norman england

  1. Emperor William: Conqueror of Britannia

    I'm working on a project titled "Emperor William: Conqueror of Britannia." It's an alternate history where William the Conqueror successfully expands his rule to Britannia. I'm really eager to hear everyone's input and feedback on this concept! What are your thoughts? I would also like to add I...
  2. TLs where "England" wins the HYW, or other Francified (Normanized?) England TLs?

    As the title suggests, I'm curious for recommendations for such timelines. I'm sure there are plenty of the former but maybe less of the latter (more complete Norman influence on England, assimilation of English commoners to Norman culture and language, or at least the perpetuation of...
  3. WI: Long-Lasting Division of England

    Hi! I am trying to come up with a scenario that would keep England divided until the 16th/17th century. Suppose the PoD involves the aftermath of Edward the Confessor's death. In OTL, his death triggered a succession crisis, and Harald Hardrada, Harold Godwinson, and William the Conqueror were...
  4. WI: William of Normandy becomes King of England peacefully

    For whatever reason, Harold Godwinson supports William's claim to the throne rather than seeking it himself, and in January of 1066 William of Normandy is crowned king of England. How does this effect the ethnic and economic makeup of England going forward?
  5. AltoRegnant

    How "Norman" Would An Anglo-French Kingdom Be If The English Won The HYW

    now, it's a common view on this board that if the english had won the 100YW, England would be more frenchified than France anglicized. But, i want to know, how much would we recognize it as "Paris french," vs the Normans? now, i don't know that much about culture, or french subcultures, but i...
  6. Other Possible Norman States

    The Norman’s were some of the most prolific warriors and military adventures of the Middle Ages. Most notable of these adventures were William the Conqueror’s takeover of England, the de Hauteville brother’s conquests in Southern Italy which lead to the formation of the Kingdom of Sicily, and...