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  1. PuffyClouds

    Nonslave Georgia

    In the OTL the Anglo-Norman descended Cavaliers settled in Barbados and adopted the Spanish Caribbean style of Africa Slavery. When this practice saturated Barbados, the Barbadian Cavaliers expanded to the fledgling colony of Carolina, dominating the Cape Fear region and South Carolina. After...
  2. PuffyClouds

    AHC: Iran's Mediterranean Coast

    I debated putting this in post 1900, and even still I don't know how plausible this idea is. I was wondering if Iran could extend its authority over the Kurds, with geographic borders covering "Kurdistan" going to the Mersin to Antioch area of modern Turkey (not necessarily all of it). How...
  3. PuffyClouds

    WI: East Germanic - Alan Kingdom

    Supposing that Byzantium was not destroyed in 194 AD, and in the face of that strong citadel on the Sea of Marmara the East Germanic people decide to to stay on in the northeastern coasts of the Black Sea. The Bastarnae, Goths, Gepids, Heruli, Lemovii, and Scrii (and maybe Rugii and Vandals...
  4. PuffyClouds

    WI: American Colorado River Delta

    How would the development of the Far West and Mexican North develop if the United States had possession of the Colorado River watershed all the way down to the river's delta with the Sea of Cortez? If you want to, you could expand the idea to include the Colorado Desert, the Rio Concepcion...
  5. PuffyClouds

    American Columbia Territory - War of 1812

    I don't know if this is common knowledge, but I just read of it today: The Pacific Fur Company was an American owned business created in 1810 that had set up shop in the Oregon Country to obtain furs and sell supplies there. Both America and Russia sought to prevent the British owned North...
  6. PuffyClouds

    PC: Swedish and Novgorod Peace

    Plausibility Check Sweden and Novgorod settle up a peace in the 13th Century. Novgorod takes Ingria, Estonia, and Livonia. Sweden takes Finland, Murmansk, and Karelia.
  7. PuffyClouds

    Spain's Worthwhile American Possessions

    Not considering Mexico, what possessions in America would it have been to Spain's advantage, and that territory's advantage, to maintain their control in? Edit How does Spain maintain their control in these territories? How does Spain make continued administration beneficial to its American...
  8. PuffyClouds

    AHC: American Free WW1

    What would be required for the United States to not just stay out of the fighting in WW1, but to embargo arms sales to combatants, and outlaw making loans to the combatants? The US government must be publicly committed to neutrality from at least the start of the war. I have a suspicion that...
  9. PuffyClouds

    Free Quebec - Irish Immigration?

    So Canada becomes a sovereign country after the American Revolution, and gets at least the territory of Upper Canada. When the Potato Blight hits Ireland, will the Canadiens welcome Catholic Irish to help settle the rest of their territory? How many do you think will come in?
  10. PuffyClouds

    Greek Ionia, Russian Marmara, No Revanchism

    This straddles the 1900 divide. Presuming at some point, Turkey has an unforuntate turn of events. Greece obtains Thrace, Cyprus, Dodecanese, and a Megali portion of Ionia. Imperial Russia obtains a coastal strip of Anatolia from the Bosphorus to Dardanelles. Do you think they can avoid a...
  11. PuffyClouds

    USA Nipissing Ontario - Indian Reserve?

    If the Ontario peninsula was given to the USA in the Treaty of Paris, what do you think are the chances of Washington and Knox making the territory into a long term Indian Reserve for tribal people in the northwest and northeast? Could this defuse, or prevent the Northwest Indian War? Would...
  12. PuffyClouds

    Independent Quebec

    Low effort on my part, I'm sorry. What are some likely opportunities for Quebec to become an independent country? Roughly no lager than modern Quebec Province, could be much smaller.
  13. PuffyClouds

    US State Density Requirement

    How do you think a population density requirement for state admission would have affected the history of America? Would this have delayed the sectional crisis? Would this have made more environmentally and economically efficient states? Would this have made less corrupt, more responsive...
  14. PuffyClouds

    AHC: Quickly Defeat Japan in WW2

    With the benefit of hindsight, what actions could the United States have taken to end Japan's naval and air power projection capabilities? Were there unnecessary policies or operations, and were there failed or missed opportunities that could have brought the locus of the war to the Home...
  15. PuffyClouds

    WI No AIOC Nationalization

    Suppose that: After WW2 Britain and Iran negotiated a deal that was much more profitable to Iran. Prime Minister Haj Ali Razmara took it back to Iran's parliament where it was approved. Razmara had sought to provide benefits to the Iranian people, and to do this he took steps to eliminate the...
  16. PuffyClouds

    WI Britain stays out of Crimean War

    Rather than committing itself to the Ottoman Empire, let's suppose the British government concludes the situation is not worth sending young British men to die for. Britain makes its neutrality known, but still fails to mediate a peace. What happens to the world as a result?
  17. PuffyClouds

    WI US Senate Could Ostracize

    How would politics of the early republic play out if the Senate could Constitutionally vote to exile one person every year in the Athenian fashion? EDIT Emphasis added for clarity.
  18. PuffyClouds

    WI Proclamation Line After the Revolution

    King George III (that Hanoverian tyrant) wanted to cut defense spending associated with the American colonies (Scotsmen picking fights) so he issued the Royal Proclamation in 1763 which created (among other things) a line along the Eastern Continental Divide beyond which Whites could not settle...