
  1. Historyman 14

    John F. Kennedy assassinated...during his second term?

    More of a thought experiment, but what if JFK is never gunned down in Dallas, lives and wins the 1964 United States presidential election, only to be instead kill in say 1967 in a manner that mirrors his OTL death. So...what next? Would LBJ be President, or would Lyndon B. Johnson been...
  2. Bomster

    WI: Lyndon B. Johnson doesn’t drop out in 1968

    So let’s say that, for whatever reason, no Anti-War candidate emerges for the New Hampshire primary. President LBJ cruises to victory, and becomes the 1968 Democratic nominee against Nixon. Does he win? Would he perform better than Humphrey, or worse?
  3. Tainan Kokutai Shoots Down LBJ

    9 June 1942 and two VIPs from Washington, Commander Lyndon Johnson and Colonel Francis Stevens, are slated to accompany a ten ship formation of 22nd Bombardment Group B-26 Marauders and their Airacobra escorts on a 'fact finding' bombing mission to Lae - General Marshall wants them to provide...
  4. WI: LBJ seizes the Democratic nomination by force in '68?

    In the 1968Romney mod for The Campaign Trail, if you play as George Romney and successfully trick the Reaganites at the RNC into nominating Edward Brooke as your running mate, LBJ, recognizing the weakness of the Republican ticket and in response to Hubert Humphrey endorsing a peace plank...
  5. AHC: Make Goldwater win the 1964 election

    Exactly as it says on the tin. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make Barry Goldwater win the 1964 election against Lyndon B. Johnson.
  6. WI: Everyone Dies at Dallas in '63

    I'm aware that all of this is incredibly unlikely, but I think it makes an interesting scenario, so please, no instant "ASB! ImPoSsIbLe! KYS!" about implausibility. I think it's still an interesting thought experiment, and worth the time to consider. Also, I don't want the thread to be closed...
  7. WI : JFK Dies Of Natural Causes Before Or After 1963 (If Not Assassinated) ?

    Kennedy had plently of health problems, so I was wondering what could kill him before or after 1963. Any thoughts?
  8. PC: Nelson Rockefeller Beats LBJ In 1964?

    Preventing Nelson Rockefeller from divorcing his first wife and subsequently marrying his second in quick succession is a sufficient POD for keeping his presidential aspirations alive. While there are doubts as to whether Rockefeller could actually win the GOP nomination in 1964, we will assume...
  9. Hulkster'01

    Did JFK need LBJ to win 1960?

    Did Kennedy need to make LBJ his running mate to win in the 1960 election? Could he have picked some other southerner and still beat Nixon? And if he could what happens when/if he is assassinated? What does that running mate do as President?
  10. AlfLandonFan

    WI: LBJ is responsible for Kennedy's death, and is found out pre 1964

    The Kennedy Assassination has always interested me, especially the number of Conspiracy Theories around it. One of the most interesting ideas is that LBJ was somehow responsible for Kennedy's death so he could become President. Obviously this isn't the case (There just isn't enough evidence and...
  11. Thought experiement: What if LBJ went into the news business instead of politics?

    This is my first post here but the idea has been burning a hole in my pocket and I’d like to discuss it with anyone who has thoughts. Now you can interpret the above question however you want. I think that's what makes it a thought provoking one because there are so many avenues to explore. My...
  12. Ico

    What if Kennedy 'release the beast' let Johnson had more influence?

    Hello I was wondering if Kennedy let the beast lose within the sentor, the beast reference to Vice President Johnson had more influence than he had, I believe Kennedy once said that Johnson would take issues to a mile which was one of the reasons Kennedy had Johnson on a leash, what would...
  13. Vidal

    WI: Johnson vs. Reagan in 1968

    What if Johnson had been able to survive the 1968 primaries and faced Ronald Reagan in the general election? Let's say the War is happening but is not as catastrophic so McCarthy has less fuel and RFK stays out of the race. Then, heading into the '68 Convention, Sirhan Sirhan goes after Nixon...
  14. WI:RFK not AG but instead takes JFK’s Senate seat?

    The idea of RFK as Attorney General was basically only done with Joe Kennedy maneuvering, and congressional leaders not wanting to start off the new administration on the wrong foot. JFK himself was hesitant to the idea, and RFK was only confirmed by a voice vote. New York Times heavily...
  15. LBJ runs and wins in 1968?

    What if LBJ had won the 1968 presidential election? Perhaps verging on the ASB, but not entirely impossible My question is what would LBJ do in a third term? Equally, given that in OTL he died of a heart attack two days after the end of the 1969-73 presidential term, its highly likely that...
  16. Vidal

    WI: RFK nominated for VP in 1964

    At the 1964 Democratic National Convention, Johnson's team switched the schedule so that the JFK tribute film and RFK speech would occur following the vice presidential roll call as opposed to before it, as was originally planned. They believed the film would wash the delegates in a nostalgic...
  17. Aisha Clan-Clan

    WI: HHH becomes POTUS in 1965 Bringing back an OLD one. We don't see "what if LBJ dies in 1965" often. This one was quite interesting with Vietnam avoided and a quieter 1960s to 1970s in some ways. There's RFK, but he's portrayed as...
  18. Bomster

    WI: The Chennault Affair was exposed right before the 1968 Election?

    IOTL, Richard Nixon committed a crime by influencing world events to tip the 1968 election in his favor. Using personal connections, he convinced leaders in South Vietnam to reject President Johnson's peace proposals, guaranteeing to them that under him they would get better conditions...
  19. Consensus on major events of an 8-year JFK presidency

    I'm no stranger to the fact that there are dozens of threads already in this forum about what would have happened had JFK never been assassinated and served two full terms. But as far as I can tell no one's posted about this topic in *checks notes* several months, so I figured my addition would...
  20. Zyobot

    Which Post-1900 Presidential Candidates Could've Surpassed LBJ's Popular Vote Share?

    Winning in a landslide of 486 electoral votes and 61.1% of the popular vote, President Lyndon Johnson's 1964 victory currently holds the record for the largest share of the popular vote won by a modern president--a tally that narrowly exceeded FDR's 1936 victory over Alf Landon, and was only...