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Indian Timelines and Scenarios

India-centered TLs

  • Cliveless World by Tony Jones - Robert Clive of India's OTL suicide attempt is succesful and the British effort to conquer India during the 18th century stalls and eventually fails, with France taking voer India instead. Major repercussions for world geopolitics and culture follow…
  • Gurkani Alam (Mughal World) by Tony Jones - A much longer-lived and much more succesful Mughal Empire and its south Indian rival/ally, the Dakshina Nad, are one of the most important countries of this TL.
  • Know of any other timelines set here ? ;-) Feel free to add them ! :-)

TLs in which the country makes appearances

See Also

timelines/india.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:13 by

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