well as Health Secretary and then as Home Secretary, but I have to make it clear, Henry Reed would be a better choice than Stanley. Me and Henry where rivials, but friendly rivials, he is a good man."
Talking of the man that he beat to the Labour Leadership back in 1992, and whom he later sacked as Shadow Employment Secretary two years later, after some outspoken remarks about Jews, he said.
"He was a terriable Mayor for London, he cost us the Olympic games, he has an ego the size of Westminister Abbey. He is trying to convince voters that he is cuddly Ben, the people's Mayor, but the only man he serves is himself".
Away from the London Mayor race, he also spoke about the forthcoming US Presedential race. "I have only meet President Santos twice, but he is a good man, and like our country has been dealt a bad hand by forces he could not control" and for his opponent Glen Allen Walken "He is a giant, I remember when we spoke on the phone during the first hours of the Zoe Bartlet crisis, he was calm, and in utter control, I am not going to comment on Us domestic policy, but in Foreign Affairs, and having a calm head, there is no-one better".
He also releaved he does speak to Former president Jeb Bartlet regularly
"Yes we talk regularly on the phone, and will be paying a visit to the Farm in Manchester, later on in the year".


Former Prime-Minister Richard Meyer being interviewed on Sky News today.
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Friday April 9th

Connecticut Junior Senator Howard Niering now on Walkens Guest List

Much is being made of this weekend's summit at the Walken Family home, just outside Liberty, Missouri.
Many of those who have been linked as Walken's Pick for a running-mate will be in attendance, Governor Micheal Jack, Texas Senator Liz Clark, Ohio Congresswomen Ruth Norton-Stewart, and now we are told tonight Connecticut Junior Senator Howard Niering.
Niering 55, was elected from this normally Democratic State eight years ago, with over sixty % of the vote. Conservative but not two conservative for the state, he would clearly appeal to the those voters that voted Vinick four years ago. He also served three terms as Governor from 1988 to 2000. He was only 33 when elected as Governor, and left office with a 85% approval rating. He also cut taxes balanced the budget, but supported improvements in Health Care and the states Education budget.
The other thing that is very clear about the election is that most of the north-east seems to be in play, indeed lastest polls now have New Jersey as a swing state, along with Santos only holding narrow leads in New York and Massschuetts, a state that Santos only won by five points last time out. Niering could very well play in these states.
Niering's father was a Austrian who fled the Nazi takeover in 1938 to America. He is former teacher who was brought up in New York City, and with New York looking to be a swing state this year, he must be on Walken's radar.
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Friday April 9th

Reed won first debate say Londerers

Henry Reed won the first London Mayoral debate held yesterday at the ESC.
A internet and text vote had Reed the winner with over 45% of the votes cast.
The Reed campaign will be in good heart today after Former Prime-Minister Richard Meyer , the man that beat Reed in the 1996 General Election launched a bitter attack on Ben Stanley and called Reed a "good man".

The lastest City wide Poll has Reed moving ahead of Mayor Fox, with Stanley falling back in third.
  1. Henry Reed 29.5%
  2. Gerald Fox 25.3%
  3. Ben Stanley 21.1%
  4. Jo Blake 11.1%
  5. Arthur Brooks 8.5%
  6. Guy Pearson 4.5%
The USA Today, Friday, April 6, 2010
Where Are They Now? 2010 Election Special

It's only been a few short months since the news was fluttered with information about how Matt Skinner was going to modernize the Republican Party or the events surrounding Marcus Blakemore's attempted assassination. Those reports have died down since the Republican field dwindled down to just Glen Allen Walken, but the former candidates are all but forgotten.

In our first installment of "Where Are They Now? 2010 Election Special," we catch up with the first five of last year's failed presidential nominees. The second part will continue with Former Governor Edward Pratt, Governor Eric Swenson, General Nicholas Alexander, Former Governor Marcus Blakemore, and Congressman Darren Gibson.

[Editor's note: We did have a piece written on Senator Jimmy Hobuck, but with his untimely passing, we removed it out of respect to the Senator's family.]


1. Mike Reed - Former Governor of Ohio (1999-2007); Campaign began December 11, 2008; Ended October 21, 2009

Reed's fame during the campaign came from a viral video released without Reed's consent in early March. The video, as well as Reed's laid-back approach to campaigning, caused many to believe he was not a serious candidate, and outside his home state, he consistently managed to place last, or near-to-last place in polls. During the last few months of the campaign, it was believed that Reed was running more for Vice President than President, an accusation he has never addressed. Despite beliefs that his campaign effectively ended in early June, he stuck to the trail, withdrawing in October after the entrance of Senator "Hawk" Fuller in the race.

Since his withdrawal, Reed has continued to make public appearances and speeches. He has capitalized on his internet popularity by reaching out to a younger audience, mainly through his daughter Eileen's popular internet blog. Recently, he made speeches at CPAC, and on March 7th, endorsed former Acting President Glen Alan Walken for the nomination. He is usually considered seventh or eighth place in the running for Walken's VP, behind his fellow Ohioan Ruth Norton-Stewart. Contrary to popular rumors, Reed is not related to former British Prime Minister Henry Reed. They did, however, meet in 1995, when Prime Minister Reed visited an American state dinner and Mike Reed was serving as President Lassiter's Deputy Communications Director.

2. Jeff Haffley - Congressman from Washington's 5th District (1991-Present), Former Speaker of the House (2003-2007); Campaign began December 22, 2008; Ended January 7, 2010

Haffley was briefly the frontrunner until Governor Sullivan's declaration on January 7, 2009. He spent the next year trying to regain the top spot, but was consistently seen as a third, fourth, and finally fifth place candidate, behind stronger personalities, such as Walken, Alexander, and Fuller. There was some controversy surrounding Haffley's campaign being copied in the vein of Santos', but he did manage to gather some high-profile endorsements, including commentator Taylor Reid and Senator Joe Gillis. He withdrew following a last-place turnout in the Iowa primary.

Other than Sullivan, Haffley had the longest pre-primary campaign, and the only "December candidate" to reach into the primary season, if only briefly. Unlike the other candidates, Haffley never endorsed another candidate after his withdrawal, with most of his supporters siding with General Alexander (who is now running an Independent campaign). Haffley presumably endorses the party's nominee, Walken, but has not stated so publicly, vowing instead to "return to [his] district and vote for Republican causes."

3. Sam Wendt - Congressman for South Carolina's 2nd District (1995-Present); Campaign began December 23, 2008; Ended April 21, 2009

Although considered to be a respectable, conservative politician, with Presidential appeal, albeit a longshot, Congressman Wendt's campaign quickly veered out of control with revelations of his continual alcohol abuse and drunken attacks, both physical and verbal, on the media and his fellow candidates. His tirades caused his entire campaign staff to abandon him, increased scorn from the RNC, and eventually he was kicked out of his own party, ending any chance at a presidential run.

In order to maintain his position in the House (as an independent), Wendt was forced to enter rehab on May 1st. He came out 83 days later in mid-July, and has reportedly been sober ever since. He continues to champion conservative causes, and was an early supporter of Walken after his withdrawal, something not reported on in the media. Although he has made overtures to rejoin the South Carolina Republican Party, he was effectively banned from running in the 2010 primary for his district's seat. He has stated he will not run for election as an Independent, and will therefore retire from the seat in January 2011.

4. Ray Sullivan - Former Governor of West Virginia (2001-2009); Campaign began January 7, 2009; Ended March 2, 2010

The longest-campaigner for the 2010 nomination (Walken will exceed Sullivan's 14 months in mid-May), Sullivan was considered the front-runner almost from the end of last election, where he was Arnold Vinick's running mate. Sullivan declared in January, and until December easily held frontrunner status over the other candidates with minimal campaigning necessary. A moderate, much of Sullivan's support was taken with the introductions of Nicholas Alexander and Marcus Blakemore to the campaign, all but assuring a smooth victory for Glen Alan Walken. With the later withdrawal from Blakemore and eventually Alexander, Sullivan gained some momentum, but it was too late and Walken eventually gained enough delegates after Mini-Tuesday to become the presumptive nominee. Sullivan conceded the campaign, and within weeks gave a full endorsement to Walken (mostly drowned out with the disappearance and later "capture" of New Mexico Governor Rudi Vansen).

It's only been a few weeks since Sullivan's withdrawal, and other than an appearance at CPAC and the endorsement of Walken, he has made minimal public appearances. Most commentators agree that Sullivan will likely not become Walken's running mate, but it is believed he may secure a spot on Walken's potential cabinet, perhaps as Attorney General.

5. Matt Skinner - Congressman for Vermont's At-Large District (1995-Present); Campaign began January 7, 2009; Ended November 16, 2009

Upon his entry in January, Skinner became the most talked-about of the early candidates due to his sexual orientation rather than the issues. Skinner was decried by the ultra-conservatives in his party, such as Wesley Burke and Libby Lassiter, purely because of his orientation, and many moderates had already supported Sullivan, leaving Skinner an underdog behind the likes of Sullivan, Haffley, Blakemore, Walken, and Alexander (controversies such as the Hampton e-mails and "Bridgegate" did little to help in this period). He withdrew from the race after the fourth debate, and decided to endorse Glen Alan Walken as nominee. The reasons for his withdrawal weren't apparent right away, and DNC Chairman Josh Lyman claimed that Skinner was forced out by the Republican Party. Skinner later rebutted Lyman, claiming he withdrew purely on lack of support.

Since his withdrawal and the exchange with Lyman, Skinner has announced his intention to run for the Senate (some believe that was his reasoning for withdrawal), and most of his recent attention has been on that race. He did attend the recent CPAC, where he denounced statements by his former fellow candidate Edward Pratt that homosexuality was a threatening lifestyle.

535.com Special Report
We here at 535 are proud to present the inaugural edition of a series that we hope will become a regular part of political discourse.
We will partner our Washington staff with a known, respected political reporter or columnist in every state, as part of a story on each state's Congressional delegation.

We'll start with Indiana, a state that looks like it will be a battleground this November. We are pleased to be partnered with the Indianapolis Star's astute Matthew Evans.

Rob O'Rourke: The Senior Senator from Indiana is in a unique position right now. He is a close friend of General Nicholas Alexander and was the Co-Chair of his Republican campaign for President. Now, with Alexander running as an Independent, O'Rourke faces a unique problem-Does he split with the party he's been a member of his whole life, and endorse his old friend? Or does he turn his back on friendship for political gain?
O'Rourke is quite conservative, both socially and economically. He's a staunch ally of the military, as befitting his Marine Corps. background. But, as Chairman of the Veteran's Affairs Committee, he's also worked with the Bartlet and Santos Administrations to pass legislation benefitting veterans in the areas of health care and troop pay raises.
Committee Seats: Veteran's Affairs(Chairman); Armed Services; Senate Select Intelligence; Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry.
Electoral Prospects: Not Running. Even though O'Rourke won't be up for election until 2012, it doesn't look like anyone can beat him. He fits his state very well, and has a campaign fund of $5.6 million, which is enough to potentially scare off any challengers.

Martin Warren-The soon-to-be former Junior Senator unexpectedly decided not to run for reelection, setting off a scramble to see who would replace him. While in office, Warren(who sits in the seat of his father, Spencer Warren, the former Senator who remains incredibly popular within the state), gained a reputation for cautious bipartisanship, working with Republicans on issues ranging from taxes, the budget, health care and prespcription drugs.
His unexpected retirement for the vague "family reasons" was not at all convincing, and many believe that Warren has always harbored ambitions for a larger office. While running for Governor this year would be suicide-Stephen Kendrick, despite his Vice Presidential prospects, is immensely popular, and holds a lead over any challenger-prospects could be easier 4 years down the line. However, if Kendrick were to be selected as VP, Warren could easily step in as the Democratic nominee, and immediately become the frontrunner.
Committee Seats: Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs; Budget; Appropriations; Commerce, Science and Transportation.
Electoral Prospects: Not Running. Despite his retirement, Warren remains quite popular, and could definitely run again.

The Congressional Delegation:
Despite it's(Well-deserved) reputation as one of the Reddest of Red States, Indiana has a Democratic majority delegation.
1st: Tom Peterson, Democrat. This long-time Congressman is a close ally of embattled Speaker Mark Sellner, which led to him gaining the Chairmanship of the immensely powerful Appropriations Committee. Peterson is known for his constituent service-His office is consistently rated as one of the best in responding to local issues and constituent requests; In addition, he is one of the most well-known in funneling federal money to his district, ensuring that the people who vote for him get big pieces of the federal pie.
Peterson is well-known among Congress for his habit of always having his dog, Harrison, an Airedale Terrier, accompany him to work. Harrison sleeps in the Congressman's office, and has been known to receive more mail in a year than the Congressman himself!
Electoral Prospects: Very Safe Seat; Holds 20% Lead over all challengers.
Committee Assignments:Appropriations(Chairman).

2nd: John Greene, Democrat. Congressman Greene has made himself one of the leading experts on education in the House-Fitting for a former high schoolteacher and someone who both graduated from and represents the University of Notre Dame. Elected in 2006 in an upset, defeating former Congressman Tim Thompson, he helped the Democrats regain control of the House. A confirmed moderate and Blue Dog Democrat, he's a close ally of White House Chief of Staff Nate Singer, and has worked closely with Republicans across the aisle.
Electoral Prospects: Safe Seat; Polls Indicate He Holds an 8 point lead over South Bend businessman Preston Brown.
Committee Assignments:Education and Labor; Small Business.

3rd: Mark Stillman, Republican. Yet another politician with the initials MS(They do seem to pop up a lot don't they?), this one is much less powerful than Matt Santos, Mark Sellner or Matt Skinner. Stillman is regarded as a lightweight by Republicans and Democrats alike, known only for his religious views(Extremely Conservative Christian) and his ridiculous piece of legislation to put former President Owen Lassiter on the dime.
Stillman holds his office due to the fact that, aside from Fort Wayne, his district is incredibly conservative, he has the full backing of the American Christian Assembly, and no Democrat has ever seriously challenged him.
Electoral Prospects:Very Safe Seat; No Republican or Democratic challenger.
Committee Assignments:House Administration; Oversight and Government Reform.

4th: Richard Krause, Republican. Krause has announced his retirement this year, but his seat is expected to remain Republican, due to the structuring of his district. Krause is a reliably conservative vote on all issues. He is one of the most notable golfers in the House, and spends a good deal of his time on the links. Lately, he has come under fire from good government groups and journalists for ethics violations relating to his relations with the pharmaceutical lobby.
Committee Assignments: Energy and Commerce; Agriculture.
Electoral Prospects: Not Running Again, Retiring.

5th: Dale Burger, Republican. One of the more controversial, irritating members of the Republican Party, Burger has a history of odd statements and extreme partisanship. He was continually investigating the Bartlet Administration for any perceived infraction, including the investigation of Congressman Lillianfield into the supposed drug use of White House staffers in the early years of the Bartlet Presidency. His verbal gaffes are legendary, saying that "President Bartlet was right in one thing in his entire Presidency-The Shareef issue. We should have done that earlier, and we should be doing it more today!" Burger is another well-known golfer from Indiana, and one of the more ethics-adverse politician in the House, having accepted free trips from lobbyists and corporations alike, which has led to several investigations and Congressional reprimands.
Electoral Prospects: Safe Seat for Republicans; Faces Primary Challenge from State Senator Robert Bride.
Committee Assignments: Oversight and Government Reform; Ways and Means.

6th: Mitchell Harris, Republican. The Indiana Intimidator, Harris is the Republican Party's enforcer within the House, and one of the rising right-wing stars. He's the Chairman of the Republican Conference, and is one of the guys tabbed to have a chance at the Speaker's Chair, or at least House Majority Leader. Harris is one of the strongest advocates for a hardline conservatism, a strict advocate of Lassiter-style conservatism.
Electoral Prospects: Very Safe Seat; Harris is one of the safer Congressmen, due to his district's structure, his endorsements from leading organizations, and his large campaign fund of $2.4 million.
Committee Assignments: House Rules Committee.

7th: Olivia Buckland, Democrat. The wife of the popular former Governor and Secretary of Labor Jack Buckland, Mrs. Buckland is immensely popular in her district, with her well-known town halls, and habits of sending homemade cookies to anyone who sends mail to her office. Mrs. Buckland holds the unique position of being one of the few white Members of Congress to represent a majority-minority district(The 7th is composed of the urban core of Indianapolis). She is well-known for her advocacy of children's and women's issues, particularly her infant mortality bill, which she has introduced in every in every Congress since she was elected, but which has not yet been passed.
Electoral Prospects: Leans Safe; Leads Republican opponent Marion County District Attorney Carl Prender by 9%.
Committee Assignments: Energy and Commerce; Education and Labor.

8th: Rick Enders, Democrat. This District is called the Bloody Eighth for a reason-Elections are always close. Enders, the former Sheriff of Vanderburgh County, is a conservative Blue Dog Democrat, and works hard to stay within the moderate lines of his district. With seats on Judiciary and Appropriations, House leadership has given Enders plenty of influence with which to steer federal cash to his home, an opportunity that Enders has taken great advantage of. Enders votes conservative on most social and criminal issues, but with Democrats on economic issues.
Electoral Assignments: Leans Safe; Enders is locked into a tight race with Evansville Mayor George Johnson, but has the advantages of incumbency.
Committee Assignments: Judiciary; Appropriations.

9th: Brad Stone, Democrat. The son of Indiana University Professor Larry Stone, Stone was Indiana Univeristy's star power forward, standing 6'9 and leading Indiana to a Final Four national championship title. After being drafed by the Chicago Bulls and winning an NBA Finals, he spent time with the Detroit Pistons(Winning another title) and retired as part of his hometown Indiana Pacers. In hoops-crazy Indiana, this conferred a natural celebrity on Stone. Despite the conservative nature of the Ninth District, Stone won easily in his first election, and all subsequent elections.
Electoral Prospects: Toss-Up; Despite his celebrity and moderate reputation, Stone is facing a fight of epic proportions with Brown County District Attorney Chuck Fitzgerald, mainly because of the economic downturn and the failing reputation of the Democratic Party.
Committee Assignment: Transportation and Infrastructure; Energy and Commerce.

In summary, the Indiana Delegation, aside from Warren's retirement, looks fairly stable-The only likely seat to switch is Stone's, which would probably take an investment of national cash, and it is unknown if the RNC is willing to do that with a Presidential race and other opportunities.
Warren's seat is up in the air-The Democrats seem to have settled behind State Treasurer Damon Matteo, while the Republican field is still up in the air, with former Congressman Frank Barkley as the likely frontrunner.
Saturday April 10th 2010

Stanley hits back at Meyer calling him a "failure, and traitor to Labour"

Ben Stanley hit back today at former Prime Minister Richard Meyer after his attack on him yesterday.
"It seems I am now taking on two failed Prime Minister's in Meyer and Reed. Meyer is traitor to the Labour movement. I am not going to take lectures from him".
Stanley was campaigning today in Lewisham High Street, a Borough where the polls suggest he is in a three way battle with both Fox and Reed. He spent two hours in the busy town centre, before heading to Greenwich another vital Borough where the race is too close to call.
Later on he moved via public transport of course with Stanley, who refuses to travel anywhere by car, to the Angel in Islington, a borough he is leading in.
There is no dobut that Stanley is still popular with many Londerers, but will it be enough to win back the keys to City Hall on May 6th we will have to wait and see.


Friday April 9th

Former Prime-Minister Meyer wades into London Mayoral race with an attack on Stanley
Former Labour Prime-Minister Richard "Ricky" Meyer today waded into the race for London Mayor.
Meyer who now rarely gives interviews since leaving the Labour Leadership six years ago, and has been living most of the year in France, today in an exculsive interview for Sky News he talked about the London Mayoral race.
"I want Gerald to win, he served me well as Health Secretary and then as Home Secretary, but I have to make it clear, Henry Reed would be a better choice than Stanley. Me and Henry where rivials, but friendly rivials, he is a good man."
Talking of the man that he beat to the Labour Leadership back in 1992, and whom he later sacked as Shadow Employment Secretary two years later, after some outspoken remarks about Jews, he said.
"He was a terriable Mayor for London, he cost us the Olympic games, he has an ego the size of Westminister Abbey. He is trying to convince voters that he is cuddly Ben, the people's Mayor, but the only man he serves is himself".
Away from the London Mayor race, he also spoke about the forthcoming US Presedential race. "I have only meet President Santos twice, but he is a good man, and like our country has been dealt a bad hand by forces he could not control" and for his opponent Glen Allen Walken "He is a giant, I remember when we spoke on the phone during the first hours of the Zoe Bartlet crisis, he was calm, and in utter control, I am not going to comment on Us domestic policy, but in Foreign Affairs, and having a calm head, there is no-one better".
He also releaved he does speak to Former president Jeb Bartlet regularly
"Yes we talk regularly on the phone, and will be paying a visit to the Farm in Manchester, later on in the year".


Former Prime-Minister Richard Meyer being interviewed on Sky News today.

I remember "Ricky" being a women?
I remember "Ricky" being a women?

Nope. From the 2000 episode "He Shall, From Time to Time..."

The West Wing said:
MARBURY: It's the price you pay.

McGARRY: For avoiding a war halfway around the world?

MARBURY: For being rich, free and alive all at the same time, and for the criminally negligent behavior of your Congress in not checking the proliferation of nuclear devices.

BARTLET: Your friend, the prime minister?


BARTLET: He's gonna go for this?

MARBURY: If it's handled properly.

The 2003 episode "Shutdown" mentions the British Prime Minister *and his wife,* confirming that the Prime Minister is still male. A female Prime Minister isn't referenced until the 2005 episode "The Wake-Up Call," which also marks her appearance as Maureen Graty (later referenced in 2006 [2007]'s "Tomorrow").
politico.com, Sunday April 11th

VP Contenders Meet At Walken Family Home

A number of the leading contenders for the Vice-Presidential nomination on the Republican Presidential ticket met up this weekend at a special gathering arranged by the presumptive nominee Glen Walken.

The event took place at Walken's home in Liberty, MO and was attended by around 35 people, with a number of top party personnel such as RNC Chairman Mack MacKinlay and Alison Marshall, the Chairman of the Republican Governor's associaton.

Around six potential VPs were in attendance. Texas Senator Liz Clark, Minnesota Governor Michael Jack and Indiana Governor Stephen Kendrick have been in the top five of most people for some time but they were also joined by Utah Governor John Elderton who many are speculating has been impressing Walken greatly over the past couple of months and Congresswoman Ruth Norton-Stewart who is very popular with the right of the party and was named by the National Review as their top pick for the slot.

Of the others in attendance, Connecticut Senator Howard Niering and Virginia Senator Henry Malken may be outsiders and with Walken's primary opponents Ray Sullivan and Marcus Blakemore also in attendance there will be no shortage of material for political junkies to get their teeth into.
townhall.com, Sunday April 11th

Haffley to stand down in November, refuses To rule out gubernatorial run

Former House Speaker and Republican Presidential candidate Jeff Haffley has surprised many observers by announcing this morning that he intends to leave Congress in Novmber.

Haffley, who was appearing on Taylor Reid Sunday, said he "needed to recharge his batteries and spend some time with his family". Notably when quized by Reid about next years off year Gubernatorial election in his home state Haffley was extremely coy.

"I'm not ruling anything in, I'm not ruling anything out." Reid pressed further saying "that sounds like a yes" but Haffley was having none of it.
Republican strategist Mike Fleming said he strongly believes that Haffley is intending to relaunch his national prospects after his dismal Presidential run over the last year.

"I think he (Haffley) believes that he screwed up his campaign and will need something to re-invent himself within the party. He knows that Governor Folan is term limited and that he has the profile and the organization to become Governor - he could then think about running nationally again in 2014 or 18. The one thing I'm sure of is that this is not Haffley announcing his retirement."
Monday April 12th

The Walken meeting what to read into the guest list

The Walken family home in Liberty, Missouri was the focus this weekend of the national media as Glen Allen Walken hosted a meeting with many of those believed to be on his list for running-mate in attendance.
Word has it that the new favourite is Utah Governor John Elderton, although the downside to his candidancy is that it would the second time in eights at that the party would have chosen a Governor from Utah, and look what a diaster Jeff Heston was for Ritchie.
Interesting also to note that those who where not in attendance, Georgia Governor Charlie Forrester who has belived to have been veeted, Texas Governor Phil Prior and South Carolina Senator Henry Proctor all who have been linked with the number two spot on the ticket.
Howard Niering who is not seeking re-election to the Senate in Connecticut in four years time, has been name that has been mentioned an awful lot in recent days, espically when was invited to the Walken home. Then we had the front-runners, Clark, Jack and Kenderick. Liz Clark certainly looked the part when she arrived and even poised for pictures-see below, whilst Kendericks casual look of jeans and a shirt did not go down well with the assembled hacks outside.
Ohio Congresswomen Ruth Norton-Stewart who we understand is the name that the ACA, has been pushing on the Walken team was also there along with long shot Virgina Senator Henry Malken.
Also introducing to note those also in attendance that are not in the running for vp, Alabama's now Senior Senator Cody Riley arrived with his father in law Governor John McCorry, Rhode Island Senator Micheal Swain, and some of those defeated in the primary race by Walken, Mike Reed, Matt Skinner, and of course Ray Sullivan and Marcus Blakemore.
It has been denied of course but Swain, Sullivan and Blakemore are almost certain to be in a Walken cabinet if he wins in November.
So where will we know the choice again sources within team Wlken suggest that decision is around a month or so way, and that as Walken himself releaved last Friday the announcement will be sent first via text message to supporters who sign up as a Walken supporter on-line.

Texas Senator Liz Clark outside the Walken House on Saturday.
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Monday April 12th

Veep stakes

The speculation over who Walken will choose as his running mate has started to increase again over the weekend since the summitt meeting with many of the contenders at the Walken family home in Liberty, Missouri.
The lastest % figures after we here at POLITICO.COM asked many leading commentators, and members of the GOP as well who they believed Walken will choose. Here are the results

  1. Senator Liz Clark 25%
  2. Governor Micheal Jack 23%
  3. Ohio Congresswomen Ruth Norton-Stewart 18%
  4. Governor Stephen Kenderick 17%
  5. Senator Howard Niering 11%
  6. Others 6%-including Governor Charlie Forrester, Governor John Elderton, Governor Mike Reed
From this it looks like Clark and Jack are the front-runners, with Norton-Stewart, Kenderick and Nering just behind.

I would be very suprised if the choice is not one of those named on the above list.
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townhall.com, Monday April 12th

Is Ziegler Advising Santos?

The White House has been full of denials today, but internet rumours continue to suggest that a number of key White House personnel have been consulting disgraced former White House Director of Communications Toby Ziegler on both policy and electoral strategy.

Blogger Liberty's Torch or Austin Shackle as he's otherwise known said on Sunday evening that he had been tipped off that Ziegler had spoken with a number of the President's inner circle over the past month. Shackle said he couldn't confirm whether the discussion were direct or had been conducted through third parties.

White House Press Secretary Maria Lopez used her evening briefing today to say that she had no knowledge of any discussion with Ziegler, and that the President had no contact with the man his predecessor pardoned on his last day in office.

Former Republican Presidential candidate Ray Sullivan demanded that the White House come clean about all contact between Ziegler and senior White House officials. "We know from Mr Ziegler's book that he was in regular contact with senior Democrats during the 2006 election - I think it's very important that we know that a man who compromised national security so blatantly isin contact with senior White House aides."
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