The English Charlemagne: A Plantagenet-Capet TL

September 14, 1307, Gisors, Normandy

"You can't arrest me! What are my charges?" I looked at the terrified and prideful templar. "By order of the king of France, the entire order of the Knights Templar is charged with heresy!" I announced with pure anger, already the Knights Templar I owed them money from a bad loan but now with the king joining me here I could be free from this despised order. "Take him away!" I shouted at the bailiffs as they escorted the devastated templar. I whispered in his ear just to spite him, "If it wasn't for the king's specific orders, I would have killed you." I watched him with a look of pure anger against the man as those words had broken him.

"What is the meaning of this? King of France! You can not arrest the Knights Templar for heresy without my approval!" I yelled at the king. Philip merely raised his sceptre and the guards approached me as the king walked towards me. "If you have a problem in me, conducting heresy trials you can consult your predecessor, your Holiness." Philip whispered with a low growl. I shivered in fear, the last pope was assassinated by thugs, now he told me that he ordered the killing. "You are going to issue a papal bull ordering the arrest of all of these Knights Templars and to have their lands confiscated by their respective kings for the church." Philip continued never wavering in his fear-inducing tone. I shook and nodded before cheekily replying, "You just want to get rid of your debt to my order of knights." I replied in as stern of a voice I can muster. "Well, your holiness if you are so clever, then you better do as I ask or." He raised his sceptre and the guards took only two paces closer to me and I paled at the realization, "I will have to dumb down your cleverness." Philip finished.

I walked down towards the dungeons, in sat the man, grandmaster of the order: Jacques de Molay. He only mediated in his cell as I called upon the torturers and guards. "Has he said anything?" I asked, "No, my king." I nodded, "Torture him until we get a confession from him understood?" I sternly ordered, "Yes, my king. Pierre grab the torture instruments." I watched as the torturer ran back in order to get the devices. "By the end of this, Jacques. Your rich and powerful order will be destroyed and in those ashes will my crown shine ever more." I mockingly told the silent grandmaster. As I walked away, I did not realize the praying in latin that was being spoken and the eyes of the grandmaster facing my back.

I watched as the servant approached me, "My lord, the inquisitors have succeeded. We have 139 confessions including those of the grandmaster. All charges have been proven and we are ready to burn these knights at the stake." I looked at the tower in which the knights were imprisoned. "Get it done. Francois, begin to seize the property and assets of the knights in France to compensate for the loss of money we spent on these trials." Francois understood what I meant, and ran off. I watched as 54 knights were escorted to the stake and watched them burn. Finally, I have done it, my debts are gone.

A servant rushed in, "My king! De Molay, and De Chauney!" He was panting and tired. "Speak, servant of the king." I replied. "They recanted their confessions. My king." I smiled, "Burn them at the stake for relapsed heresy immediately." I immediately ordered sending my servants away. "Yes, my king." I couldn't believe it, I had won completely, I immediately walked towards where the pope stood already quite weak and uneasy. "The grandmaster and the Preceptor of Normandy have recanted. You will dissolve their order am I clear?" I threatened, the timid pope silently nodded and I walked away with a cruel smile on my face. "You should join me, in the burning of your precious grandmaster." I ordered.

I sat looking at the pale grandmaster, he was sickly and starved as the guards tied him up to the post. I watched as the king mockingly asked for any last words. Immediately the fire was set underneath Jacques and he calmly stated, "God knows who is wrong and has sinned. Soon a calamity will occur to those who have condemned us to death. My king and his excellency the pope we shall truly see who will ascend to heaven after this for god has already granted me eternal salvation for my sacrifice." Philip laughed at him and I just looked on in sorrow. I walked away from the burning unwillingly to watch it continue.

I looked at the storming rain. It was raining incredibly hard and I watched as the tears fell. Perhaps it was because I could not save the knights templar. Suddenly lightning struck the building and I watched as fire began to spark inside the palace. It began to reach my knees and ankles immediately as I screamed in pain. I looked up as saw Jacques de Molay standing in front of me: "Your holiness, it is time for you to depart. God has called upon your soul to be judged." I begged in fear and asked for repentance. Jacques did not reply as I couldn't breathe and slowly drifted into unconsciousness.

I rode through with my horse to go hunting. It was a cold day for sure but it was certainly a good time to hunt, I crushed the knights templars and my coffers were full once again. I wasn't particularly happy about the fact the pope died within a month after the trial but I didn't die yet and that's what mattered. Suddenly my horse was spooked and I calmed it down and I saw the ghost of Jacques de Molay with the deadliest stare I have ever seen. I blinked and he was gone, but now was not the time to think about hallucinations because my servant called and told me Isabella, my lovely daughter was returning to see me, it would keep me distracted I suppose talking to my daughter about her life in England.

considering that in any case in Otl, even after Philip kindly convinced Clement to accuse of heresy and subsequently decree the dissolution of the Templars, investigations were carried out in the rest of Europe which demonstrated the total innocence of the order, clearly making it clear that the trial in France was a complete farce, even if it should be remembered that the intervention of King Edward II saved numerous knights from certain death, allowing a pass for his French possessions and then for England, perhaps here the situation is enough similar, to be premised on a good part of the French members of the Order to save themselves by finding refuge under the Plantagenet monarch, perhaps on the condition that they undertake a campaign in the Holy Land ( so if they fail they all die, otherwise Philip once again makes a terrible impression on the international ) although technically to be precise, Philip never had Bonifacio VIII killed, he died of natural causes due to the humiliation suffered and subsequent imprisonment, which worsened his health conditions
considering that in any case in Otl, even after Philip kindly convinced Clement to accuse of heresy and subsequently decree the dissolution of the Templars, investigations were carried out in the rest of Europe which demonstrated the total innocence of the order, clearly making it clear that the trial in France was a complete farce, even if it should be remembered that the intervention of King Edward II saved numerous knights from certain death, allowing a pass for his French possessions and then for England, perhaps here the situation is enough similar, to be premised on a good part of the French members of the Order to save themselves by finding refuge under the Plantagenet monarch, perhaps on the condition that they undertake a campaign in the Holy Land ( so if they fail they all die, otherwise Philip once again makes a terrible impression on the international ) although technically to be precise, Philip never had Bonifacio VIII killed, he died of natural causes due to the humiliation suffered and subsequent imprisonment, which worsened his health conditions
Creative interpretation/legends believe that Philip had Boniface killed lol, dying in mysterious circumstances in prison has u do that, the entire thing is very OTL though.
I don't understand. If the Plantagenets take over, how will this in any way bring renown to the English? They will just be culturally erased under the weight of France. A Plantagenet Charlemagne is just another French Charlemagne.
Also the Plantagenets were not English kings, they were actually kings of England.
Like Victoria was not an Indian Empress...
I don't understand. If the Plantagenets take over, how will this in any way bring renown to the English? They will just be culturally erased under the weight of France. A Plantagenet Charlemagne is just another French Charlemagne.
Also the Plantagenets were not English kings, they were actually kings of England.
Like Victoria was not an Indian Empress...

actually the assimilation of the English identity into the French one is a quite probable risk ( given the disparity in numbers, around 13 million versus around 1.5 million ), but considering that such a sovereign will be the undisputed aspiring continental hegemon, it is easier to see the creation of a different cultural identity which rather Capetian France takes inspiration from Franks / Normans or even Romans is that it unites the various nuances present in the kingdom ( including the English one ) after all, this renewed Carolingian kingdom in the making will have great expansionist aspirations in Iberia and HRE ( Italy first and foremost ) so future sovereigns will probably try to promote a new, more inclusive culture, perhaps along the lines of the label that the Arabs and Byzantium gave to the crusaders ( Latins/Ifranji )
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I don't understand. If the Plantagenets take over, how will this in any way bring renown to the English? They will just be culturally erased under the weight of France. A Plantagenet Charlemagne is just another French Charlemagne.
Also the Plantagenets were not English kings, they were actually kings of England.
Like Victoria was not an Indian Empress...
Charlemagne was a German speaking barbarian, didn’t stop him from getting appropriated by both the Germans and the French.
Charlemagne was a German speaking barbarian, didn’t stop him from getting appropriated by both the Germans and the French.
not German speaking but Germanic speaking, specifically Frankish, which Germans never spoke and it was phased out for French. The only modern people who speak a language related to Frankish are the Netherlanders, as far as I am aware.
And political identity has more to do with the state succession of France being the direct continuation of the Frankish realm, rather than any specific court language which evolved over time.
And due to the split succession shenanegans of the Franks, both Germany and France have a clear line of descent from the common ancestor that was the state of Francia. So it's a bit unfair to say Germans and French "appropriated" Charlemagne
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not German speaking but Germanic speaking, specifically Frankish, which Germans never spoke and it was phased out for French. The only modern people who speak a language related to Frankish are the Netherlanders, as far as I am aware.
And political identity has more to do with the state succession of France being the direct continuation of the Frankish realm, rather than any specific court language which evolved over time.
And due to the split succession shenanegans of the Franks, both Germany and France have a clear line of descent from the common ancestor that was the state of Francia. So it's a bit unfair to say Germans and French "appropriated" Charlemagne

Charlemagne was a German speaking barbarian, didn’t stop him from getting appropriated by both the Germans and the French.

I would also add Italy as an indirect daughter of the Carolingian empire, even if I prefer the version that my teacher used at school, that is to think of Charlemagne as the father of Europe, furthermore I hate the term Barbarian in reference to it ( since by doing so, we ignore the fact that for the Romans of the Urbe, who acclaimed him as Caesar ( and over the previous decades awarded him the title of senator and patrician, furthermore, already after the conquest of Pavia in 774, many people saw in Charles a revived Constantine, even people who were not part of his court ), he was not a " simple barbarian ", but rather a individual worthy of the purple and therefore willingly recognized his imperial coronation by their most important political exponent ( the pontiff ) as legitimate, it must be remembered that the Romanitas had many nuances, and was not limited only to the Constantinopolitan vision of it, so why not let's recognize that there were two ( equally correct ) ideas of what it was to be a Roman instead of limiting ourselves to the perennial problem of who was more "true" Roman than the other ( which however is a reductive and slightly idiotic argument ) let's say that I am more in tune with the opinion of Louis II in his Kaiserbreif sent to the court of Basil I, where he rightly stated that the Roman emperors came from various regions and peoples, so why couldn't there have been an Augustus of Frankish origin ?
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not German speaking but Germanic speaking, specifically Frankish, which Germans never spoke and it was phased out for French. The only modern people who speak a language related to Frankish are the Netherlanders, as far as I am aware.
And political identity has more to do with the state succession of France being the direct continuation of the Frankish realm, rather than any specific court language which evolved over time.
And due to the split succession shenanegans of the Franks, both Germany and France have a clear line of descent from the common ancestor that was the state of Francia. So it's a bit unfair to say Germans and French "appropriated" Charlemagne
I would also add Italy as an indirect daughter of the Carolingian empire, even if I prefer the version that my teacher used at school, that is to think of Charlemagne as the father of Europe, furthermore I hate the term Barbarian in reference to it ( since by doing so, we ignore the fact that for the Romans of the Urbe, who acclaimed him as Caesar ( and over the previous decades awarded him the title of senator and patrician, furthermore, already after the conquest of Pavia in 774, many people saw in Charles a revived Constantine, even people who were not part of his court ), he was not a " simple barbarian ", but rather a individual worthy of the purple and therefore willingly recognized his imperial coronation by their most important political exponent ( the pontiff ) as legitimate, it must be remembered that the Romanitas had many nuances, and was not limited only to the Constantinopolitan vision of it, so why not let's recognize that there were two ( equally correct ) ideas of what it was to be a Roman instead of limiting ourselves to the perennial problem of who was more "true" Roman than the other ( which however is a reductive and slightly idiotic argument ) let's say that I am more in tune with the opinion of Louis II in his Kaiserbreif sent to the court of Basil I, where he rightly stated that the Roman emperors came from various regions and peoples, so why couldn't there have been an Augustus of Frankish origin ?
It’s a joke in reference to the idea that Edward III would not be seen as English.
Status Update Regarding This TL
Hello again, I know that this TL hasn't been updated in 10 days. (The betrayal I know, I'm sorry) But I do think all of you deserve to know that unfortunately my co-author @eliamartin65 will be taking a hiatus from this TL for the time being due to personal reasons. I guess you can rewrite it as good news meaning I am now sole author for the time being and I will be writing this TL as I see fit, so expect a new chapter coming very soonish. (UNLIMITED POWERRRRRR)This will be my experimental grounds to practice my personal POVs. I definitely appreciate the lengthy discussion y'all had going on about this TL and its history behind it. It'll be of immense help for me :D

If you read my original version of my First TL you know I love teasers so here you go:
The goblet drops onto the table when I broke the news. Instantly I saw my father, whose expression was so jolly and jovial over this feast and reunion drop. I watched as the servants looked on with his expression morphed ever so slowly from a wide range of emotions into a stone cold face of contempt and perhaps a drizzle of pensiveness. The silence continued to the point where it became deafening. As I began to open my mouth to ask he spoke, "You are all dismissed. Princess of Wales, remain behind." The voice was of a low growl something akin to a silent rage, I couldn't quite remember when I heard this before but suddenly I realized, the last time father spoke like this was 12 years ago, his rage was impossible to quantify back then. I watched without moving even so a muscle as the servants scuffled away hurriedly. I realized something else as they scurried from the table, my father refused to look me in the eyes.
He certainly won't be happy when he realizes that he is now definitively surrounded, but considering what the Popes in Otl did in similar situations ( Avignon captivity or Habsburg rules ) I don't see them trying to do anything crazy, especially in fear of being deposed or worse seeing Rome sacked ( which would mean for the Pope on duty, probably risking being lynched by the Roman crowd ) but if the Plantagenet sovereign will respect the papal sovereignty, I don't see create "" too many problems "" between the two powers, in particular if the former offers the Pope homage ( whether small territorial donations or funding for the city of Rome itself ) without forgetting that Edward III and his successors could always use the same strategy that Henry VII and Ludwig IV exploited in Otl, i.e. spending time in the eternal city and governing with the consent of the SPQR ( which for 2 centuries acted as a counterbalance to the papal power in the Urbe ) Furthermore, in the long term, I don't see that the capital of this Carolingian Empire 2.0 will remain in London ( it's too far away to effectively administer the most disparate regions of the kingdom )a city in a more strategic position would probably be the real choice ( I'm thinking of one of the 3 Rhenish cities or Aachen itself, given that they would allow rapid communication and ability to intervene with the various "provinces" of the Empire ) although I imagine that the management of everything will still be extremely itinerant, with Paris, London and other places maintaining a " national " relevance ( Carthage, Antioch, Thessaloniki and Milan style in imperial Rome )

for the rest I quite agree with your reasoning @DrakeRlugia, the survival of this state will depend on the sovereign's ability to exercise direct influence on his nobility ( even in distant places ) but also on his policy of creation and subsequent development of a central administration as homogenized as possible ( which was extremely complicated and which in OTL took centuries ) without forgetting the necessary infrastructures to facilitate communication in the kingdom, without forgetting the possible conflicts within the state, between the different factions fighting for the power/favor of the sovereign, I agree that we will most likely see the Palaiologos trying to marry a Plantagenet princess, as it would be a resounding success for them from a diplomatic and prestige point of view

DrakeRlugia, it's nice to know that you read my comment on the other thread, regarding the political situation in Rome in this period, am I honored that you find it interesting

Furthermore, to expand this comment there are 3 details, which I would like to discuss with you now, the first concerns the Luxembourg dynasty which in this period is allied with France, given that Henry was a vassal of Philip ( before becoming Rex Romanorum in 1308 ), furthermore we are close to his obtaining the Bohemian crown for his son John, which made him feel secure enough to be able to undertake his Romzung ( it would be very interesting to see him survive a few more years than Otl, to see some of his political projects in Italy come to fruition : among which a campaign military against the Anjou, to pacify Guelph Tuscany ( to which he wanted to add the foundation and construction of imperial cities in the area, such as Otl Mons Imperialis ) to return to Rome to supervise some building projects ( in Otl only begun, but then immediately stopped due to the his death, such as the construction of a new forum and an imperial palace near the Capitoline Hill, given that Henry held his court in the Urbe ) and the idea of convening a new diet in the peninsula ( the last one convened was under the reign of Frederick II, it would probably be composed mostly starts from Ghibelline exponents, but it would have an enormous propagandistic echo, given that it would demonstrate the return of the imperial government in the region, and that it does not exclusively imply a conflict but rather the opposite ) now another topic to explore would be the military campaigns that John I of Bohemia, made in Italy, in the 1330s, with the aim of creating a dynastic fief in the peninsula ( with the approval of both the king of France and the Pope ) to be precise in the Parmigiano, which were having so success ( among other things, were Charles's first experiences, both in the military and political sphere ) from will convince Mastino II to creating a league against him ( League of Castelbaldo ) the last one concerns the possibility ( certainly not remote ) of seeing the Plantagenets take advantage of the papal stay in Avignon to create their own Pontiff, so as to be able to indirectly govern the entire Catholic hierarchy of Europe, which in the case of building a hegemony would not be a bad thing, given that it would avoid possible friction with the Papacy ( at least until the Plantagenets are consolidated enough to convince the Pope that challenging them is not a good idea, if wants their help to regain control of Rome and take it away from the powerful Capitoline nobility gathered in the senate ) but rather we will be able to initially see a synergy being created

We must also imagine that a joint war between Philip and his nephew Edward against the Flemish cities is possible, in a sort of 2nd round to try to recover royal sovereignty in the region ( previously lost with the treaty of Athis-sur-Orge ) especially with the dual purpose of exploiting England's excellent strategic position as a logistical base for military campaigns and obviously making Edward known to the French nobility ( which would also be a way for Philip to intimidate them and convince them not to try to do some tricks in future, when there will be a "crisis" of succession )
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Hello again, I know that this TL hasn't been updated in 10 days. (The betrayal I know, I'm sorry) But I do think all of you deserve to know that unfortunately my co-author @eliamartin65 will be taking a hiatus from this TL for the time being due to personal reasons. I guess you can rewrite it as good news meaning I am now sole author for the time being and I will be writing this TL as I see fit, so expect a new chapter coming very soonish. (UNLIMITED POWERRRRRR)This will be my experimental grounds to practice my personal POVs. I definitely appreciate the lengthy discussion y'all had going on about this TL and its history behind it. It'll be of immense help for me :D

If you read my original version of my First TL you know I love teasers so here you go:
The goblet drops onto the table when I broke the news. Instantly I saw my father, whose expression was so jolly and jovial over this feast and reunion drop. I watched as the servants looked on with his expression morphed ever so slowly from a wide range of emotions into a stone cold face of contempt and perhaps a drizzle of pensiveness. The silence continued to the point where it became deafening. As I began to open my mouth to ask he spoke, "You are all dismissed. Princess of Wales, remain behind." The voice was of a low growl something akin to a silent rage, I couldn't quite remember when I heard this before but suddenly I realized, the last time father spoke like this was 12 years ago, his rage was impossible to quantify back then. I watched without moving even so a muscle as the servants scuffled away hurriedly. I realized something else as they scurried from the table, my father refused to look me in the eyes.
Can't wait For more
Chapter 1.3 A dreadful feast
Cherbourg, France, March 17 1314,

The rain was pouring like god was furious over France. I looked on as the ship sailed through rough waters. "I know you are mad, Lord but you can't strike me down before I speak to my father. I wasn't the one cheating on my husband alright? My sister in law's were." The storm did not ease despite my words to the Lord. A knock was on the door, "You may enter." I replied, a sailor walked in, "Your highness, we will be docking in a few minutes." he announced. I nodded, the port was within eyesight. I dismissed the sailor, "Thank you." I told him as he walked away. As he left the door screamed in unison with the howling wind, I immediately rushed forward to shut the door lest my ears be killed by the wind but as soon as the door closed the roaring sound of thunder was heard and I collapsed in fear. God was truly angry at us all.

I exited the ship despite the pouring rain, howling wind and dreary atmosphere, if I didn't know better I would call myself a monster with this villainous introduction. The horse drawn carriage arrived and despite the wear and tear anyone could tell it was a royal carriage. The footman walked forward and asked for my hand in escort. I granted it, the expression of the footman was steeled and without emotion. I realized as I sat down on the carriage the footman's hand was cold almost as cold outside. The horse drawn carriage began to ride towards the castle, a fortress that was recently improved by my father, Philip IV of France. As the drawbridge lowered and I entered into the castle. I noticed clearly there was no life throughout the entire thing, it felt so devoid and without colour as I stepped off the carriage and into the dining hall.

It was at this time, that I missed my husband as while he certainly was a fool, he could at the very least keep the room company and enjoyable. Here I was alone with only servants assisting me, the room was very dimly lit without much life or festivity. Maybe, it was the weather or perhaps god was furious over us all. I finished the meal and thanked the servants for preparing one. They only nodded not even making a word as I began to retire and rest on the bed that was prepared. Thunder and rain continued to pour outside as I began to toss and turn in order to catch some sleep. Lightning suddenly struck down along the field, as I watched it come down with the pouring and continuous thunder. I was spooked suddenly by the appearance of a man dressed in knightly armour with a shield with a Red Cross on it. Just as suddenly the knight disappeared with a second clap of thunder.

I arrived in Paris, the clouds were still looming all over France but thankfully it wasn't pouring as the carriage rode to Fontainebleau. Philip was in front with all the staff eagerly awaiting for my arrival. That was weird, my father rarely went out to greet guests. I was escorted by the footman and my father ran up and gave me a hug. I stiffened from the hug, it was unexpected that my father, the king of France would hug me. He tightened the hug and told me, "You're so stiff, it's so funny." I realized I was too stiff and I relaxed and enjoyed the hug. "What's the occasion in order for you to hug me?" I asked as we broke the hug and walked towards the hall. "Let's just say, the Lord has given me a new perspective in my children, daughter. How has England been treating you?" He replied, I drooped my head lower as I didn't want to ruin his mood. "I wish I could do more in England. I feel so bored there." I replied as the doors closed into the feasting hall.

(POV switch heh)
The door closed between the two of us, as I eagerly took the knight into my arms and kissed him softly and passionately. As we fell down into the bed, my hands raked through his hair as he kissed my neck softly and gently. I moaned and called out to him, "Walter, please." He looked at me, "Blanche," He kissed my hand gently, "What would you like?" I whispered seductively into his ear, "Take me please." He smiled and we continued together. Charles, my husband and the count of La Marche was nothing compared to Walter as he was just better and more fun to be with. I let out another moan as Walter let me experience greater pleasures with him. I was with Walter for over three years no one has noticed and no one will. Charles was the third son of the king, he wouldn't provide much and would only be a background character so I knew that personality and enjoyment is what I needed which he didn't provide. I moaned loudly as Walter softly bit into my neck and pulled him even closer.

(POV switch back again)
"So my daughter what is it that you wish to speak to me about?" I watched as my father methodically attacked and cut his meal to eat. "My husband's advisor: Piers Gaveston is dead, the man is inconsolable but I think it's a good thing. I always thought him as incompetent." I told my father as I drank some wine. "Daughter, that's old news you already spoke to me about this last year." Philip replied, returning to his normal stone cold expression as he continued to eat his steak. I continued eating in silence for a while before speaking again, "The Scottish war is going poorly for my husband, this warrior: Robert the Bruce has led a very smart campaign and has nearly drove my husband out of power in Scotland." I decided to tell, "Funny isn't it? He was supposed to marry the presumed queen of Scotland but then she died and married you and now he's fighting to assume the throne of Scotland." Philip mockingly laughed, I joined in the laughter not realizing my father was still staring me in the eyes. "There's something else on your mind. What is it?" I gulped in fear, my father noticed. "Father, I believe that Blanche and Margaret are cheating on their husbands. My brother's Louis and Charles' wives are unfaithful. I have proof." I slowly told him with a franking embarrassing amount of pause in between each word.

The goblet drops onto the table when I broke the news. Instantly I saw my father, whose expression was so jolly and jovial over this feast and reunion drop. I watched as the servants looked on with his expression morphed ever so slowly from a wide range of emotions into a stone cold face of contempt and perhaps a drizzle of pensiveness. The silence continued to the point where it became deafening. As I began to open my mouth to ask he spoke, "You are all dismissed. Queen of England, remain behind." The voice was of a low growl something akin to a silent rage, I couldn't quite remember when I heard this before but suddenly I realized, the last time father spoke like this was 12 years ago, his rage was impossible to quantify back then. I watched without moving even so a muscle as the servants scuffled away hurriedly. I realized something else as they scurried from the table, my father refused to look me in the eyes.

(Final POV switch L)
"What is your proof?" I asked my daughter, as I moved the plate aside and rested my head on my hands. "I-" Isabella began to speak while continuously shivering. "I gave both my sister in law's hand embroidered purses. These two knights, Walter and Philip de Aunay, now hold on them." Isabella finished detailing her "evidence". I blinked, "That's not enough proof, you don't know if those purses are yours and neither can you confirm a relationship with purses." I replied, Isabella did not back down, "Tail them father, gather more evidence to prove it. It took them way too long for them to explain why they have those purses." Isabella replied, I scoffed. "If you were not my daughter I would call you insane and power hungry. You seek to ruin your brother's fortunes." I replied growing in ever more anger and frustration. "I swear upon my life, the accusations are true." Isabella declared, "I do not believe you, you didn't even swear in front of God. You may go, daughter." I announced, "But, father I-" I interrupted, "You may go, Queen of England." I restated with ever slow deliberation. Isabella slowly bowed and walked away from the hall. I stood up and ordered a servant to clean up the mess I made spilling the wine. I took another breath, what kind of insane delusions did my daughter have in this belief that my dynasty would be tainted by sin? I shook my head in frustration, I looked back and I saw him again, Jacques de Molay. He looked at me with only a gleeful smile, I can practically hear the words of God will humble you from his look. I could not ignore this, this was the second time this man looked at me. "Footman," I called, the door opened revealing my personal honour guard and footman, "I ask that you surveil Blanche, Margaret and the two Aunay knights. Determine if they are adulterous and report it to me directly am I clear?" I ordered him, with only a nod I dismissed him. I breathed another breath, the death of the Pope shortly after the death of Jacques was already superstitious now I am given accusations of adultery, perhaps he was right in God siding with the Knights rather than the King.

"So the Englishmen have arrived?" I asked to my fellow knights. They nodded, "Prepare my horse, for in order to win the battle one must see the enemy first." I mounted my horse and equipped my light armour. My men were prepared for reconnaissance and we will defeat the English and free our ancient homeland of Scotland.
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OH WE'RE SO BACK?!?? I'll return to writing battle scenes although I can't guarantee the speed of the update ngl cause I got graduation stuff to deal with ;-;