Recent content by Ruschurch

  1. Dixieland: The Country of Tomorrow, Everyday (yet another Confederate TL)

    Just read through the whole timeline, love your work!
  2. A Second Successful Federal Republic

    Think of the development of the United States. The country was developed by immigration. As new territory was developed, they became states. Any concept of a Pan-Arabic federal union suddenly appearing out of exisiting national states is INSANE. One could only be developed by destruction...
  3. What if the Iraqi Army had gone South?

    I agree that the Saudi's had enough strength to keep the Iraqi army in the middle of nowhere until the might of the US Air Force and Navy could engage. But I loved Orville's comment about Bin Ladin. If the Iraqi army made it 50 miles into Saudi Arabia or so, would the Arabic and Islamic...
  4. Alternate WW2 Non-Aggression Pacts?

    Europe has always been about the balance of power. So maybe you could get the US and UK to sign a non-aggression pact with Germany, but only if they feel they are still capable of meeting a later threat from the Nazi Empire. How would this be accomplished? US/UK sphere of influence - Spain...
  5. AH Challenge: Fortress America under siege

    I totally agree. Any reference to British naval strength being involved first off is foolish, that would have been destroyed long before they reached North American shores. After that, unless isolationism meant the US government took a See no Evil approach to planning, industrial and military...
  6. AH Map challenge: Different Scramble for Africa

    The only way this happens is if colonial powers trade properties like monopoly. Even then I could never see Britian surrendering Egypt, or France giving up Algeria.
  7. No Lead Lease -> US Carribean and Civil Rights

    I'm assuming you want the war to go pretty much the same way, but with the UK trading overseas properties in exchange for equipment. The problem is the Soviets. What are they going to trade in exchange for the materials we sent OTL for lend lease. By WW2, I think the larger islands...
  8. AH challenge : Soviets win the cold War WITHOUT any direct war.

    Nuclear accident - Western Europe withdrawl from NATO In 1958 de Gaulle withdrew from NATO to build an independent defense for France, and to allow for a seperate piece in case of an invasion. During the peroid where France is not involved in NATO, have a US deployed nuclear weapon...
  9. A Spanish-Moroccan War in 2002

    Fantastic I really enjoyed this timeline, glad you won that award for it. So was the Algerian moves always just a fakeout, or would they have invaded and taken some territory if Moracco would have kept fighting or maybe secured a big victory? I also really enjoyed how the military engaged...
  10. Challenge: Secular United States, Religious Europe

    I like Mung Beans offering, but wouldn't seeing secularism/socialism show results in the US, wouldn't it motivate socialists to stay home in Europe and work to achieve on their own turf?
  11. An overpopulated Soviet Union

    What was population levels in the various key areas (Russia, Ukraine, the Stans) lets say at 1700, and what was the growth rates OTL? Make the POD the Orthodox church encouraging births for some sort of new crusade to liberate Orthodox areas held by the Ottomans. Increase OTL birth rates by...
  12. Map Challenge: 1966, Three-Way World Order

    I think the premise is possible with no Pearl Harbor and Roosevelt losing an election to Lindberg (or similiar) who is pro-Germany and isolationist. US stays out of the war, Germany focuses all of their efforts in Russia and the UK retakes a rump France. But Germany would have to be at 1942...
  13. A South American State In The Union?

    American Peru/Bolivia Main POD - The Guano Islands Act of 1856 doesn't pass. US needs to find another source of guano for fertilizer and gunpowder. The US Government encourages investment in the huge saltpeter and guano deposits in the Atacama desert of Chile, Peru, and Bolivia. Because of...
  14. A Four Way Presidental Election in 2008

    Serious multiple (over 4 candidates getting at least 5 percent of the popular vote) party elections can only occur in the modern era with the elimination/modification of the electoral college. Even if the ASB's magically put an amendment through to make this happen, it would take a generation...
  15. Alternative sports?

    If the whole split conference thing went down in football, how would you determine which rules of football are played in the Super Bowl? Seriously, you couldn't have teams playing with and without the forward pass compete with each other. It would be like having the champion of the Rugby...