WI: Jefferson's 1784 'Report' Was Passed?

Okay, just watched a video on how the Founding Fathers (mostly Jefferson in this case) viewed slavery, and it got me wondering, what would have happened if Jefferson's Report of a Plan of Government for the Western Territory had been passed (OTL it lost out in congress by one vote)? Briefly, it would have banned slavery from being imported into all the western territories (including future Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee), and banned slavery altogether by 1800. And further, let's assume that that this carries over into the Constitution. How different American culture would have been today with these changes?
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This change probably retcons the American Civil War as we know it. Slavery being banned that much earlier pushes ahead all the slavery questions.
You might see a secession attempt, but I'm not sure. Would the 1790s South threaten secession? Maybe it's like either my project (in my signature) or HeX's A More Perfect Union...
This change probably retcons the American Civil War as we know it. Slavery being banned that much earlier pushes ahead all the slavery questions.
You might see a secession attempt, but I'm not sure. Would the 1790s South threaten secession? Maybe it's like either my project (in my signature) or HeX's A More Perfect Union...
most likely not as pre cotton gin slavery was a dying intuition with a change in 1784 the revival of slavery is retconed I doubt that it even hold on in South Carolina long enough for the Cotton Gin to be come readily available.
Slavery in the US is the perfect template for a problem that only grows larger, more expensive, and harder to fix the longer it is deferred because of its scope, cost, and difficulty. After the failure to address it at the Constitutional Convention each successive decade made it more unlikely to be addressed, because the size of the problem grew ever larger.
So what actual difference would this have do you think? Would the Southern states be less economically prosperous with having to pay wages to cotton gatherers?
More likely it gets repealed in future. Possibly as a requirement to get the south onboard with replacing the AoC.
More likely it gets repealed in future. Possibly as a requirement to get the south onboard with replacing the AoC.
Maybe, but the Constitution was signed in when slavery wasn't really profitable (no cotton gin), so it might not be seen as worth bothering with.
Maybe, but the Constitution was signed in when slavery wasn't really profitable (no cotton gin), so it might not be seen as worth bothering with.
It was the four southern states: South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland which voted out clause 5, and despite Jefferson’s claims there’s no reason to think Monroe would have voted against its removal. I don’t see any reason to think these states would have changed their minds by 1789.
It was the four southern states: South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland which voted out clause 5, and despite Jefferson’s claims there’s no reason to think Monroe would have voted against its removal. I don’t see any reason to think these states would have changed their minds by 1789.
Yes, but ITTL you'd have had 5 years of gradual emancipation, which might well have swung the balance.
So we just get an earlier version of sharecropping or otherwise some other exploitative landlord-tenant relationship. Maybe more blacks are sent to Liberia.
Someone did a timeline with this passing. The main issue is actually enforcing the law. It's plausible that it will blunt expansion into some territories, but not all of them . The timeline had several territories admitted as slave states nonetheless.
Someone did a timeline with this passing. The main issue is actually enforcing the law. It's plausible that it will blunt expansion into some territories, but not all of them . The timeline had several territories admitted as slave states nonetheless.
Yeah, you’d likely see slavery abolished on paper but not in practice for a long while. That said, the upper South likely develops much more akin to the Midwest and beyond that the butterflies are quite vast
It might not have kept slavery out of the enire Southwest, but it might have had a real effect, especially in Kentucky and Tennessee:


"While rejecting the notion that Jefferson's free-soil clause would have had no effect, I do not mean to suggest that the clause would necessarily have prevented slavery from becoming firmly established anywhere in the Southwest. It would most likely have affected the northernmost and most mountainous portions of the Old Southwest, in which slavery never became as widely and firmly established as it did in Alabama and Mississippi. Kentucky was not part of the original Virginia cession, and the Bluegrass State never went through a territorial stage, passing instead directly out of Virginia into full membership in the Union in 1792.184 North Carolina's cession of Tennessee did not take place until North Carolina ratified the Constitution in 1789, at which point Congress took over administering the Territory South of the Ohio, leading eventually to Tennessee's admission in 1796.185 Regarding the remainder of the Old Southwest, it is all but certain that South Carolina and Georgia never would have made their cessions had Jefferson's provision remained in force, and even without an anti-slavery provision in place, conflicting Spanish claims, Indian wars, and complex Georgia politics involving various factions of well connected speculators with conflicting claims to Indian lands in the Yazoo delayed establishment of the Mississippi Territory (comprising the future states of Mississippi and Alabama) until 1798.186 At that time, Congress considered but rejected legislation that would have prohibited slavery in the new territory.187

"For the future states of Kentucky and Tennessee, however, approval of Jefferson''s anti-slavery clause in 1784 would have created a period of substantial uncertainty, and any uncertainty worked against the immigration of slaveholders. Demographic history prior to the first federal census of 1790 is inexact, but even in 1790 Tennessee (The United States Territory South of the Ohio) had a black population of only 10.6% (of whom 90.4% were enslaved), similar to New York's (7.6%, of whom 82.1% were enslaved) or New Jersey's (7.7 %, of whom 80.5% were enslaved), where slave owners lacked sufficient clout to prevent emancipation by political means.188 Whether slave owners would have streamed in to Tennessee in the 1790s with emancipation scheduled for 1800 is open to doubt. While Kentucky's black population for the 1790 census (conducted in the district which was then still part of Virginia) was already 17% (99.1% of whom were enslaved),189 it is questionable whether slaveowners would have risked establishing themselves in the region after 1784 with Jefferson's clause and its 1800 deadline looming over all territories to be ceded.190 This marginal uncertainty may have been determinative, and even in 1792, state constitutional sanction of slavery was only achieved after a hard fight in the convention.191 Immigrants into Kentucky between 1784 and 1792 could not have foreseen that Kentucky would never pass into territorial status, or that they would win constitutionalization of slavery at the time of statehood, even if the eventual separation of the region from Virginia was expected by the time of the Territorial Governance Act. All this is of course hypothetical, but while I cannot show that Jefferson's provision would have reduced the eventual number of slave states, neither can Finkelman show that it would not have..."

William G. Merkel, "Jefferson's Failed Anti-Slavery Proviso of 1784 and the Nascence of Free Soil Constitutionalism" http://scholarship.shu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1115&context=shlr

All the same, one must remember that Jefferson's proviso could not have prevented states from adopting slavery once they were admitted into the Union. Indeed, even Illinois seriously considered legalizing slavery in the 1820s--and Kentucky and Tennessee were of course to the south of Illinois Still, even in OTL there was serious emancipationist strength in the first Kentucky constitutional convention; see my post at https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/kentucky-decides-against-slavery-1792.380040/ and it would presumabl have been greater in this ATL. As Merkel notes, people who moved into the Kentucky country in the 1780's would not know that the area would become a state without going through a territorial period when slavery was prohibited. (That it would eventually separate from Virginia was widely anticipated.) Therefore, there might be fewer slaveholders migrating there.

The one thing of which I am pretty sure is that it is not going to stop slavery in the Gulf states.
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I think it could fid its way into the Constitution, but some southern states get around it by holding on to their lands west of the Appalachians. Thus, possibly no KY, TN, MS, or AL. Maybe FL is exempt or not if it still ends up in the U.S., but there'll be no (legal) slavery west of the Mississippi, and, per OTL, North of the Ohio River. This might help the ban on slave importations in the Constitution be more enforceable and likely reduces the population of African-Americans in the long run.