Beneath the Crimson Banner: What if America Went Red in 1919? (Discussion Thread)

Here is my discussion page for my novel, an alternate history which asks the simple what-if question: What if America's 1919 Red Summer revolution succeeded?

The year is 1936. Communist Party president-elect FDR is launching a Socialist New Deal across the United Socialist States of America, the Leader Jacques Doriot rules a French Popular Party-controlled imperialist France bent on conquering a Red Germany, while Fascist Black Shirts clamor for power in Great Britain under Oswald Mosley. Soon, war clouds will blanket the whole Earth, with great calamity, death, and destruction about to befall the U.S.S.A and her allies.

Beneath the Crimson Banner: What if America Went Red in 1919?
A Novel of Alternate History

For Surely, who willed it
For God, who inspired it

“For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.”
–The Book of the Prophet Isaiah
And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD’s, and he will give you into our hands.
–The First Book of Samuel, Otherwise called the First Book of the Kings
“If we have once seen, ‘the day is ours, and what the day has shown.’”
–Helen Keller


October 20th, 1936

“It is not Teacher! it is not Teacher!” The cry, mechanic but no less emotional, had escaped from Helen Keller’s mouth as she stood at Teacher Annie Sullivan’s bedside in the rented seaside Greenport, Long Island cottage Polly and she had taken Teacher to. Helen gripped at Teacher’s now lifeless hand, tight.
It would never be Teacher ever again.
Teacher was so happy, so joyous, so … alive.
The Angel of Death had finally come for her, as Teacher had feared would happen and had constantly talked about during her last few, hellish moments on Earth.
“I am trying so hard to live for you.” Teacher had spelled out into her hand several days ago using the manual alphabet.
Now, now she was dead.
Helen let her hand ungrasp Teacher’s cold, pale, deathly hand, tears streaming down her face and dropping onto her dark blue dress.
Polly was watching from the other room and had come in to comfort her.
“It’s okay, Helen. I’ll call the coroner.” She spelled into Helen’s hand.
After Polly called the coroner, it was awhile before he finally arrived at the cottage in a somber black horse-and-buggy.
Polly said, “The coroner is finally here.”
The coroner took Teacher’s lifeless body, whisking it away into a large, oaken coffin before driving off.
Now, now, being bed-time she knew from what Polly had said to her and, feeling intensely sleepy, she went to bed. Helen and Polly slept in the bedroom Teacher had died in on two separate beds, the third one on which the dying Teacher had been placed left empty, cold.
“Goodnight, Polly.” Helen said softly.
Tossing-and-turning, awake, sleep at long last came to her weary eyes.


June 22nd, 1941

Heaven. Teacher Anne Sullivan’s soul had flooded out of her body. She remembered the sweet, painless feeling of death slowly taking her.
Her eyes finally, at long last, had shut automatically.
Now, in Heaven, she walked about paradise. Gardens, gardens, vast Gardens of Eden every which way and without end!
Home. She felt herself walking over to a large, spacious building and, quickly opening the door, she at one entered into a big, wide-ceilinged bedroom.
She was finally in her true home again!
She lay down on the bed situated in the furthermost, left-hand corner of the bedroom.
I want to read “The Story of My Life” by my beloved pupil! With that sole thought, just then, the momentous work appeared before her in all of its glorious splendor. She started from the beginning, reading the great book once again.
Oh, how much joy it brought her to hear Helen’s account of being taught by Anne to spell her very first, “water.”
“W–a–t–e–r. Water.” She had spelled into the pretty, young, deaf and blind girl’s hand.
And the trip to Boston!
Bunker Hill. She read the passage describing her pupil’s guided walk up the monument’s vast steps with relish.
She read, and read, and read for many hours, knowing no fatigue, hunger, or thirst, until she eventually was done with the entire autobiography.
Getting up off the bed and, simply wishing the book away, she swiftly felt deep emotional pain hit the very center of her spiritual being. She could now see the Earth below her via a wide, circular opening that had suddenly appeared in the very center of her heavenly home.
It was no longer October 20th, 1936.
It was now June 22nd, 1941, she knew from hearing the Holy Spirit softly tell her the date.
“Anne,” it said, “watch.” She saw and also heard British and Canadian tanks rush across the Dominion of Canada’s border with the United Socialist States of America in a surprise attack, seeing lines of infantry march not far behind the advance guard. “It’s a lightening war.”
The USSA’s Red Army was powerless to stop the initial assault, losing ground, numerous cities, towns, and hamlets to the dual British and Canadian invasion force. “Now, observe Belgium and Germany.”
Through the massive opening she could see French troops disguised as Belgian soldiers venture quick past the Belgium border, cutting down Belgium’s surprised border guards with ease, French tanks shooting deep into the heart of the neutral nation.
Rapes and murders of defenseless civilians followed in any place that had fallen under occupation. Jews found themselves slaughtered by mobile “killing units” made up of elite Armed-Protection Squadron men dedicated wholly to finding and eliminating any Jew they found.
Before long, the French Army was deep within “Judeo-Bolshevik Germany,” cleansing occupied territory of any Jews, Afro-Germans, Socialists, and Communists that they found. The handful of “sub-humans” that they didn’t shoot wound up on huge ships bound for the French Colony of Madagascar, to either be worked to death or gassed outright in horrible, murderous gas chambers.
The opening stages of what the Spirit called “the Second Great War” she saw with total, perfect clarity.
How awful, how ugly, how unnecessary and pointless the new global conflict was!
With that alarmed thought she just then saw Helen Keller residing safely in the USSA, writing and speechifying across the unoccupied parts of the country in defense of her homeland.
“She will live to a ripe old age.” God’s Spirit said quietly.
With those words the centrally placed rift disappeared.
Going back over to her bed, she lay down in it once more. She thought all about the ghastly horrors that she had only moments ago witnessed, thinking on and on and on in eternity.

November 12th, 1936

“Your dress is pretty.” Polly spelled out the sentence with a cold hand into Helen’s equally chilly hand. Cold because brisk, wet November wind washed over her and Helen Keller as they stood on the damp wooden deck of the SS Rosa Luxemburg.
Helen’s dress was blood-red, with a smattering of colorful white dots running throughout. Those clear, bright blue eyes of hers shone brighter still, an effect produced by sunlight glinting off of them.
They’d boarded the SS Rosa Luxemburg in New York City, headed to the old German port city of Kiel. From there, they’d go by train to Berlin, capital of the United Socialist Republic of Germany.
Polly had seen a close friend off with a warm hug, which had warmed her body rendered cold by the icy winter wind.
Right now, the large passenger ship was headed through the English Channel. Beyond the narrow body of water, she’d been told by Captain Friedel, were the snow-white beaches of Normandy.
Great Britain was under a British Union of Fascists–Conservative Party coalition government, while France was led by the Leader Jacques Doriot and his racist, imperialist French Popular Party. Oh, how the two women both equally loathed British and French Fascism with a fiery, burning passion!
Choppy, gray waters crashed into the SS Rosa Luxemburg, the fog that surrounded them pasting their skin and clothes with moisture.
“Umbrella.” Polly had just then spelled the word into the Caesar of a woman’s hand, for she felt raindrops hit hard against her dark blue bonnet before dripping down her face and chin and then onto the already damp deck rendered damper still.
The sun, as it stood, was fast becoming obscured by rain clouds. How fitting, she thought, given that war clouds were slowly, ominously, and surely gathering over Europe and North America.
Getting the umbrella for them both out of their cabin, Polly and Helen, standing suddenly underneath an unpleasant downpour, decided to go into the ship’s small cafeteria-of-sorts to get some food.
Inside now, drenched in rainwater, they sat down next to Captain Friedel who offered them plates of bratwurst and beans.
The two close friends, one disabled and the other a caretaker, began to eat while the old captain told them all about his exploits fighting the British at Kiel during the Great War, Polly spelling the story out to Helen as they ate.
“The damned Capitalist German regime got us into one hell of a fight! Our ships were no match for the Royal Navy.” He said at the conclusion of his tale.
Finishing their food and, seeing the aged captain off, they retired to their cabin.
Getting into nightgowns, for it was very late, the two best friends lay on two separate beds. Helen, getting up out of bed and, taking her translation of the Good Samaritan contained on a small gray notebook written in braille over to her, began to spell into Polly’s hand Luke 10:25-37:
And look, indeed, a well-read expert got up, testing him by saying, “Master, how can we come to possess eternal life?” Then he said to him, “What is written in the law? In what way do you read it?” He responded by saying, “Devote yourself to God who is our master out of your total love for Him, and out of your total understanding, and out of your whole will, out of your very firm closeness to Him.” And he said to him, “Your response is correct: Do this and live.” But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And now who is my neighbor?” Then Jesus, taking up the question, said, “A certain person was traveling down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell into the clutches of bandits, who proceeded to rob him in this way, wounding him freely after beating him, before they departed, leaving him half-dead and abandoned. It happened that someone was traveling by the same way along the self-same road, and, looking at him, he simply passed him by. And similarly, a Levite neared the spot where he lay and observing him, merely passed him by. But then someone who was a native of Samaria, traveling along the same road, went over near him and, looking at him, was moved to compassion towards him. Approaching closer to the wounded man, he bound up his wounds, pouring olive oil and wine over them before binding them up, and putting him upon his own horse, he rode him to an inn and restored him to health there, and gave two denarii the following day to the person who ran the inn and said, ‘Put him under your care, and whatsoever you need in payment I will pay out over and above. I will return with more money to give to you.’ Which of these three, do you think, was the neighbor of the man whom bandits fell upon?” Then he said, “That who showed compassion on him.” And then Jesus said to him, “Go, and you should do similarly.”
Helen Keller said softly, “I still believe, even with Jacques Doriot in power in France and Oswald Mosley threatening Ireland with invasion, that good people will triumph over evil.”
“Me too, Helen, me too.”
“God is watching over the good people as well as the evil ones.” With those words, she went back over to her bed to get some sleep.
In time Polly, too, got some rest. Tomorrow, Captain Friedel had said, they would be in Germany, docking at the port city of Kiel. Oh, how exciting! With that thought, she fell completely asleep.
December 2nd, 1936

Le leader Jacques Doriot spoke to throngs of French citizens beneath the Eiffel Tower in Parisian French, gripping the masses with his powerful words:
“The white race stands, here, united against Jewish Bolshevism! Red Jewry reigns in Germany, Italy, Portugal, Hungary, China, in America and in Russia!
Our French Popular Party is the vanguard of the National Socialist French Workers’ Revolution! We are the phalanx, the spearhead to the throat of our inferior enemies! Our enemies are ever numerous, a cancerous tumor on the face of the whole world. We say to the whole world: Enough with international Jewry! Enough with its conspiracies! Enough with its global domination! The time will soon come when we must fight the Jews abroad. We have already crippled Judah in France. Let’s never let up the fightback!
Today, legislators duly assembled in our illustrious parliament have produced a new set of racial laws, laws which will finally, truly define Jewishness, defining it so that we might all the more fight Jewishness! The laws have my final seal of approval.
The Red Jews here in this mighty nation of ours thought they could trifle with us, thought they could fight us, thought they could defeat the great white race, but they thought wrong!
This has been your Leader, Jacques Doriot, speaking. Until we meet again … onwards to victory!”
“Hail my Leader Doriot!” The masses of people standing beneath the Eiffel Tower shouted in perfect unison, giving off the Roman salute. “Hail my Leader Doriot!” The crowd of flag-waving citizens said again, their collective, singular voice shattering the sunny, calm and chilly morning air. “Hail my Leader Doriot!” They said again, proudly displaying French flags bearing the French Popular Party’s insignia in the middle, waving them, waving them, waving them on and on and on. “Hail my Leader Doriot!”
Jacques Doriot was whisked away by guards into a black car while the masses continued to shout and cheer, the driver driving it to the Leader’s massive palace situated just east of the towering Arch of Triumph.
To build it, a children’s hospital, a sanatorium, and a slew of houses had to be demolished. All for his sake, no, all for the French people’s sake!
Getting out of the car, guards escorted him inside. “Gabriel,” he said to one of his uniformed Party guards, “get me one of the fine young women from the Paris Party dance troupe!”
“yes, my Leader.”
Guards escorted him into his massive, ornate bed room. A woman dancer shortly entered after about an hour of anxious waiting. Taking off his suit-and-tie, shirt, and pants, he led the woman to the queen bed gently by the hand.
“My Leader,” she said softly, “your touch is so light.”
“It is, indeed, my love!” He said before thrusting into her blue silken person that he had thrown fiercely onto the bed. He thrusted and thrusted and thrusted into her before exploding. She orgasmed while he moaned.
“Oh, my Leader.” She said quietly as he rolled away from atop her dainty frame. “That was wonderful.”
Knock on the door.
“Yes?” He said.
“My Leader, it’s your doctor. We have the anti-gas pills and your morphine injection ready.”
“Come in.” He said aloud. The door promptly swung open. Beside his doctor were several guards and a nurse, pills and needle arrayed on a small silver tray which the pretty brunette nurse wheeled over to his bedside. Getting up, and sending the dancing woman off, he had a guard drink the water to make sure it wasn’t poisoned before putting the two anti-gas pills into his mouth and swallowing them with a drink of water. The nurse then carefully injected the needle into his arm, sending him to sleep, heavily sedated. Le leader Doriot slept, dreaming about righteous racial warfare waged against France’s ancestral Jewish, Marxian Red German foe.

December 2nd, 1936
The seizure of power by Oswald Mosley and his Black Shirts.

When I'm done with the entire novel, I will submit it to the finished Alternate History timelines section.

I would like to professionally publish this in book form, but I'm putting the parts I have either done or have been working on here.

Britain has become a racial State/Society, complete with racial laws and and, soon, a wave of persecution against Jews and real or imagined enemies, and the massive build up of the Home Army to prepare for WWII with the USSA and the United Socialist Republic of Germany (Rosa Luxemburg's name for the proposed Red Germany before her real life murder.)

The true POD is not a red America circa 1919, but the Russian revolution remaining multiparty, with the Left SR-Bolshevik coalition Government remaining wholly intact, leading to multiparty Socialist-Communist coalition Governments around the world.

But enough on that. Here is the next POV scene:

November 12th, 1937
Oswald Mosley’s men yelled: “Hail Britannia! Hail Greater Britannia!”
The MP and British Union of Fascists’ and National Socialists’ Leader led his Silver Shirts through police lines, fighting, fighting, fighting on and on and on.
They were going to take power, bring National-Socialism to Great Britain, they were going to smash the last bulwark to full control: The British Conservative Party.
He produced a pistol from his holster and popped off a few rounds at a fuzz, felling him; the fuzz clutched at his stomach and gave off a blood-curdling scream just before falling down to the pavement.
“You fucking Silver Shirts are really something!” A fuzz screamed, firing off live ammunition at Oswald Mosley and his men.
But Oswald Mosley didn’t care.
He was raring for a good fight.
“Come on boys, we’re almost to Parliament! Keep fighting!”
Parliament loomed in the distance, the prize. Once inside, they would at once arrest all Conservative Party MPs. From there, they would declare that Britain was now, and forever more National-Socialist.
The brave Silver Shirts fought like demonic forces from Hell, shooting, shooting, shooting on and on and here with pistols, there with rifles, kicking and punching police officers as well.
A fuzz said loudly: “God dammit! Fall back, fall back to Parliament!”
Oswald Mosley wondered, in the heat of the good fight, if there still was a legal Communist Party of Great Britain, would their now victorious assault have been repulsed? Could a Communist militia have allied with the police and successfully fought them off?
It didn’t matter.
All that truly mattered now was power.
“Go, go, go!” He shouted as his men pressed on and on and on.
“We have a 9-2-4 emergency! Requesting—” A BUFNS fighter blew the police radio operator’s brains right out before he got a chance to call for sending in the British Home Army.
Given whose side the British Home Army was on …
“Jesus Christ! Holy shit! Oh my God! Fuck, fuck, fuck—” The police sergeant was just then mid-sentence blown away by hundreds of rifles and pistols and here the occasional Sten Mk I sub-machine guns, turning him into mere misty wisps of blood.
Now, there was Parliament, right here in front of them …
“Boys, I say: I deny the Spirit!”
“Hurrah! We deny the Spirit!” Thousands of BUFNS racial warriors said in happy, perfect unison.
Cops. Fuzzys. Cheering. “Yeah, the Army is here!” A fuzz shouted at the sight of “Fighting Billy” M-20 fighter planes flying high above them … towards them.
Machine gun bullets just then from the planes absolutely, completely, eviscerated over two dozen police officers in the blink of an eye, while a few of the planes dropped bombs tearing large chunks out of the Parliament building. Perfect.
He and his troops rushed lightning fast (for they were vampires) through Parliament’s wide-opened doors, there now into the House of Commons, and here now into the adjacent House of Lords.
Oswald Mosely, here now in the House of Lords, smiled thinly.
“You are all to be executed at once!”
The assembled lords gasped, some looked as if they were about to run, but they all in the end stood still.
“You have no right, sir, to—”
Before the lord, Lord Spencer Chase, could finish his sentence his racial warriors blew him away with rifles, pistols, and submachine guns; they’d turned him quite simply into a bloody, torn mess.
“Now, die! Kill them all!”
“Yes, kill them all!” T he BUFNS soldiers said triumphantly. Dozens of firearms barked and wailed, slaughtering hundreds of Tory politicians in the swift blink of an eye.
The sound of gunfire erupted soon enough in the nearby House of Commons.
Getting on a radio given to him by one of his ethnic comrades, Leader Oswald Mosely spoke into the mouthpiece, to all the ethnic warriors everywhere who were fighting to seize control outside of London, across the whole of Great Britain, to the people of Britannia: “I, your Leader Oswald Mosely, do announce this day that Britain will practice National-Socialism. We have as our model France, which under the leadership of the valiant, simply heroic French Popular Party and its Leader Jacques Doriot has triumphed over Red Jewry; we are going to triumph over the Red Jews here, now, in Great Britain. Due to the threat of an underground Communist rising, the English Bill of Rights, along with all other civil liberties, are to be immediately suspended without further notice. Also, today, let us wage war on the pernicious, money-lending Jews! I urge all freedom-loving British people to fight them with a mighty pogrom! Let the streets run red with their blood, the blood of traitors, the blood of drifters, the blood of robbers, tyrants, and impotent knaves! Finally, the federal system is to be henceforth abolished. We shall be one united nation under my leadership, and the leadership of the British Union of Fascists and National-Socialists! Together, in unity and strength, unto victory!”
Cheers erupted throughout the blood-soaked Parliament building. Oh, how his racial comrades fought and earned their great victory!
Now, now it was time to settle himself in the Chancellery building and see what needed doing.
Lord Halifax yet lived, who’d went from the Conservatives to the victorious BUFNS a year ago, a smart move no less. He’d announce later today that he would be making him the next prime minister, with him as the Leader and the ultimate authority in all matters pertaining to the State.
Britain was now truly, really, honestly free from the scourge of Jewish misrule.
He was now truly, really, honestly free to lead Greater Britain, punishing first his domestic enemies and then, soon, his Socialist Jewish enemies abroad.
Oh, how wonderful!
The next scene with more to boot, that I'm still working on:

March 20th, 1937
Oklahoma was … in a process of change.
Corporal Brian Stephens knew this.
“Come on, raise that barn, dammit!” He ordered his squad. Raise it they did, along with millions of trees. Dust bowl. Socialist New Deal made actual. FDR’s dream … no, We the People’s dream made real. “By order of the Military Revolutionary Committee, I am here to rebuild this community! All who can work, lets labor to rebuild the Socialist State of Oklahoma, the way it was, the way it was meant to be!”
Taking a break, he shoveled some Spam into his mouth with a metal fork.
Prisoners from the local prison were being drafted to help rebuild the SSOK.
Dressed in striped uniforms, he put them to work planting trees and shoveling dirt,
The trees would grow soon, as Spring hit.
This was, simply put, Socialist Original or Primitive Accumulation in action.
A homesteader sauntered over to him. His face was tanned and worn with both hard work and age.
Smiling, he spat a brown stream of chewing tobacco juice into the dirt.
“Thank you, Corporal. The name’s Charles Jenkins.”
“You’re welcome. A pleasure to meet you. I’m Corporal Brian Stephens, at your service.”
“Much obliged, Corporal Stephens.”
Breaking rank, he smiled and said, “Just call me Brian, friend.”
“Will do, Brian.” Charles said before venturing off to start fixing up all the homes damaged by the Dust Bowl.
If the banks had still been a power, Capital, and not labor, would things here be different? Corporal Stephens reckoned they would be.
But the Great Red Summer Socialist Revolution had resulted in the nationalization of all the banks, and thus the destruction of the political and economic power of the American Bourgeoisie.
A scar still graced the left side of his face from a bullet scraping it, way back when he’d been a Red Guard workers’ militiaman fighting the White Guards up in Maryland where he was from.
But that was, well, history.
Finishing his Spam, he worked hard all-day collecting wood for the construction of another barn, finishing it by dusk.
Now, lit cig in his mouth, he sat with his men in the dirt, cots rolled up on the ground, stars twinkling high up in the sky.
Here is another finished scene.

I'm looking to show both a Socialist New Deal, an FDR presidency in 1937, and ultimately the lead-up to WWII.

I'm attempting to show characters that come off as very real.

In fact, this world really happened, and these characters were real.

So here it is:

January 17th, 1937
Pusher. Rebecca Victoria was bone tired from working planting trees for the Civilian Conservation Corps: Her dad had been a pusher in the oil wells of Oklahoma—dead from cancer. She had to now take care of her mom and three younger siblings.
“How was work, honey?” her mom Samantha said, a big smile plastered on her face.
“Exhausting. I’m going to read a little bit, then get some sleep after working.”
“Eat, Rebecca.” Samantha said as she went to sit down at the kitchen table in their little homestead, just then placing a steaming plate of pickled pig feet and fried liver before her.
“Thanks, mom.”
“You’re welcome, honey.”
She ate it quickly, arising from the hard wooden chair before walking groggily into the room she shared with her three siblings and, laying down on the bed, she read line 1343a of Aristotle’s Economics:
In truth the aim of economics and the science of politics is to bring to perfection the well-being of one very great, numerous earthen clay body of citizens where they reside (but, on the one hand, certainly, however, to consume one’s means beyond a certain point brings this self-same earthen clay body of citizens to abject ruin—a breaking-point.).
President-elect FDR … he’d be inaugurated in only three more days … he’d promised them a Socialist New Deal.
Wasn’t that the goal of the Social Republic they’d had if they could keep it: bringing about the well-being of We the People?
That made her think. (in France, what was the Fascist system there but what the Third International called “Capitalism in decay”? Britain, France, Canada … the bourgeoisie could no longer rule normally, so therefore they’d …)
Here, in the U.S.S.A., they had a Market-Socialist system, and with FDR having called for overcoming market forces in speeches during his electoral campaign against the failing Socialist Conservative Herbert Hoover, it meant that, well, he’d bring to perfection the well-being of ‘one very great, numerous earthen clay body of citizens where they reside.’
That was the aim of Socialist economics, of Socialist politics!
Just about to hit the wall from exhaustion, she lay down on her bed and simply crashed. The next morning, she awoke early in the morning, turning off her alarm clock before venturing into the kitchen only to see her mom already up, a steaming cup of cofffee in her hand which she handed to Rebecca.
“Any cream or sugar? It’s a dark roast. It’ll perk you up, Rebecca.”
“No thanks, just black, please.” She drank it with gusto. The bitter, strong stuff going down her throat felt good.
Then, off to work.
Just prior to leaving the house upon eating a big breakfast of three scrambled eggs, toast pasted with peanut butter and four slices of rich, greasy, bacon her mom had made lovingly for her, she said, “Finances are tight, Rebecca. But thanks to the Military Revolutionary Committee, we can stay put here. I’d feared we’d lose this house due to the Dust bowl. Dad ...”
“Dad fought, right, in the Army, during the Great Imperialist Slaughter, mom. What if, I could bring in more money by, well, joining the MRC or something?”
“You’re 18, but, if you’d have to fight …”
“We’re at peace, mom. FDR isn’t one to get us entangled in European affairs and ...”
“And Canada’s bourgeois democracy is hanging by a thread, Rebecca, while Britan is now a Fascist country. ”
“I don’t think they’d attack us, given that we are neutral. Besides, I could bring home even more money then by planting trees and doing other odd jobs. And … I want to follow in dad’s footsteps and serve my country, ‘tis land of liberty.”
“Think wisely about this, honey. Now, slay it at work today!”
“Will do mom, will do.” With those words she headed out the door to get to work for the Socialist Government … (Fascism is evil, the Holy Spirit whispered softly to her mind. I’ll give you a choice: Fight it, or not. You’ve have read the Sermon on the Mount, in Matthew. You have a choice to resist evil or not.)
In that moment, she whispered softly underneath her breath as she walked to the office she’d report at before fighting the Dust Bowl, “I want to fight evil ...”
The earlier scene above, now finished:

March 20th, 1937
Oklahoma was … in a process of change.
Corporal Brian Stephens knew this.
“Come on, raise that barn, dammit!” He ordered his squad. Raise it they did, along with millions of trees. Dust bowl. Socialist New Deal made actual. FDR’s dream … no, We the People’s dream made real. “By order of the Military Revolutionary Committee, I am here to rebuild this community! All who can work, lets labor to rebuild the Socialist State of Oklahoma, the way it was, the way it was meant to be!”
Taking a break, he shoveled some Spam into his mouth with a metal fork.
Prisoners from the local prison were being drafted to help rebuild the SSOK.
Dressed in striped uniforms, he put them to work planting trees and shoveling dirt,
The trees would grow soon, as Spring hit.
This was, simply put, Socialist Original or Primitive Accumulation in action.
A homesteader sauntered over to him. His face was tanned and worn with both hard work and age.
Smiling, he spat a brown stream of chewing tobacco juice into the dirt.
“Thank you, Corporal. The name’s Charles Jenkins.”
“You’re welcome. A pleasure to meet you. I’m Corporal Brian Stephens, at your service.”
“Much obliged, Corporal Stephens.”
Breaking rank, he smiled and said, “Just call me Brian, friend.”
“Will do, Brian.” Charles said before venturing off to start fixing up all the homes damaged by the Dust Bowl.
If the banks had still been a power, Capital, and not labor, would things here be different? Corporal Stephens reckoned they would be.
But the Great Red Summer Socialist Revolution had resulted in the nationalization of all the banks, and thus the destruction of the political and economic power of the American Bourgeoisie.
A scar still graced the left side of his face from a bullet scraping it, way back when he’d been a Red Guard workers’ militiaman fighting the White Guards up in Maryland where he was from.
But that was, well, history.
Finishing his Spam, he worked hard all-day collecting wood for the construction of another barn, finishing it by dusk.
Now, lit cig in his mouth, he sat with his men in the dirt, cots rolled up on the ground, stars twinkling high up in the sky.
Xenophon, oeconomicus line 1.2:
They themselves are well-suited when it comes to managing their family house, which is kept good in its kind domestically.
Then, upon reading a little bit more, he simply conked, wrapped up in his sleeping bag as the night-time grassland air whistled over him.
Up and at ‘em.
After a breakfast of C-rations (the salty canned beef felt good on his tastebuds!), he’d just got done offering up to the prisoners the tantalizing offer of compassionate release if they would go above and beyond the call of duty in carrying out the Socialist New Deal in the SSOK when a new recruit stepped forwards over to him, saying, “Sir, Corporal Stephens, its Private Rebecca Victoria, at your service, comrade. What are your orders, sir?”
She sounded so … enthusiastic. Perfect.
“Your orders are simple: Put some backbone in the prisoners, push them to work hard, harder than these civvies.”
“Yes, Corporal!”
“Hop to it, then, comrade Private Victoria.”
Hop to it she did … and she was a real fisher of men!
And she was … tough, perhaps tougher than the hardened criminals she’d been put in charge of … she’d get promoted very quickly; he figured very matter-of-factly in his mind.
He would …
After working the prisoners to the bone and seeing them off under armed guard back to their prison cells to be let out again the next morning, Private Victoria sat down next to him and the rest of their squad smoking, talking, him …
“I’m promoting you, Private Victoria. Congrats, you are now Private First Class Victoria!”
“Thank you, sir, thank you so very much!” She said, brimming with joy, with happiness. “See,” she said to the four other privates under his command, “that’s how you do things around here, boys!”
“Goddamn, PFC Victoria, way to rub it in our faces!” Private Nest said, smiling, just then taking a long drag on an Eagle 20 cigarette.
The newly-christened PFC Victoria really did make, well, a real fisher of men! With that thought, sleep came the second night to Corporal Stephen’s weary eyes. Before long, he’d dozed off.
More writing, the next scene in fact:

April 7th, 1937
O, how much President FDR had hated Hoover while he’d been the govenor of New York! Then, in ‘32, he’d had to go it alone. Shorn of Social-Federal aid, he’d had to use make-work programs and public works to try to overcome his beloved Homestate's economic malaise.
Now, he’d only a little bit ago finally, at long last, won the White House! (Twice damn Hoover and the Social Conservatives!)
(I’m so smart! I got an A in history, mom!) The subconscious thought made tears start to well-up in his eyes.
This wasn’t a time to cry, this was a time to fight.
Cough suppressant in his system, he spoke to throngs of citizens in New York’s Madison Square Garden: “Comrades, my comrades, The Socialist New Deal continues apace. But, we have only just begun to fight!”
Applause. Waiting for the crowd to quiet itself down, (the plebians, no patricians here … he, a patrician, the only one in the mass of humanity, of, by, and for We the People!), he continued: “The Supreme Court can fight all it wants, but, I’m putting before Congress a bill which, if passed, I will sign in to law increasing the number of justices from nine to fourteen. This way, this mission of you, We the People, your Socialist New Deal, can really roll forwards unto … victory!”
More applause. Finishing his speech, it was back to the White House. O, how grand was the Socialist realist art depicting General George Washington standing triumphant crossing the Delaware, proletarian art put up by a muralist for the occasion of his speech about a month ago. He’d thanked Paul Riviera to the stars for it, too! (And then, after Red revolution in the U.S. just after the Great Imperialist War, Mexico had followed suit … long live the USSA’s solid relations with the Socialist Democratic Republic of Mexico!)
Getting situated in his Oval Office chair, he lit a Marlboro cig. (It was, well, his cig, and his brand!) The smoke wafted up into the musty, smokey air.
And there it was: the bill, a draft of it, soon (he hoped) to become a law, even a Socialist law!
“The British and French ‘racial warriors’ don’t understand us, our Socialist, proletarian legality, our Socialist virtue … ‘racial virtue!’ It’s a load of … baloney, Harry!”
He’d said just then to his most trusted advisor Harry Hopkins, who’d he sent for. (He was so chipper with that gallon of coffee in his system, making it all the better to keep him as his close friend and confidant in these trying times.)
“So true, comrade-president, so true! A Frenchie ‘racial philosopher’ I do believe had reworked Marx, saying ‘all history hitherto has been a history of racial struggles’ in his book. Baloney, sir!”
“Absolute baloney, Harry! What of Congress … this bill ...”
“Well, comrade-president, so far all its got support wise is a lone people’s senator from the SSTX, and not any support, at least so blatant, with his endorsement, from most people. Some Communists think small, comrade. (Not comrade-president, simply comrade, equality, and equity, was what the whole entire revolution thing was all about, and ultimately ending inequity, wickedness and bringing the Kingdom of God low!)
“That’s a damn shame, Harry.” He said, blowing smoke and, putting his precious cig out in the ashtray after smoking it down to the cherry, he’d just after saying this in that moment lit another one.
“If we can convince enough of Congress to--”
“I think the bill will die, but the fight continues. Me, I’m thinking about … war prepardness.” He said, smiling thinly.
“But we are at peace, comrade.”
“Yes, we are, but for how long? Canada’s center cannot hold out for long in the wake of Oswald Mosely’s victory, ‘racial Socialist’ organizations are being given pride of place up in Toronto, there are still free elections, but for how long, Harry? Japan is under the control of her military, France and Britain are only getting stronger.
“But, comrade FDR, Franklin, we are not allied with Europe’s Socialist democracies or the semi-feudal Chinese Soviet Republic. Why war preparness?”
“Why? Because the writing is on the wall, Neutrality Act or no Neutrality Act, Congress or no Congress, I think we’ll be at war soon. Besides, it’ll, I strongly believe, get us fully out of the Capitalist-induced Great Depression. It’ll really boost our ecoomy.”
“You have a point, Fraknlin.”
“I think I do, Harry, I think I do, comrade.” With those words, he lit another cig. Soon, by the end of the day after meeting with policy advisors and top military brass, he’d blow through a pack-and-a-half of his precious “cigs.”
Another completed scene; a POV character from the overthrown Spanish Republic's Government, a Socialist, the Spanish Republic having collapsed after a brief civil war following the Nationalists winning the 1936 Spanish elections due to the butterfly effect:

May 1st, 1937
May Day was here!
Pablo Rayiz was so exited to be at his first May Day rally!
Today, as always, was a great day to be alive!
Because, after surviving Spain’s civil war, every day was a great day to be alive!
He’d not fought, no, he’d served in the Spanish State-power as a Socialist minister, forced into exile after the Nationalists won the 1936 elections and then … came the bloody, chaotic next few months-the civil war was over swiftly … too many police, too many “Tan Shirts,” disrupting Socialist and Communist Party meetings and the gatherings of liberals and progressive conservatives and the reaction was just too … strong.
But none of that mattered, here, now, in ‘tis land of liberty, this truly, really free land of opportunity.
New York City! Workers thronged the streets with Socialist Red Workers’ and Farmers’ Army soldiers marching in lockstep by their side, the crowd cheering, and cheering, and cheering on and on and on.
This was the Dictatorship of the Proletariat in essence!
The Capitalists not allowed to enter the ranks of the Red Army as enlisted troops, the All-American Congress of Councils of Workers’, Red Army, and Farmers’ Representatives, the whole thing had completely disenfranchised the bourgeois … and who was soon to speak but President of the Council of People’s Secretaries Franklin Delano Roosevelt!
“Friends, comrades,” the mighty man said, that giant, “Today, on this May Day anno Domini let us celebrate! Life is getting better my comrades! We are beating this Great Depression! Together, We the People are building Socialism!”
O, how the crowd roared on and on and on … thinking no doubt of inevitable victory over Capitalist relations and ultimately then soon enough unto the end of the exploitation of man by man!
“I am proposing, in this talk I’d like to have with you all if that is alright with you, before Congress a Second Economic Bill of Rights. For our Socialist New Deal has realized the ushering in of a State not marked by Capitalism hitherto a power in the land, but a thriving Socialist Society of all the council parties and movements, of the whole revolutionary democracy!”
Pablo whooped himself hoarse just then. Then, then FDR’s speech ended, followed by more marching, the band playing victoriously The Battle Cry of Freedom and next more obviously Socialist the Internationale!
Retiring to his public apartment complex nestled just opposite the Lincoln Memorial, he plopped down in a hard wooden chair and lit a cheap nickel cigar.
“Is that good ‘Ginny ‘baccy, honey?” His wife said, smiling at him as he took a long drag on it, blowing smoke.
“Yeah, its damn good ‘Ginny ‘baccy, Sarah.”
Her wedding ring shown bright in the still there evening sun, et gusto, shining O so bright at a quarter past seven. He’d met her in New York in the years since fleeing Fascist Spain, she an American and he a Spaniard, el un muy bueno Hispano, do donde America.
But, they’d fallen in love, so then came marriage and (they both hoped) children to follow suit. Premonition. (Do sueno, lucha.)
Seven ‘O clock quick now became eight ‘O clock, sueno beckoned.
Nothing to do but … think about this premonition.
Again with the inner voice: (Red Army, let’s go!)
War clouds, he knew, hung now across the Atlantic over in the antiguo country, as Spain had now decided to ally herself with Naci France and Fascist Britain. Portugal, like Mexico a democratic Socialist republic, was feeling under threat, seeing in the invasion and annexation of Ireland an ominous warning sign of an impending attack.
But the USSA, his new home, where his much better life was, was not entangled in any complex web of alliances like the Europeans had been in August of 1914.
But … (Pray.)
So, he’d pray aqui, now, on his knees near the single room apartment’s bed, his wife already fast asleep, the lights turned off, just a silent prayer to God the Father.
“Help me, what is thine will for me, God? Amen.”
The Spirit of Holiness answered back, softly, “You will fight soon. You will fight and she will fight, it doesn’t matter what you do, it doesn’t matter what she does. You will fight soon in the American Red Army.”
The answer!?
Fear itself just then ripped through his chest, his breast, his corazon, the center of his being, the core of his self, his heart. (Soon, you must fight for all that you cherish aqui, nie, hier ins diesen Nation. For now, do lucha, sueno.)
He’d hardly heard German from the Holy Spirit; he’d known the language well from school learning it as a child.
Warum nie? Warum mich?
With that thought, he lay next to his sleeping wife and slept. No fighting, just sleeping.
Dream. Jungle. Soldiers charging forth. Holding guns. End of dream.
“Honey, you had a nightmare.”
“Yes,” he said, visibly shaking, frowning, sweating, “it was just a nightmare.
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Next, I think, shall be a POV scene showing the Fascist People's Courts and the ensuing "wild camps" in Great Britain, and also I think a POV scene from a man from the fens of England having his race consciousness raised by British Secret State Police officers.

In portraying both Fascism and Socialism, I am hoping to show how both peoples in real life Nazi Germany and the USSR really believed both in Socialist democracy in the latter union of nations ("Socialism in one united country" is what the Russian truly says, not "Socialism in one country" just FYI) and in the racial State.

There is no Marxism-Leninism in this world, just highly competitive, true multiparty politics and free and fair elections in the USSA and elsewhere.

Soon, World War II will break out.

I will also be showing the Soviet Federated Socialist Republic of China soon and the "World at War" scenes, many of which I already have written, showing forth fighting in both the USSA, Europe, and in the Pacific and in China.

And finally, "the World the War made" showing the 1960s, 70's, 80's into the 2000's and 2010's.

The prewar scenes are to be divided up into one large section called "the Antebellum World", so, three sections in sum total are to make up the whole novel.
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Another POV. A young Briton, a character who will go on to fight in WWII.

May 12th, 1937
His ethnic consciousness had been raised, Peter Sandberg knew, upon listening to the Secret State Police officer speak.
The white race was in power!
The fens. Bogging through water and high grass he arrived back home, his father out on the front porch smoking a cigar.
“Dad, my ethnic consciousness has been raised! We, the white people, have sovereignty!”
“You might think that, Peter, you just might think that.” He said, blowing smoke from the chubby, brown cigar smoldering a bright orange at its lit tip.
“Dad,” the sixteen-year-old son said to his much older (and wiser) father, “I want to, when I turn eighteen, to join the National Socialist British Workers’ Party!” (With all the racial Socialist groupings in the BUFNS organized into one solidified vanguard, victory over the lesser races was not just highly likely but destined!)
“That’s your choice, Pete, that is your choice. Mom has supper ready for you, my beloved little pumpkin. Rabbit stew.”
He attacked the rabbit stew with gusto with a wooden spoon he’d painstakingly carved himself.
It was late. Sleep would soon come to him.
But he was white, the white race was in charge!
The next morning, he went over to a Secret State Police officer and asked about joining the Party.
“You’re too young, my ethnic comrade, but you can join the Mosely Youth.”
“I would love to, my ethnic comrade!”
“I can drive you there, into town.”
He did just that, driving him in a People’s Car to the Mosely Youth office whereat he signed up.
The following day, he came home to his dad dressed in a snazzy brown uniform. “Dad, I joined the Mosely Youth! ‘For Mosely and the Race’, and ‘God is with us!’” He said, pointing to the words on his brown leather belt buckle.
He took out his steel knife. He pointed to where it said in fine, engraved print “for Mosely and the Race.”
“Son, I think this is your choice.”
“I made the right choice, dad.”
“You might think that, son, you just might think that. Supper is ready: left over rabbit stew.”
Eating it speedily, spooning the broth and cooked, sweet rabbit meat into his mouth, he’d go again back to the Mosely Youth office; there, they’d drive him and his ethnic comrades over to Larkham Army Base.
“In a few more years, you can join the Home Army or the Protection Squadron or the Armed-Protection Squadron. It’s your choice, my fellow, young racial comrades. The jews are vermin.”
“Vermin.” he liked that. “Vermin,” he said again with a large grin plastered on his face. He'd repeat the word all the way back home. “Vermin, not every person with a human face is a human being.” The latter had, he’d discovered, been a rallying cry in Party meetings since long before Oswald Mosely and the Race had taken over.
The power of word of mouth.
And, he’d really love to join the Home Army, or perhaps the Protection Squadron or its army equivalent.
He had a choice, one to make in a couple of years.
June 9th, 1937
The London-based People’s Court was in session.
The Jew Joseph Nesly was the sole defendant … facing a jury of whites, no Jews, and a panel of three hang judges.
“He is guilty, a real Jewish huckster, a hitherto captain of industry, a Bonafide blood-sucking parasite!” The crisp brown tweed suit-and-tie wearing prosecutor said aloud before the hung jury. “What do you have to say for yourself, Jew boy?”
He felt sick to his stomach, honestly. The words struggled to come out of his mouth, sitting at a desk shorn of a defense attorney. “I’m innocent! My factory was taken over by--”
“liar, liar, liar! Send him to a concentration camp, lock him up!” The jury shouted in total unison.
“What do your illustrious three honors think?” The prosecutor said, smiling thinly, lit cigarette in his mouth, just then taking a long drag on it and blowing smoke.
“He is guilty of all charges brought against him. He is to be sent to Larkham Concentration Camp.” The chief judge said, speaking for the other two.
Two police officers carried him off out of the court room before shoving him in a police car and, then, soon he’d reach the camp.
Emblazoned on the gate were the words: “Labor will set you free.”
Would he ever be free?
The camp guards put him to work chopping wood and moving rocks, labor … without a point it seemed. He’d been given an ounce of bread and an ounce of poor-quality sausage, and nothing more to eat.
His wife … she’d had to be alive and well!
Gnawing at the sausage, rotten as it was, he lay in the barracks on a bunkbed. Others sentenced here looked like living human skeletons. It was evil! Justice, hogwash!
But for the time being, there was no escape.
Full moon. Its rays filtered through the windows tonight.
Soon, he’d fall asleep, exhausted from the backbreaking, hard labor.
Another completed scene.


July 4th, 1937
Today was Independence Day.
Pablo Rayiz had a lot to celebrate, having just become a full-fledged citizen of the USSA only days prior to the American holiday.
O, how the red-yellow-white-and blue striped flags dipped and waved, emblazoned in the upper inner corner with 48 yellow stars opposite the thirteen red-and-white stripes.
(for the blood that was shed, and for the unity of the thirteen original States won through armed Social revolution against the goddamned proto-Fascist Red Coats).
How foreign, how distinctly American!
These days, he worked in a cigar factory, rolling the tobacco with a machine, to be sent off to grocery stores and convenience stores across the Social-Federal Union.
And these days, he’d been elected by his fellow workers to be a shop-floor manager, a foreman.
Today, no work, just rest, sunshine, enjoying fireworks later today with his wife in the park perhaps.
And she’d finally gotten pregnant, they were going to have a son!
Wie Wunderbar, prima, klasse, super!
Muy bien! El soy muy bien, y estaban no bien only a handful of months ago, empazar, he was going to be a father!
Soon came the fireworks, they’d gone to the park after all.
O, how the fireworks exploded with great brilliance in the night sky above then!
“Honey,” Sarah said softly, “he kicked.”
“Klasse, muy bien!”
“Your German, and your Spanish, and your English is, well, impeccable!”
“nicht ist hat so, meine Fruendinin, meine klein Hausfrau!”
“You’re something special, Pablo.” With those sweet words, she kissed him on his lips even more sweetly.
Soon, it was back home to their apartment, then the next morning, he’d take the bus to work.
A dollar in his pocket bearing the image of the Socialist former-president, long ago deceased Eugene Victor Debs, he got to work quick, quicker still rolling the tobacco that his fellow coworkers likewise sprayed with the special chemicals giving the brand, an Havana brand, Bolivars, their rich, smooth but bold distinctive flavor.
Smoking one, he sent forth happy clouds of smoke.
Plug, plug, plug, followed by a few drags as he met with his fellow workers in the center of the factory, away from all the noisome machinery now switched off, to chair a meeting of the local factory’s workers’ council.
“Comrade-workers,” He said, cigar in hand, “This meeting of the Turner Cigar Factory is declared open.”
Cheering from the mass. One by one, by the raising of one’s hand, people spoke, suggesting improvements, talking about the (open) books, and so on before the meeting finally ended after about forty-five minutes.
Then back to work, and, then home again. His wife had made supper; Spaghetti. Having eaten it, he lay propped up by a pillow on their bed, next to her.
Heraclitus’s Fragments:
But there the inward thoughts of God. Woe to the mass that, like an ass, spiritless, do not perceive them and in truth, to merely wish to hear the inward thoughts of God, to really obey them, is to come back to one’s own senses, to really, truly give ear to these inward thoughts of God is the foremost goal.
Et estaban muy bella!
Et es-no, mas muy perfecto!
Y El Deos estaban so mas perfecto!
God the Father’s love, his Holy Spirit whispered softly into his mind: (Again, you will fight soon, go to war, become a Jungleer.)
What was a Jungleer?
No matter. Soon, despite his troubled mind, he fell swiftly asleep, exhausted from work.
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A newly finished scene:

August 3rd, 1937
Gainesville, Georgia, was, FDR knew, in a process of becoming.
It’d been hit earlier in the year by a massive twister.
Fireside chat-he was on the microphone, speaking about the troubled town.
“Let’s talk about Gainesville, Georgia. Let’s talk about it with candor., friends. She has been ripped apart recently by a huge tornado. We must, can, and will rebuild the town.”
Soon his brief Fireside chat was over, he having torn away at the “economic royalists” in the Socialist Party, in the Republican and Democratic Parties (the Republican-Democratic Party-Could the revolution have swept those parties, all other parties away, here, in Soviet Russia, Germany, and so forth … a horrifying thought. God, may it not be!) in Congress.
These people (Those people, General Robert E. Lee) didn’t want to rebuild the small Georgia community, rebuild her into a thriving modern, Socialist township. (That was just too expensive!)
“Gainesville,” he wrote in a letter at his desk to Daisy, “has seen so much carnage, and people in Congress, that twice-damned Socialist Conservative William Hearst-doesn't' want to spend even a mere farthing on the place! To think, we had a revolution that overthrew the hated bourgeoisie, and here these people! They talk about how it is just too damn expensive! But I just have to try to focus on your lovingkind letters. Your P.C.., FDR.
Having finished the letter to his close confidant Daisy, he sent it to an aide to mail out to her. Fear itself in his chest. Him … afraid!? What would “those people” think-he'd spent oh so much time attacking these politicians, goddamned bourgeois democrats with a lowercase “d.”
And fear itself about … war. His diplomats received from London and Paris and Berlin and Rome-he'd blasted the Neutrality Act. Was it enough?
Seveny percent of Americans didn’t want a U.S.S. intervention in Europe or Asia-and, because he was leading a mighty Socialist democracy and not a totalitarian Fascist regime, he’d have to simply respect the will of the seventy percent of citizens who didn’t want him to enter his country into a potential second Great War.
Some had believed, had pushed him, to rule as a de facto dictator, to overcome the Great Depression all the better-how easier that’d be, no, God, may it not be!
“Comrade President,” Harry Hopkins said upon entering the Oval Office, “Good afternoon. Hallo, guten tag, guten Abend. Here are the latest reports out of Gainsville, GA. We need to get the power back on, and the houses rebuilt. We the People of Gainesville deserve that.”
“Warm Springs, GA. I’d have bought the place and turned it into a resort for those suffering like me from Polio-But these days it is Government-run, a proletarian resort for people disabled by the disease. As for Gainesville, what about a Socialist public library? The old one got smashed. Or a Socialist public, general hospital, nay, a Social public sanitarium? We have to think big, Harry!”
Reading through the reports, he smiled thinly while putting out his “cig” out in the ashtray.
“Even with the limited of funds, she is looking up, comrade.”
“Destiny rises up from the ashes of forlorn fate.”
“Yes, it does, Comrade-President!”
Phone call. “Yes,” he said, sending forth smoke, “Comrade-President, its me, Senator W.E.B> Du Bois. What you are doing in Gainesville, GA-it’s a revolution! Telegrams and letters have been flooding my office thanking me for earmarking the crucial funds for this great endeavor. And your most recent Fireside chat-the people love it!”
“Thanks, comrade-senator Du Bois.. Given how Negros lived in before in your native Peach State,” -you have changed things for your people, comrade! You-we-must, can, and will build back better!”
“You, the revolution, has changed things, Comrade-President FDR! Have a great rest of your day.”
Him … the revolution?
In quotes, or out of quotes?
With that thought, he put out the second “cig” before lighting another and another and another … a pack gone, he ripped into a fresh pack of smokes.
Gainsville, GA … would come back to life again!
The next succeeding section:
August 14th, 1937
Seneca. We must, to maintain our own selves, do things in moderation.
The Red revolution … was going beyond moderation to excess, victory!
The rebuilding of Gainesville, SSGA was the excess, the victory!
You couldn’t Lieutenant Louis Stephens knew, make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.
Heading to the damaged place, with him and his squad in a canvassed flatbed truck, dozens of trucks trailed them carrying the 1st Infantry Division to the SSGA township.
There they went, down poorly-made dirt county roads from the Atlanta Labor Commune. Alongside soldiers in the Big Red One were MRC men and women and Proletarian Hundreds; the latter consisted of a bunch of volunteer students and workers, some young, some much older.
After a handful of hours, they’d finally arrived.
“Okay boys, let’s show them how the Big Red One builds back better!” He said, he and his me filing out of the truck.
“Hell yeah, LT, we are in business!” Sergeant Carl West yelled, smiling and smoking a cigarette. O, how thick was his Brooklyn accent!
A scrawny college kid said just then, “What do we do right now?”
“We rebuild. Our squad, along with the rest of 3rd Company, are going to rebuild the hospital.”
“Damn right, Lieutenant!” Private Jason Best said, likewise smiling and casually puffing on a cigarette.
“Goddamn right private!” The Sarge said, throwing his spent cigarette to the groun before fishing for another one out of his pack and sticking it in his mouth before lighting it with a Zippo lighter.
Now, here, a band of students along with some older people went to work completely constructing a brand new public general hospital.
Debris was everywhere. They’d have to clear the rubble and start fresh. Here, now steel was hoisted up by large cranes to begin creating the new hospital’s foundation. “We the People of Gainsville deserve a new hospital, nay, a new, better town.” Frowning grimly, casting his gaze down to his feet, he said to the youthful student, “People died, Bill.”
“Yeah, LT, people died. Such is life.”
Another student, Rachel, replied, “yeah, people died Bill. To top it all off, the Capitalist-induced Great Depression caused over twenty-five percent unemploymet in Atlanta. Atlanta suffered, Oglethorpe University suffered.”
“But that is what Socialist Original Accumulation is all about, putting the whole economy under public control so a recession or depression will never happen again.” Another studednt, Robert, said.
“You got that right, Rob.” A fourth student, Janet, said.
“Well, let’s keep at it, boys and girls.” The LT Stephens ordered. Hours passed … soon, all of the rubble had been successfully cleared away, placed into spare flatbed trucks to be sent off to a nearby landfill.
Told by Major Stillwell that they’d done their part almost flawlessly, the students and his squad sauntered over to a local, small business, an ice cream and soda joint.
Devouring a cheeseburger and drinking a Coca-cola, the soda jerk said with a big grin on his face, “Thank you, Lieutenant Stephens! Things are really, truly, shaping up.”
“Don’t mention it.
“Goddamn, this Coca-Cola gives you a real buzz!” Sergeant West said before slapping a dime onto the counter that they were all sitting at, which was swiftly put into the cash register by the soda jerk.
(Cocaine in the stuff really gave you a good kick!)
Then … smoking, followed by lovingkind sleep on an army cot underneath a large canvas with the rest of their unit.
Publius came to mind just then right before swiftly conking.
In secret, advise friends; openly, praise friends.
(You will really show up for We the People soon Louis) the Holy Ghost whispered softly to him. (What was God’s Spirit really speaking to, our heart, our mind, both?)
The last thought he’d have before dozing off was (These squad mates are my friends, no? A good fisher of men, in secret, advises them one-on-one and, openly, praises them like when giving one of them a promotion. Wisdom. The negation of un-wisdom; but what was wise, and what was un-wise?).
The next POV scene:

September 4th, 1937
The Socialist revolution was about equality.
The gap between rich and poor had been dealt a powerful blow a generation ago.
Democracy, formerly bourgeois, now proletarian, was equalizing things.
The Socialist New Deal, Nels Anderson knew, was pushing forwards.
The Great War.
The trenches, the cooked fish on the transport to France, obedience to the Word of Wisdom, drinking only one to two cups of coffee but refusing smokes, the whole thing … now, now he, as a Government official-a New Dealer-was on a mission.
“Delano Dam-she continues apace, sir, down in Nevada. But this is Salt Lake City, no?” His advisor James Keyes said, smiling thinly, holding up a thin manila folder. “Congrats on passing your first Congressional bill, Nels. Would you like to see this latest report on the effects of your bill?”
“Yes, I would, James.” Taking hold of the manila folder, he opened it. Since the bill had been signed into law by President FDR a good deal of months ago, the newly christened shop floor committees had made things way more democratic, way more equal.
A new Utah State Department of People’s Sovereignty Over Industry had been created by the law, something that no other Socialist State in the Social-Federal Union had done yet. The shop floor committees placed out of the hands of the municipal councils of workers’ deputies all grocery stores, factories, and so forth, to streamline Utah’s State-power.
As it stood … “James, please, take me to the townhall meeting up in Cottonwood Heights.”
“Will do, comrade!”
Drive there they did, greeted by thongs of cheering citizens.
He was going to recur to fundamental principles this afternoon.
O, how crisp the Fall air was! The red, orange, and yellow leaves of trees whistled softly by, piles of the stuff on the ground, and how ornate the new People’s Town Hall structure was!
Inside, it was paneled with oak, on the walls as he strode down the hallway to the speaker’s lectern were Socialist realist art depicting his State’s working-class overcoming Capitalist relations, and all the people!
Now standing before a packed audience, he said, “The people are in power! Our free Government had been founded on their authority for their protection and benefit, for all political power is inherit in the people!”
The mass roared.
The people roared.
“We have much work to do, comrades. Building up the mightiest Socialist State in the Socialist Union, nay, perhaps, in the world, will take time. But, I’m convinced that the new Department of People’s Sovereignty Over Industry and the shop floor committees will work perfectly as far as men and women can be perfect. No, you, the people, are more perfect, you are building a more perfect State, a more perfect Union!”
O, how the people cheered!
Then it was back to his office on State Street.
There, retiring to his office chair, he grinned.
“A more perfect Union ...” He whispered to himself. “At peace with the world.”
Soon, he’d discover, war would make the more perfect State of Utah and Union grow, become even more perfect through undeserved, Job-like suffering.
Der Major makes his first appearance:

October 2nd, 1937
Die Resistenz gegen eine Krankheit.
The fightback against French Nacism continued, der Major knew, against the disease.
His eyes scanned Heraclitus’s Fragments, passage one:
But the inward thoughts of the Gods, woe to the mass that, like an ass-spiritless, do not perceive them and in truth, to merely wish to hear the inward thoughts of the Gods, to really obey them, is to come back to one’s senses, to really, truly give ear to these inward thoughts of the Gods is the foremost goal. Since everything comes forth because of the inward thoughts of the Gods. Some struggle mightily to perceive the Truth, and trying with much wasted effort are afraid to obtain what I’m describing in full-they hesitate. Unready, they fall short throughout, puffing themselves up, and feeling false security they don’t listen to the inward thoughts of the Gods
Therefore, they struggle to rebound, they do not enter in through the strait gate, muddled, confused like a mighty tempest. Glory is hidden from them-they don’t trust the Gods’ Holy Spirits, they don’t gain the fruit, a wholly possible goal if they’d but trust the inward thoughts of the Gods-hesitation and thus to go astray is their lot in life until they come to finally trust the inward thoughts of the Gods.
Rhine. The mighty river was whereat he was placing his troops. Long ago remilitarized due to the Versailles Treaty being a dead letter and, to deter Naci France, he’d graduated at Württemberg Military Institute as a Lieutenant in Germany’s Socialist Workers’ and Farmers’ Red Army.
To his west … was the enemy.
“Der Major,” General Rommel said, a loose cigarette stuck in his mouth, do you have a light?”
“Jawohl, genau gern ja, ja.” He did just that, lighting it for him before lighting his own cigarette with the quick flick of the wrist.
“Danke schon.” His superior officer said, now smiling as he sucked in the smoke.
“Wilkommst Du.” Der Major said aloud, likewise smiling, taking a drag on his smoke, watching troops file past him. Du, nicht Sie nach die Sozial Revolution hat triumphen!
“I fear there will be a war soon.” General Rommel said, now frowning before throwing the spent tobacco down to the wet, muddy Fall earth.
“Yes, war beckons. What are your orders, comrade-general?”
“We watch the bastards from here. Make sure there are no incursions.”
“As the Americans say: Got it.”
He did just that, leading a detachment of troops to the riverbank and, filing into a bunker, one of them manned the machine gun and the other held on to the ammo belt. (Their training was good. Sehr gut, und wie brav!)
When push came to shove, though, would they fight, or for that matter hold the line?
He knew (hoped) they would.
“Sir-comrade-major, 2nd platoon is in position.” The bunker, massive as she was, could hold more then that, about two or possibly three platoons of soldiers.
Air vents pumped in oxygen, gently humming away.
Just then, the radio crackled to life: “3rd and 4th platoons are in position, comrade-major.”
“Machst dich das Radio, Comrade-soldat?”
“Yes, der Major.” The unit’s LT did just that, handing him the mouthpiece to speak into it.
These were war games.
War preparedness.
“All units, this is a message from your commanding officer: Give them Hell!”
Mounted machine guns, rifles fired from firing pits and the tops of trenches ripped and roared, firing at dummy targets on the German side of the mighty Rhine River.
The bullets ripped through soft cloth.
The bullets would soon, he feared, rip through soft flesh. When combined with artillery in the rear … the Frogs would be slaughtered.
He’d faith in that.
Soon, after the war games, it was back to General Rommel’s personal troop train. In a berth, he simply fell asleep, dreaming of eternal war with his “racial Socialist” enemies in France across the border.
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The man, der Major, as a Red Army officer during the Second Great Imperialist Slaughter:


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Another finished POV scene; enjoy:

November 18th, 1937
The racial warriors of the 22nd Yorkshire Division were steaming towards the shore of the Emerald Isle.
“Thirty seconds! Our Leader Oswald Mosley and God are with us!”
On the shoreline were bunkers, and those bunkers would fire upon them, and the Irish artillery was …
Shells slammed into the water all around them.
Water splashed Private Daniel Wayson, soaking his uniform.
Finishing his cigarette, he breathed in through his nose and then out through his mouth three times.
“Clear the ramp, boys!” Their platoon’s noncom said, Staff Sergeant Slaughter.
Then, he soon enough got out of the transport without getting shot, his feet hitting the sandy earth.
Somewhere, a ship’s cannon blasted an enemy bunker to smithereens. Cheers rang out across Gold Beach’s Easy Sector.
“Hell yeah, we’re rolling them up! Keep advancing!” Staff Sergeant Slaughter yelled, just then up ahead of him before firing off a few rounds from his Lee-Enfield, a copy of the U.S.S. M1 Grande Rifle.
He himself fired away … five bullets, new clip, five more bullets, then before long he’d reload and make it right below one of the Irish bunkers. The barbwire blown to Kingdom come and, with many more reinforcements of racial warriors coming ashore complete with Matilda tanks and ones patterned after the Socialist U.S.’s Debs tanks, the Irish were done for.
Now, in one of the bunkers soon enough, a grenade thrown into it blew to Hell and gone an Irish machine-gun crew.
Then, surviving enemies were sent off back down to the beach to be eventually put in POW camps.
Lighting another cigarette, he meditated again three times like before, slowly, deeply.
With the entire Republic of Ireland blockaded with ships and, with thousands of their soldiers invading also from Great Britain’s North Ireland as airplanes bombarded them from above, how long before the Emerald Isle was liberated from Jewry?
“Private Wayson, everyone, a very good job!” The noncom Slaughter said aloud to his surviving men, smiling and puffing on a fat, smelly cigar. Of the sixteen who’d gotten off the boat, only seven remained alive.
“Thanks, Sergeant.” He said quietly, low and melancholy.
“Here, I have some complimentary cigars for you all.” He would just then pull them out of a small metal case, giving each man under his command a cigar. Thirteen cigars were left, it was a shame nine of their unit had died and couldn’t enjoy one. (Here I am, smoking this fine cigar, and nine men didn’t make it! Do I deserve this?)
The first wave had completely succeeded, and now Staff Sergeant Slaughter was ordering them to go on to Dublin. He pushes us.
Lit cig in mouth, he could hear sniper rifle rounds peel off in the air, he himself now in some nondescript town (more like a village). Taking cover behind the wall of a chewed-up building, ravaged by the Home Island’s artillery, he took his helmet off.
There were six sniper rifle rounds in it.
Fear tore at his chest.
He just had to keep pushing on and on and on, keep fighting unto victory.
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January 8th, 1938
The French foreign minister's face had gone red as a beet.
“Sir, you and me both grew up reading the Good Book. There is a God.”
“In our Society, many including myself have become atheists. The churches ...”
“Were completely shut down, Mr. Pierre Anaur.”
“The churches were opposing the racial New Order, Comrade-President Roosevelt.”
“So now, friend, le France consists of an entire State of God-fearing atheists?”
“I guess that is just about correct.”
“Now, let’s get down to business.”
“Ireland is Britain’s, my nation has fought against support for the Irish Republic's Government-in-exile by the U.S.S.A. My Leader Doriot has requested that the U.S.S. stop sheltering them and send them to London to be tried.”
“We are not sheltering them. They fled here on their own free volition. Officials there in the poor Emerald Isle were being butchered. God tells me this was and is wrong, what Britain has been doing and what France wants me to do.”
“So, you won’t return them so Greater Britannia can bring them to justice?”
“No, I won’t.”
“So be it, then, Comrade-President FDR.” Then, finally, the Frenchman was gone.
He’d gotten through to the foreign minister’s humanity, his empathy.
Three million Irish non-military citizens were slain in just Dublin alone, many perishing from the fact that these “racial troops” had, simply put, raped, and murdered them or bombed the rest to Kingdom come without regard for civilian life.
War crimes. He thought before a knock came to the Oval Office door. “It’s Harry, comrade.”
“Oh yes, come in please!”
He did just that, steaming mug of coffee in his right hand. In his left hand was what he said was a bill that’d been recently passed by the unicameral Council Congress.
Reading over it, he frowned. “They want me to sign this shit into law, to improve relations with murderers!?”
“Yes, Comrade-President, they do.”
“Firstly, we are not sheltering an Irish Government-in-exile. Secondly, to deport them would be immoral!”
“You and I think alike, having agreed on this touchy matter a while ago. My advice: veto it.”
“But, if I do veto it, it would be vetoing something which has broad backing from both representatives and their constituents of course … and would it become law regardless once returned to the House?”
“Maybe. But I think vetoing it would send a strong message that you, as President, can stand firm, take unpopular decisions, do what must be done.”
“The people’s will being what it is, given that I am not a dictator making unpopular choices, I am simply going the sign the fucking thing into Socialist law!”
“Are sure?”
“I am, Harry.”
Signing it, it would shortly be returned to Congress and made law a good number of hours later.
His conscience nagged at him. (You did nothing wrong; you respected the voice of the people in fact.) But what if the voice of the people came from evil!? With that unsettling thought, he’d soon retire to his bed around ten o'clock and fall asleep slowly, fitfully, but asleep, nonetheless.
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January 14th, 1938
Native language. Navajo.
Red Army.
Jacob Sun had joined the American Red Army, following the recent invasion and annexation of Ireland, to better show up for a people also historically oppressed and colonized for untold centuries.
Ancestors. They’d held up his great-great grandfather atop a massive mesa, the priest cupping the infant, holding him up before the sun.
But that was over one-hundred-and-fifty years ago!
Now, the Navajo had representation in the Council Congress’s Nationalities Chamber in the United Capital City as in the State Legislature’s own chamber devoted to the affairs of minority nationalities.
Ireland … she had no longer any republican representation, no democracy however bourgeois and oligarchic, she was now once again under the bootheel of the English colonizer.
Mom. Home cooking.
O, how he wished for it as he ate some C-rations, canned beef, in the New Mexico Army Base just south of Tuscon.
The drill sergeant was a mean cuss, he worked his men hard, but he was training them well so that they could fight.
His buddy leaned over to him, puffing furiously on a Camel cigarette. “Hola, Sun!” The Spaniard Private Pablo Rayiz said happily, wearing a big grin on his face.
“Hola, Rayiz!”
“Soon, we are going to kick some British ass, don’t you know? This is going to be for Ireland, for my homeland Espanola.”
“And for the Navajo: What my people have faced is no different from Ireland or Spain; fascism.”
“You got that right, Private Sun, you got that damn right!” Their corporal, Corporal Baynes said, likewise popping a smoke in his mouth and lighting it with a disposable lighter.
Morning rollcall, then firing mounted machine-guns.
“Look at you, Private Sun! You hit that target right in the fucking kisser!” The drill sergeant, Brian Crosse said, just then patting him on the shoulder after he was done compressing the trigger of the M1917 Browing. The bullets had ripped the cloth dummy’s head clean off, but the neck, chest, and torso didn’t have a scratch on them.
More training, then back to the barracks by evening after eating lunch in the mess hall. Gross chilly, he ate it, but it didn’t taste right; it tasted funny, cooked.
Cracking open a worn pocket copy of an ancient Greek edition of Heraclitus’s Fragments, he opened it to the very beginning:
But, the unwise cut themselves off from the stream of the inner Word of the Gods-to give ear to the inner Word of the Gods-and not merely to the words of a fellow kinsman of yours-this brings you home; this is wisdom. By means of applying this lady wisdom, in every way humanly possible, one becomes wise.
He was home, he realized, upon meditating a bit in his bunk bed; breathing in, he visualized a square getting smaller, breathing out, he visualized it getting larger.
Their drill sergeant had taught them to breathe like that.
Sleep then beckoned; he simply crashed, exhausted.