Table of Contents
German timelines and scenarios
TLs centered on Germany
- Wir Sind Spartakus by Zimmerwald1915 - The Free Socialist Republic of Germany from a timeline with a successful German socialist revolution in the 1920s.
- Weimar World by various AH.com authors (with Glen as project lead) - The interwar “Weimar Republic” lasts into the future and doesn't fall prey to the Nazis and other extremists.
- A Shift in Priorities by rast - A WWI TL in which the POD is that Imperial Germany invests more time and effort into its tank and self-propelled artillery projects
- The Anglo/American-Nazi War by CalBear - The Nazis temporarily win the war in Europe - defeating the Soviet Union and laying waste to most of Europe - only to lose overwhelmingly to the British Empire and the United States in 1958.
- The Death of Goering and the Victory of the Luftwaffe by Mr.Bluenote - A WWII timeline aimed at the impossible - a successful Operation Sealion - albeit with an early POD.
- Protect and Survive - Report on Germany by Hörnla - A short German/Swiss spinoff of Protect and Survive.
- Know of any other timelines set here ? Feel free to add them !
TLs in which the country makes appearances
- Hitler's Mediterranean Strategy by Max Sinister - Germany had attacked Britain in the Med in late spring 1941. Post-war South Germany becomes an economically liberal and socially conservative loose confederation. Post-war West Germany becomes a centralized, social democratic republic, while East Germany is virtually communist.
- Decades of Darkness by Jared - The German Empire. A strong, federal empire, formerly known as German Confederation, in central Europe including the Netherlands and almost all of Switzerland.
- A Healthy Baby Boy - Germany goes on to dominate most of Africa and Europe.
- The Chaos TL by Max Sinister - Germany (Chaos). First it begins as the weak Holy Roman Empire, later becomes a number of French satellite republics, but finally liberates itself, became a new great power, and even rose to superpower status after the unification with the German-speaking lands in Atlantis (the Americas).
- Protect and Survive by Macragge1 and The Land of Flatwater by Chipperback - In both the main timeline and its spinoff, Germany becomes a country-sized battlefield of NATO and Warsaw Pact troops and is devastated by conventional and nuclear warfare during the outbreak of World War III, aka The Exchange. It is one of the hardest hit nations in the entire world, with roughly 90 % of the population perishing in under a week and with only two or three major cities left standing (including Munich).
- Pax Napoleonica by Zach - The Confederation of the Rhine (led by the Kingdom of Westphalia), The German Empire (United Germany), The Kingdom of Prussia.
- Know of any other timelines set here ? Feel free to add them !
See Also
timelines/germany.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/09 17:56 by max_sinister