Map Thread XXII

But they have Soviet backing...
The Soviet will happily tell to the Mexican that at the moment they are on their own because they will not risk the motherland for them; MAD work this way, once the nuke start everyone gets his fair and unfair share.
The Soviet backing will happen BEFORE the invasion, making the american know that there are already nuclear weapons operative in the Yucatan, that are under soviet control and that are the answer to the american in Turkey or other place near the URSS and that a military action put the world at risk of WW3 and all the negotiation will be direct between Washington (and London) and Moscow...Mexico city will be relevant as San Marino.
Once the invasion start and the nuclear weapons seem not under Soviet control and seem built without that the USA discovered them, Moscow will wash the hand with the Mexicans, sure they will protest, will give diplomatic and logistic support (if possible) but risk a nuclear war with the americans? Nope, any Secretary that even hint that will not last a picosecond
Honestly i will have more expected the US government calmy explain to whatever is in charge in the carribean Union how extremely unwise or better utterly stupid and suicidal will have been even think about that move.
Fortunately it's just the US deciding not to risk having to nuke millions in the Caribbean Union as a response to the possible threat, plus the internal assessment that the war wouldn't be able to be sustained much longer with the limited resources it was launched (you can tell it was a quick invasion), not to mention the extreme unpopularity of it at home and the skepticism of the Armed Forces that this war could be widened or sustained for long when they're already focused fighting in Indochina and other proxy wars around the globe. While the "official reason" is the nuke threat, these factors also are taken into account. And no the Soviets didn't say much about it and internally told the Caribbeans to knock it off. The reveal of the nukes being in Yucatan came as a last resort by the government, but reality is the US invasion took them all by surprise while they were building the missile facilities there, and these were not fully functional
WIP of a science fiction scenario I'm working on, set in the 2060s after a period of Sino-American Rivalry ends badly for the Chinese side, but resumes once a revanchist clique comes to power in Beijing and starts propping up some of the old malcontents from the last round.

Of course there is not a "war" in the sense we would think of it, rather it is an extended period of hostility marked by economic and cyber-warfare, espionage and saboteurs, and occasional naval engagements by mostly automated fleets in the world's straits.

Additionally, the Chinese-led coalition is not exactly a band of brothers, rather it is a group of schemers and rogues who are mostly focused on their own designs, allied with China out of expedience only, and not really wanting to play second fiddle to the Chinese again.

Finally, this map is made from the American POV.

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So is the US a hyperpower again? Seems like there is no real challengers or even the possibility of one coming up.

It's the top dog by a mile, but the issue is that nobody in America really wants to do the political and economic mobilization necessary to confront China again...moreover, the broader Chinese plan is to interdict trade in the world's major straits, holding the global economy to ransom and forcing the world to give them what they want. But America wouldn't be too badly affected by what happens, so there's even less reason to care.

This is difficult to show on a map, especially because I don't even want to guess what American political coalitions will look like in the 2060s-70s.
So any possibility of change in this world or is American power going to hold supreme? Also surprised Russia still exists at all, or are those conflicts of interests are actually different factions withing Russia?
So any possibility of change in this world or is American power going to hold supreme? Also surprised Russia still exists at all, or are those conflicts of interests are actually different factions withing Russia?
Russia (and Pakistan and North Korea!) still exist, it is very hard to dismantle countries that have nukes, even if they are manifestly dysfunctional. And yes, those are indeed conflicting spheres of influence: there are pro-Western factions centered around St. Petersburg and Rostov, the Chinese gobbling up Russia's fossil fuels, and a Moscow-based faction aiming to return Russia to its old glories.

As for what happens, well, the Americans win in my scenario. Was there a possibility that things could have gone the other way? Most certainly, or the Beijing Faction would never have bothered going through with its plan! Of course, even if the Beijing Faction won, America would still be the world's greatest power, it would just not be ruling the roost quite like it did.
Russia (and Pakistan and North Korea!) still exist, it is very hard to dismantle countries that have nukes, even if they are manifestly dysfunctional
I mean you say that but then there is China.
As for what happens, well, the Americans win in my scenario. Was there a possibility that things could have gone the other way? Most certainly, or the Beijing Faction would never have bothered going through with its plan! Of course, even if the Beijing Faction won, America would still be the world's greatest power, it would just not be ruling the roost quite like it did.
I meant in the future of the conflict since I never though the Chinese would ever win this. I guess this is just an end of history scenario then?
I mean you say that but then there is China.

I meant in the future of the conflict since I never though the Chinese would ever win this. I guess this is just an end of history scenario then?
Well, China is still one contiguous whole, just one being fought over by various factions as well.
Well, China is still one contiguous whole, just one being fought over by various factions as well.
If China is so unstable, it wouldn't be in a position to be challenging the American order. Same goes for Russia.
OTOH, props for not fragmenting China into a gazillion internet micronations as is the case with most "China lost" scenarios.
If China is so unstable, it wouldn't be in a position to be challenging the American order. Same goes for Russia.
OTOH, props for not fragmenting China into a gazillion internet micronations as is the case with most "China lost" scenarios.

Well, Russia's not challenging it, it's one of the battlefields. Kind of like Spain during the War of the Spanish Succession.

As for China, well, that's a good point. Maybe I should try to find a way to show on the map that 2060s-70s America is also internally divided and polarized, as well as simply "tired" of geopolitical entanglements (similar to its zeitgeist in the 1920s).
Maybe I should try to find a way to show on the map that 2060s-70s America is also internally divided and polarized, as well as simply "tired" of geopolitical entanglements (similar to its zeitgeist in the 1920s).
Maybe portray different states with their respective color hatch patterns, much like what China and Russia have? That'd be my suggestion, but it's your call in the end.
Maybe portray different states with their respective color hatch patterns, much like what China and Russia have? That'd be my suggestion, but it's your call in the end.
I'll definitely give it some thought!

After getting feedback from everyone, I'll be revising the premise of my scenario to be more of an intra-China struggle with some Western interventions, that happened to involve and destabilize most of Eurasia (because 2060s China is just that rich and important).
Fortunately it's just the US deciding not to risk having to nuke millions in the Caribbean Union as a response to the possible threat, plus the internal assessment that the war wouldn't be able to be sustained much longer with the limited resources it was launched (you can tell it was a quick invasion), not to mention the extreme unpopularity of it at home and the skepticism of the Armed Forces that this war could be widened or sustained for long when they're already focused fighting in Indochina and other proxy wars around the globe. While the "official reason" is the nuke threat, these factors also are taken into account. And no the Soviets didn't say much about it and internally told the Caribbeans to knock it off. The reveal of the nukes being in Yucatan came as a last resort by the government, but reality is the US invasion took them all by surprise while they were building the missile facilities there, and these were not fully functional
Unfortunely don't work this way, sure the nuke can be the official excuse to stop the fighting but there is no way that they meekly return home with their tail between the leg expecially after that kind of menace and in that manner. you do that and you can simply give up your status of superpower. Too much humiliation, this is litteraly in their neighbourgh, Indochina and the rest of the proxy war can go to hell, the Armed Forces will merely point that they need to scale bak their involvement in other theatres, plus the megahumilition that the Mexican have buillt a nuclear weapon program with lauch site rigth in front of their eyes and they haven't see it
The Mexican will not acquire any territory, they will be lucky to keep what they want and still existing, the more probable outcome is a situation like Ukraine pre 2022
Yeah but I don't know if it makes sense to have a 2014-22 Ukraine equivalent in this situation, I assume the US would succeed in overthrowing the entire government in the end due to the overwhelming military superiority (and in the map you can see the US was about to succeed)
Ultimately the result is contingent on the way your timeline is going to go based on your own decisions so if you want to go with that outcome you can do it lol
Seems far more likely for the US invasion to turn into a super Afghanistan/Vietnam intervention, especially considering the terrain greatly supports the defenders, and that the US trying to impose a new regime would probably piss of the entire population.
Seems far more likely for the US invasion to turn into a super Afghanistan/Vietnam intervention, especially considering the terrain greatly supports the defenders, and that the US trying to impose a new regime would probably piss of the entire population.
There is a distinct difference. Afghanistan/Vietnam are across the world this is right next door. Plus a nuclear armed threat. This time they won't care and do everything to secure the nukes and do a regime change.