second american civil war

  1. A24's Civil War Headcanons

    A thread to post and discuss any headcanon's you have about A24's Civil War.
  2. Kaiser of Brazil

    The Iron Eagle III - Fallen Eagle
    Threadmarks: I - A SICK NATION

    THE IRON EAGLE FALLEN EAGLE A SICK NATION "I am sorry, sir... I know that is not an easy news to receive, if you need a moment before I continue..." The doctor trailed off as if expecting the patient to interrupt him, but the old man before his eyes just seemed too shocked to...
  3. TheDoofusUser

    Which Post 1900 Timeline should I write?

    I'm currently considering on what to do for my Before 1900 TL either being a redux of The Eternal Empire with added help from anyone who's interested or a Napoleonic TL where 1) Nappy and Josephine have a son, 2) Haiti is crushed, and 3) the French navy doesn't suffer the attrition that it faced...
  4. AHC; Create a second American Civil War

    Very shakily posting this in post-1900, but I think that's the more likely of the two. Your challenge is to create a second American Civil War, within the parameters of 1865-2023. Whatever the reason for said war is up to you - It could be racial, political, gendered or something else entirely...
  5. A Second American Civil War in the 1930s

    1932: The Democrats nominate an uber-conservative(Ritchie?) who proceeds to combat the Great Depression using spending cuts and tax hikes. Needless to say, this is a disaster and the midterms are a bloodbath. 1936: Yet, similarly to Hoover, Ritchie is re-nominated through patronage and a...
  6. TheDoofusUser

    An Eagle's Wings Clipped - The Story of America's Strife in the Early 1900s
    Threadmarks: Prologue, Part I - William Randolph Hearst's Mayorality, The New England VP, and Oliver's Early Life

    Today, May 30th, 2011, is the sixtieth anniversary of the much celebrated and adored American Holiday of Re-unification Day, when the Nation's almost fourteen year long civil war ended, which began the 40 year long dictatorship of Benjamin G.(lenn) A.(shley) S.(hannon) Oliver before he was...
  7. TheDoofusUser

    John Nance Garner succeeds FDR in 1933, Is a 1936 GOP win/Second Civil War Plausible?

    So in the TL "The Falcon Cannot Hear", FDR is killed by Zangara like he almost was OTL. Later, due to his policies, Garner loses in 1936 to Alf Landon and due to how Landon handles the country, it slowly crumbles into a Civil War. However, given how that TL is over nine years old at this point...
  8. A Sunny Day in Dallas
    Threadmarks: 1960s

    23rd November 1963: A nursing home in Fitchville, Ohio burns down, taking the lives of 63 patients. 29th November 1963: Trans-Canada Air Lines Flight 831 crashes near Montreal, killing all 118 passengers. 30th November 1963: The Liberal-National coalition in Australia led by Robert Menzies wins...
  9. TheDoofusUser

    AHC : Second American Civil War sometime after a worse 9/11

    The challenge here, if you choose to accept it, is to have a Second American Civil War begin/occur sometime after a worse 9/11. If you want to hear a description of how bad it is, let's have the hijackers be 30 and they hijack six planes, five hijackers per plane. Two planes hit the WTC and a...
  10. Marklin

    AHC: US Civil War in 1981

    What POD or changes could be made (post 1900 of course) that could lead to a Second American Civil War breaking out in 1981?
  11. Ryker of Terra

    Japanese expansion during American civil war

    So first of all, hello everyone. This is my first post after making my account over half a year ago and lurking for many years before that. Good to be here. Now, I've been wondering about the full potential for Japanese expansion if they have a free (or freer) hand in the Pacific. The scenario...
  12. Godot

    pending revision

    Rewriting this.
  13. aakwalllas

    The world of the Alt-Future of my novel "American Guerilla" set during a 2nd American civil war.

    (The flag of the United States of America under "The New System") Introduction: As of writing this, the year is 2026, we live in the ashes of a brutal civil war in a piebald society when it comes to race, freedom, and other issues that pertain to cultural and civil issues, we stand on the brink...
  14. C.Z.A.R

    Kaiserreich Second US Civil War: Generals, Armaments, Fleets, Numbers, Propaganda etc.,
    Threadmarks: Goals

    The idea of a Second American Civil War has floated around for quite a while. My personal favorite of the 2ACW timeline is Kaiserreich. Although there is a pre-existing Kaiserreich thread, I see it necessary for an independent thread dedicated to the 2ACW. If TL-191 can have one, why can't...
  15. Q: Were there attempts at secession before and after the Civil War?
    Threadmarks: Were there other attempts at secession in the United States (Specifically) after the Civil War?

    Which one could be classified as the most successful? I am interested to hear at least some attempt.
  16. CaliforniaPerson296

    Your personal Kaiserreich Headcanon?

    There are many different ways the Kaiserreich universe can go, and I was wondering what this site thought the Kaiserreich universe would go after 1936. Who would win the 2ACW? Who would win the second Weltkrwig? Who unites China and and India? What’s going on in South America? Who wins in the...
  17. WI: President Strom Thurmond

    The origins of this fragment of a TL lie in the backstories I have written for my 'Stories from a Changed World' TL. This bit seemed to stand on its own so I have edited it to remove the ASB elements and now post it here. It won't go any further, but if you want to see the ASB version look at my...
  18. WI. Japan conquers Hawaii in the 30s

    Let's say a revolution (and possibly a civil war) breaks out in the US in the 1930s. I don't want to go into the details of this, lets just say there's a workers revolution or parts of the ruling class are openly fighting against each other, or something like that. Anyway, let's say the...
  19. Bomster

    Second American Civil War in the 1960s

    So I’m reading Robert Kennedy and his Times by Arthur Schlesinger Jr., and in one chapter Schlesinger talks about how when Kennedy’s friend Byron White sent William Orrick down to the South, Orrick joked that he felt like he was in Russia because there was not an American flag in sight. Only...
  20. General Kenobi

    The Second American revolutuion

    The U.S. government becomes ocrrupt, riots and protest start popping up around the nation until the rioters start shooting at the homeland security forces thus escalating the riots into a revolution. States in the West like California, Nevada, North/South Dakota, Nebraska etc. join these...