
  1. GameBawesome

    AHC: Loyalist Identity after American Independence

    After American Revolutionary War, The majority of the 400,000 to 500,000 Loyalists remained in new United States of America. Those who left were die-hard British Monarchists and those who actively fought against the Patriots. Those who stayed, assimilated into the new American society, with...
  2. GameBawesome

    AHC: Modern-Day Greek City-States/Federal Greece

    When the Modern Nation of Greece formed in the 19th Century, they created a unitary state, with a monarch and later a president to lead it. Instead of the Ancient Past with Spartans, Athenians, Corinthians, Thebans, the Greeks sees themselves as Greeks. Challenge: With a POD from the Late...
  3. GauchoBadger

    AHQ: What distinguishes Slovenes from Croats?

    A question to this board’s balkanophiles... what exactly is the difference between Slovenes and Croats as distinct peoples? They seem to have similar ethno-cultural characteristics to me, when put in comparison. How and why exactly did Slovenia develop a particular identity as a South Slavic...
  4. Vitalis

    Byzantine identity

    So, I talked with some Greeks online about the "Romanness" of the Byzantines. Most of them deny it, claiming that there was nothing Roman about them other than their citizenship. Which isn't a suprising answer, but then one of them said that Anthony Kaldellis isn't a viable source, as he is...
  5. Identity in the colonies before and after 1707

    Did the English and Scottish settlers in the North American colonies feel "British" after the 1707 Acts of Union? Or did they continue to see themselves as English/Scottish, with just a change in the political and administrative situation? Did some perhaps see the Acts of Union as applying to...
  6. WI: Nazi Germany Wipes All Jews in Occupied Europe

    A "what if" question about the repercussions on this subject, what does happen when almost all the European Jews have been killed under Nazi Germany? Especially on the topics mentioned below: Zionism. Legitimised in a gradual sense towards the Orthodox Jewish populations since the 1920s, what...