
  1. AHC: Describe the effects on the U.S. social atmosphere over the past 43 years if President Ronald Reagan had been assassinated.

    What effects on pop culture, economics, and others would there be if President Reagan had been assassinated? - How would Higher Education, Social Services, and Disability rights (including autistic rights and advocacy) evolve without Reagan’s influence? - How would American Healthcare and...
  2. KPyall

    A Man Can Dream: Yet Another Indrema TL
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    A Man Can Dream: Yet Another Collaborative Timeline About Indrema from an underdog to a big dog Introduction Oh, hello. KP here. This is the third Indrema Revolution thing I’ve posted. This is gonna be a collaborative timeline. I’ve retconned many things by this point. I’ll start from...
  3. WI: Kazakhstan never left the Soviet Union

    IOTL Kazakhstan was the last Soviet Republic to declare independence from the USSR. So what would happen if they simply decide to continue the legacy of the Soviet Union, but in Kazakhstan ? And maybe integrate Kyrgyzstan back as an autonomous province. How will this change Central Asia and the...
  4. ParasaurEwan

    AHC: A plausible timeline to leave all post-1985 Anglophone Pop culture unrecognizable

    Basically, the challenge is, without Political Dystopia or Nuclear war, have a timeline which, by an alternate 2023, most American Pop Culture in the last 35 years we know doesn't exist, with a POD after the year 1985. The doesn't need to be from pop culture.
  5. Petike

    The Mathieson Years - A (Short) Post-Capaldi Doctor Who Timeline
    Threadmarks: 1

    The Mathieson Years A (Short) Post-Capaldi Doctor Who Timeline The year 2016 was a demanding time for the United Kingdom and Europe. It had also been a transitional year for Doctor Who as a television series and an overall media brand. The only Doctor Who production to air that whole year...
  6. An Alternative Doctor Who Timeline - The Whithouse Era
    Threadmarks: The new showrunner

    BBC News - 24th January 2016 It was announced last night that, after five series at the helm, Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat's next series will be his last as lead writer and executive producer. He has confirmed that his successor will be his close friend Toby Whithouse, creator of the BBC...
  7. KPyall

    (OLD) The Indrema Revolution - An Alternate History of Indrema
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    NOTE: This version of the TL is no longer being worked on. Check out the new version here: https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/the-indrema-revolution-revamped-an-alternate-history-of-indrema.547990/ The Indrema Revolution by KPyall Howdy, the name's KP! This is my first timeline...
  8. A "90s Feverdream" TL

    This is an idea I had today that's really weird, but is honestly stuck in my head. I kinda want to do a TL based on it eventually but worry it'll get in the way of my current project. The basic idea is a timeline that lacks a specific point of divergence or inciting incident, but rather...
  9. TheDoofusUser

    A Better Late 20th/21st Century for Mexico

    So we all know what happened to Mexico in the 1980s to Present : Under the PRI Dictatorship, it became embroiled in corruption and the wars with the Cartels then Vicente Fox and his successor made it worse, then we had the return of PRI with Npeto or whatever his name was, and now we have AMLO...
  10. Button_Revenge

    Just Like Starting Over: An Alternate Beatles Timeline

    Welcome to Just Like Starting Over! A new pop culture timeline that asks, “What if John and Paul just couldn’t resist $3,000?” I joke, but I truly hope I can bring a great pop culture timeline to you all, starting right here, right now. Some information before we begin: If you have an idea...
  11. WI: The Beatles died in 1964? (A Collaborative TL)

    (This is my first ATL, so I hope it turns out well) February 7th, 1964: While on their way to John F. Kennedy Airport, the Beatles' plane crashes into the Atlantic Ocean. There are no survivors reported. (Feel free to add whatever events or PODs you want, just as long as it's not ASB)
  12. K4Four

    Tanah Air : An Indonesian timeline
    Threadmarks: Portal page

    Tanah Air An Indonesian timeline Welcome to the Portal Page for the Tanah Air alternate timeline By Bakso Joko Widodo Coat of Arms of Indonesia Foreword The following timeline is my very first one the site. I’ve worked on it, drafted it stopped working on it, and finally, it reached a...
  13. Gillan1220

    What if Joseph Kony was captured before December 31, 2012?

    Invisible Children, Inc. aimed to have Kony captured before 2012 would end. Obviously that failed. But what if that actually succeeded? What would happen next?
  14. GameBawesome

    WI: Yugoslavia breakups during mid-200s or early 2010s

    Yugoslavia was former nation in the Balkans, formed from the Southern Slavs after WWI. After decades of ethnic and religious tensions between Serbs, Croatians, Bosnians, Slovenians, and Macedonians, Yugoslavia broke up in 1992, which lead to the most horrific war of the 21st Century, the...
  15. British Biscuit

    AHC: War between Iran & Turkmenistan

    One country is a Shia theocracy and "rogue state"(TM) The other has a reputation as "Central Asia's North Korea", complete with a dictator's personality cult. OTL... the two have no major friction and friendly relations. Surprisingly I've never seen any AH or technothriller works exploring a...
  16. Battle Royale: The Last Generation Of An SNES-CD Saga
    Threadmarks: All Aboard The Battle Bus

    (Author's Note: For all intents and purposes, this is to be treated as Massively Multiplayer: Gaming In The New Millennium. Massively Multiplayer has won its Turtledove, and this shouldn't be considered a new timeline for those purposes. We hit the 10,000 post limit and that's why this topic is...
  17. Effects on Call of Duty Series (and Military Games in General) if no 2000s Middle East Conflicts?

    I admit, I know nothing about these games (other than memes) as I'm more into shooters like DOOM, but I've always wondered about the impact of post-9/11/2001 events on the storylines these games focus on, how they sell and are received/reviewed/etc. I see that the first game to not take place...
  18. AstroRangerBeans

    The True Divided Nation: History of the World
    Threadmarks: Main

    FOREWORD In this pursuit of knowledge, historians have long debated among themselves over the interpretations of historical events. This knowledge finds itself in an existing manner and the grand enlightenment would have been thrived more but there's more making their event as a fact while...
  19. WI: Soviet Union collapses in 2011

    I had this a bit of odd idea, but let's say the Soviet Union lasts 20 years more and ends up collapsing in 2011? First off, how can you make the Soviet Union long laster up until the early 2010's and what is the result? What would our current state of the world be if it happened?
  20. mspence

    Romney Bush 2016

    This may be wishful thinking, but let's say Romney decides to wait until 2016 to run, and he picks Jeb Bush as his running mate...how does he do as President? President-Elect Mitt Romney