Retrospective US Presidential Election: 1856

Vote in the 1856 Retrospective US Presidential Election!

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Fremont indeed, Fremont indeed,
Fremont is what our country needs;
From Western shores of Californ'
To Eastern waters, late forelorn...

Who'll re-establish
Our great forefathers' creeds?
Vote in Fremont, and Liberty
To final vict'ry speeds!
Bah... Starting again...

Don't cry, my little southern girl,
Jimmy Buchanan will give the presidency a whirl,
And Johnny Fremont'll never touch the American pearl!

How about that?

OK, but why are you appealing to the South? They're not going to vote Fremont in the first place.


The greatness of our land, at late
Has wilted at the root;
We'll need a man who knows the way,
And not some empty suit.

A way, a lone, a last, a-loved
Along the river run...
Will lead him back to Washington,
Our noble native son!

Fremont, Fremont, the champion
Of all our people's rights;
Fremont, Fremont, the just and strong,
No doe caught in the lights!

He'll lead us through, through thick and thin,
And then, when he has done,
He'll loose the reigns; what more remains?
-- For John Fremont has won!
Ho, ye men of every station,
Join with us for reformation,
And for freedom for the nation,
We're for freedom and reform.

CHORUS We're a band of freemen,
We're a band of freemen,
We're a band of freemen,
We're for freedom and reform.

On the sacred side forever,
We'll sustain oppression never,
But we'll fight for true justice ever ;
We're for freedom and reform.

We'll dry up disunion screechers,
And wipe out the slave-code teachers,
And cashier the slave-trade preachers;
We're for freedom and reform.

We will oust the treasury robbers,
And the host of hireling fobbers,
And the horde of "live-oak jobbers;"
We're for freedom and reform!

Jimmy Buchanan knows how to treat the Union,
The best cure is, moderation, restraint and fusion,
And the worst is radicalism, extremism and delusion.

Vote Jimmy Buchanan, a leader, for safety,
Safety from the Republicans, which desires abolitionist suzerainty,
Not a fair Union for all voters, both Northerner and Southerner, in treaty.

Johnny Fremont almost led us in a war with Mexico, another nation,
Do you want him to lead us in a terrible war, creating an abomination,
Brother against brother, sister against sister, family against family, a divided population...
You guys are really putting effort into an election where one guy has 85% of the vote...

Where was this enthusiasm in 1956, or 1928 when the elections were close! :p
Mainly the Adlai Stevenson supporters were screaming every time one vote got to him.
FIVE MORE VOTES ADLAI!!!!!1!11one! Rather then well thought out sonnets...
You guys are really putting effort into an election where one guy has 85% of the vote...

Where was this enthusiasm in 1956, or 1928 when the elections were close! :p
Mainly the Adlai Stevenson supporters were screaming every time one vote got to him.
FIVE MORE VOTES ADLAI!!!!!1!11one! Rather then well thought out sonnets...
Only 92 people have voted so far, which isn't much. It's just that Buchanan is the worst President ever, and Fillmore is the, oh, I'd say fifth worst.
Nah. That's Woodrow Wilson. Buchanan is second-worst, yes...
No he is not. Wilson was a terrible President, but he isn't even in the worst five. Maybe in the worst ten.

EDIT: Just barely by my count
1. James Buchanan
2. Franklin Pierce
3. Andrew Johnson
4. Warren Harding
5. Millard Fillmore
6. Herbert Hoover
7. Calvin Coolidge
8. Andrew Jackson
9. Woodrow Wilson
10. Benjamin Harrison
11. Grover Cleveland
12. John Tyler
13. Rutherford B. Hayes
14. George W. Bush
15. Martin Van Buren
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Yes Wilson was a racist but he gave us the League of Natoons, the inspiration for the United Nations. He also refused to recognize Huerta and introduced morality into American foreign policy. He signed the Clayton Anti Trust Act as well as legislation creating the Federal Trade Commission and the Federeal Reserve.
Yes Wilson was a racist but he gave us the League of Natoons, the inspiration for the United Nations.
But he ensured that the US wouldn't be in it by instructing Democrats to vote against the League treaty with the Lodge Reservations.
He also refused to recognize Huerta and introduced morality into American foreign policy.
One of the biggest blunders he made in Latin America, and there were many. He intervened in Latin America more than any other President in history, to teach those brown people about democracy. :rolleyes:
He signed the Clayton Anti Trust Act as well as legislation creating the Federal Trade Commission and the Federeal Reserve.
That is why Wilson is remembered as one of the greatest Presidents, despite his segregationist policies, abysmal foreign policy, and authoritarian domestic front leadership.
1. James Buchanan
2. Franklin Pierce
3. Andrew Johnson
4. Warren Harding
5. Millard Fillmore
6. Herbert Hoover
7. Calvin Coolidge
8. Andrew Jackson
9. Woodrow Wilson
10. Benjamin Harrison
11. Grover Cleveland
12. John Tyler
13. Rutherford B. Hayes
14. George W. Bush
15. Martin Van Buren

I say Pierce gets exonerated. His kid died before his eyes right before taking office; do you expect anyone to have a good term after that? Andrew Johnson was average in my opinion. Warren Harding had scandals, but he fixed the economy in barely a year; doesn't that count for anything? What did Coolidge do that gets him anywhere near this list? If anything he should be near the top. And Andrew Jackson was totally badass! :cool: Cleveland, overall, was really good. His first term was perfect, and his second term was marred by a recession that wasn't his fault. So......Hayes wasn't "great," but he really wasn't bad; I can't think of a major reason that would make him terrible? I personally like Tyler. Love Bush :D