Table of Contents
Irish Timelines and Scenarios
Ireland-centered TLs
- High Wire Eire by RogueBeaver - With a POD in 1846, the history of the Kennedys in Britain is documented, from their humble origins to the later vertical ascent through British society, and vast political influence.
- James II and an independent Ireland by Erebus
- Know of any other timelines set here ? Feel free to add them !
TLs in which the country makes appearances
- The Chaos TL by Max Sinister - because England is more distracted by events on the continent (being in personal union with Castille and Portugal), Ireland is less anglified ITTL. For some time, in personal union with Scotland. After a great potato famine, many Irish emigrate to Antipodia (TTL's Australia), giving the continent an Irish-speaking majority. Later, part of Socialist Britain / the Socialist Block in western Europe.
- Know of any other timelines set here ? Feel free to add them !
See Also
timelines/ireland.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:13 by