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Resources : Slovakia

This is a page listing various resources dealing with Slovak history, geography and related topics and subjects. Resources range from website and online article links to lists of recommended non-fiction bibliography.

General Info and Q&A Threads

The Ask me about Slovak history thread n. 1 by Petike

The Ask me about Slovak history thread n. 2 by Petike

Learning basic Slovak in 10 lessons, courtesy of Radio Slovakia International - Quick reference database of Slovak towns and cities, with plenty of photogalleries from each. Photos include those of important local historical structures and other landmarks. The website has a clickable map of the country, showing all towns and cities. Each town entry in the database offers a list of additional towns and cities that are geographically nearest to the entry.


Historical Maps of the Habsburg Empire - A highly detailed database site. - Fully scrollable, zoomable, searchable, in-depth historical maps of different territories of the Habsburg empire, Austria-Hungary and other parts of Europe. Layered viewing, based on maps from a particular era, is also readily available.

FEEFHS Map Room - 50 detailed maps of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, the Balkans, and the Baltics from the 1882 Blackie and Sons atlas, all available at the site of the Federation of East European Family History Societies. The same site also includes a nice Genealogy Resource Directory.

Portable Atlas of the Hungarian Kingdom: New and Complete Representation of the Kingdom of Hungary in 60 Plates in Pocket Format - Detailed 19th century pocket atlas of the Kingdom of Hungary, freely available for download as a 21.8 MB .pdf file.

Geological Map of Slovakia - Includes both Slovak and English footnotes and key.

Blank Map of Slovakia - Post-1993 borders, but universal enough for any post-1918 AH map project.

Nature and the Environment

Websites - Official website of the Slovak Ornithological Society (part of the worldwide SOS Birdlife association). Offers downloadable overviews of Slovak avifauna in both Slovak and English, in Excel sheet format. Subsites of note: Atlas of Slovak birds - A searchable database of (almost) all known Slovak bird species.; - A database of stork nests throughout Slovakia. - Website specialising in birds of prey and owls of Slovakia. Includes a blog, also comes in English. - Website on dragonfly species of the Slovak republic. - Main Slovak site dedicated to hiking, camping and mountaneering. In addition to standard tourist stuff, includes extensive photogalleries of locations throughout the country, including many backwoods areas and places of natural beauty. - Mostly hobbyist site on mushroom picking and mycology, but also with extended photogalleries of Slovak species of fungi, plants and even some fauna. - Official website of the Slovak Cave Administration (English language version). - Speleo-photography in Slovakia, as part of a regular international photo exhibition on the topic of speleology and spelunking. Site administered by the Slovak Speleological Society.

Late Triassic dinosaur−dominated ichnofauna from the Tomanová Formation of the Tatra Mountains - Dinosaur footprint fossils from the Slovak and Polish Tatras. Downloadable .pdf article.



Archives and Documents

National Library of Slovakia

FEEFHS Map Room - 50 detailed maps of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, the Balkans, and the Baltics from the 1882 Blackie and Sons atlas, all available at the site of the Federation of East European Family History Societies. The same site also includes a nice Genealogy Resource Directory.

The Heraldic Registry of the Slovak Republic - Central and complete database for all approved coats of arms and heraldic devices currently in official use in the country.

Genealogy Slovakia - A tourist genealogical guide to Slovakia.

General Historiography

Online sources - A website focusing on regional history of Slovakia.

Electoral System of the first Czechoslovak Republic (1918-1938), prepared by Petike

Legal Research in Slovakia (Including a Brief Description of Slovak Political and Legal System) - English-language article by Juraj Alexander and Juraj Gyárfáš, January/February 2010, plus update. Available at


Dvořák P., Stopy dávnej minulosti (“Traces of the Ancient Past”) series, Rak Budmerice, 2002-present

  • I. Slovensko v praveku (“Slovakia in Prehistory”), 1st edition 2002, 3rd edition 2010, hardcover, 336 p. (2010 ed.), ISBN: 978-80-85501-48-3 (covers events from the earliest known traces of human presence to the late Iron Age)
  • II. Slovensko v staroveku (“Slovakia in Antiquity”), 2nd edition 2004, 3rd edition 2010, hardcover, 280 p., ISBN: 80-85501-27-9, EAN: 9788085501278 (2004 ed.), ISBN: 80-85501-24-6 (2010 ed.) (covers events from the late Iron Age until the start of the early Middle Ages, includes info on Roman, Celtic and Germanic settlement and activities in the country)
  • III. Zrod národa (“Birth of A Nation”), 1st edition 2004, 3rd edition 2010, hardcover, 288 p., ISBN: 80-85501-28-7, EAN: 9788085501285 (2004 ed.), ISBN: 978-80-85501-59-9 (2010 ed.) (covers events of the early Middle Ages, particularly the development of Slavic settlements and of their relations with the Frankish empires and other neighbouring powers)
  • IV. Slovensko v Uhorskom kráľovstve (“Slovakia in the Kingdom of Hungary”), 1st edition 2005, hardcover, 240 p., ISBN: 80-85501-29-5, EAN: 9788085501292 (covers events during the beginnings and early centuries of the Kingdom of Hungary and Slovakia's place within the new kingdom)
  • V. Slovensko v stredoveku, Koniec druhého kráľovstva (“Slovakia in the Middle Ages, The End of the Second Kingdom”), 1st edition 2009, hardcover, 256 p., ISBN: 978-80-85501-43-8 (covers events of the rest of the Árpád dynasty's period, corresponding to the main phase of the High Middle Ages in the Kingdom of Hungary)
  • VI. Slovensko v stredoveku, Čas cudzích kráľov (“Slovakia in the Middle Ages, The Time of Foreign Kings”), 1st edition 2013, hardcover, 248 p., ISBN: 978-80-85501-58-2 (covers events of the Anjou period and the “small dynasties period”; i.e. the 14th century and first half of the 15th century)

various authors, Pramene k dejinám Slovenska a Slovákov (“Sources on the History of Slovakia and Slovaks”) series, Rak Budmerice & Literárne informačné centrum, late 1990s-present

  • Pavel Dvořák P. (ed.), Kolníková E., Kolník T., Škoviera D., Valachovič P., (sc. cons.), I. Územie Slovenska pred príchodom Slovanov (“The Territory of Slovakia Before the Arrival of the Slavs”), 1st edition 1998, 2nd edition 2011, hardcover, 396 p. (2011 ed.), ISBN: 80-88878-20-9 (1998 ed.), 978-80-8119-037-7 (2011 ed.)
  • Dvořák P. (ed.) II. Slovensko očami cudzincov (“Slovakia Through the Eyes of Foreigners”), 1st edition 1999, 2nd edition 2007, hardcover, ? p., ISBN: 80-85501-16-3 (1999 ed.) (covers Slovakia during the 6th-10th century AD, mostly through the perspective of foreign contemporary chronicles and notes)
  • Dvořák P. (ed.), III. V kráľovstve svätého Štefana (“In The Kingdom of Saint Stephen”), 1st edition 2003 (or 2004), hardcover, 360 p., ISBN: 80-88878-82-9
  • Dvořák P. (ed.), IV. Pod vládou anjouovských kráľov (“Under the Rule of Anjevin Kings”), 1st edition 2002, hardcover, 376 p., ISBN: 80-88878-72-1
  • Dvořák P. (ed.), V. Prvý cisár na uhorskom tróne (“The First Emperor on the Hungarian Throne”), 1st edition 2001, hardcover, 376 p., ISBN: 80-88878-57-8
  • Dvořák P. (ed.), VI. Pod Osmanskou hrozbou (“Under the Ottoman Threat”), 1st edition 2005, hardcover, 376 p., ISBN: 80-88878-90-X
  • Dvořák P. (ed.), VII. - Turci v Uhorsku 1. (“Turks in the Kingdom of Hungary, Part 1”), 1st edition 2005, hardcover, 366 p., ISBN: 80-89222-00-5
  • Dvořák P. (ed.), VII. - Turci v Uhorsku 2. (“Turks in the Kingdom of Hungary, Part 2”), 1st edition 2006, hardcover, 448 p., ISBN: 80-89222-10-2
  • Dvořák P. (ed.), VIII. Nový pohľad na svet (“A New View of the World”), 1st edition 2007, hardcover, 456 p., ISBN: 978-80-89222-30-8
  • Škvarna D. et al, IX. Na prahu modernej doby (“At the Threshold of the Modern Era”), 1st edition 2008, hardcover, 392 p., (40 p. of colour images supplement), ISBN: 978-80-89222-59-9
  • Podrimavský M. et al, X. Od revolúcie 1848-1849 k dualistickému Rakúsko-Uhorsku (“From the 1848-1849 Revolution to the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary”), 1st edition 2009, hardcover, 336 p., ISBN: 978-80-89222-65-0
  • Dvořák P. (ed.), Kováč D. (sc. cons.), XI. A - Slováci po rakúsko-uhorskom vyrovnaní (“Slovaks After the Austro-Hungarian Compromise”), 1st edition 2012, hardcover, ? p., ISBN: ?
  • Dvořák P. (ed.), XI. B - Slováci v prvej svetovej vojne (“Slovaks in the First World War”), 1st edition 2011, hardcover, 360 p., ISBN: 978-80-8119-027-8
  • Dvořák P. (ed.), Letz R. (sc. cons.), XII. A - Slováci pri budovaní základov Československej republiky (“Slovaks at the Laying of Foundations for the Czechoslovak Republic”), 1st edition 2013, hardcover, 480 p., ISBN: ?
  • ?, XII. B - ? (not published yet)
  • ?, XIII. ? (not published yet)
  • Pavel Dvořák P. (ed.), XIV. Novembrová revolúcia a československý rozchod (“The November Revolution and the Czechoslovak Divorce”), 1st edition 2002, hardcover, 340 p. (2002 ed.), ISBN: 80-88878-20-9

Kováč D. et al, Kronika Slovenska 1. Od najstarších čias do konca 19. storočia (“The Chronicle of Slovakia 1: From the Oldest Eras To the 19th Century”), Fortuna Print (Bratislava), 1st edition 1998, hardcover, 616 p, ISBN: 807153174X

Kováč D. et al, Kronika Slovenska 2. Slovensko v dvadsiatom storočí. (“The Chronicle of Slovakia 2: Slovakia in the Twentieth Century”), Fortuna Print (Bratislava), 1st edition 1999, hardcover, 608 p., ISBN: 978-80-88980-08-7, EAN: 9788088980087

Segeš V. et al, Kniha kráľov (“The Book of Kings”), SPN - Mladé Letá, 1st edition 1998, 2nd edition ?, 3rd edition ?, 4th edition 2010, hardcover, 304 p. (2010 ed.), EAN 9788010020263 (2010 ed.), ISBN: 978-80-10-02026-3 (2010 ed.) (covers all known monarchs who officially ruled over Slovak territory since the first century AD up to 1918)

Sopko J., Kronika uhorských kráľov zvaná Dubnická (“The Chronicle of Hungarian Kings known as Dubnická”), Rak Budmerice, 1st edition 2004, hardcover, 239 p., ISBN: 80-85501-13-9 (detailed annotated translation of the only chronicle on the 13th-16th century Kingdom of Hungary that was written entirely in Slovakia)

Sopko J., Kroniky stredovekého Slovenska. Stredoveké Slovensko očami kráľovských a mestských kronikárov (“Chronicles of Medieval Slovakia. Medieval Slovakia Through the Eyes of Royal and City Chroniclers”), 2 editions, hardcover,

Kováč D., Slovensko v 20. storočí I. : Na začiatku storočia 1901-1914 (“Slovakia in the 20th century I. : At the Beginning of the Century 1901-1914”), VEDA, 1st edition 2004, hardcover, 291 p., ISBN: ?

Kováč D., Slovensko v 20. storočí II. : Prvá svetová vojna 1914-1918 (“Slovakia in the 20th century II. : The First World War 1914-1918”), VEDA, 1st edition 2008, hardcover, 323 p., ISBN: 978-80-224-1014-4

Kováč D., Slovensko v 20. storočí III. : V medzivojnovom Československu 1918-1939 (“Slovakia in the 20th century III. : In interwar Czechoslovakia 1918-1939”), VEDA, 1st edition 2012, hardcover, 544 p., ISBN: 978-80-224-1199-8

Kováč D., Nemecko a nemecká menšina na Slovensku (1871-1945) (“Germany and the German minority in Slovakia (1871-1945)”), VEDA, 1st edition 1991, 235 p., ISBN: 8022401552

More titles TBA.

Events, Society and Lifestyle in Various Periods

Websites - Blog-format site about medieval and early modern crafts and living. Covers topics from both a general European and Slovak/Hungarian perspective. - Website on the 18th-20th century tradition of tinker handicrafts and their modern legacy. (Tinker as in trade, not the slur.) - A blog/website about traditional and modern Slovak recipes and cooking.

Slovak emigration travel routes before WWI - At the University of Pittsburgh website, Slovak Studies.


Dvořáková D., Rytier a jeho kráľ (“A Knight and His King”), Rak Budmerice, 1st edition 2003, 2nd (expanded) edition 2010, hardcover, 527 p. (2003 ed.), 600 p. (2010 ed.), ISBN: 978-80-85501-25-2, EAN: 9788085501254 (2003 ed.), ISBN: 978-80-85501-46-9 (2010 ed.) (offers a detailed look at all of the aspects of life and culture in medieval Slovakia and Hungary during the first half of the 15th century, using the lives of Sigismund of Luxembourg and his vassal, Stibor of Stiborice, as a framing device that incorporates other examples on contemporary daily living from a wide range of historical sources)

Dvořáková D., Kôň a človek v stredoveku (“Horse and Man in the Middle Ages”), Rak Budmerice, 1st edition, hardcover, 293 p. ISBN: 8085501384 (detailed monograph on the role of horses in medieval society, economy and warfare, with a focus on the Kingdom of Hungary)

Majerech-Mrzúch J., Remeselnícke cechové organizácie na Slovensku (“Artisan guild organisations in Slovakia”), Academic Electronic Press Bratislava, 1st edition 2000, hardcover, 213 p., ISBN: 80-88880-37-8 (detailed coverage of the history of guilds in Slovakia, from the Middle Ages until their demise in recent history; includes info and images on the heraldic devices of the guilds)

Federmayer F. et al, Magnátske rody v našich dejinách 1526-1948 (“Magnate houses in our history 1526-1948”), Slovenská genealogicko-heraldická spoločnosť (Martin), 1st edition 2012, hardcover, 380 p. (2012 ed.), ISBN: 978-80-970196-6-2 (on wealthy noble houses and dynasties of blue-blooded businessmen in Slovakia's post-medieval period)

Perniš J., Vznešená žena stredoveku. Princezné v dynastickej politike Anjouvcov (“The Aristocratic Woman of the Middle Ages. Princesses in the Dynastic Politics of the Anjevins”), Rak Budmerice, 1st edition 2003, paperback, 223 p., ISBN: 8085501236 (the life and role of high noblewomen in the Kingdom of Hungary during the 14th and 15th century, with queen Mary of Anjou as an example)

Kučera J., Kalendár Jána z Lefantoviec (“The Calendar of Ján of Lefantovce”), Matica slovenská Martin, 1st edition 2002, hardcover, 96 p., ISBN: 80-7090-671-5 (monograph on the topic of calendars in the Kingdom of Hungary from the High Middle Ages to the early modern era, utilising Ján of Lefantovce's calendar from 1432 as a central example)

Slavkovský P., Slovenský roľník: Pramene k štúdiu spôsobu života (“The Slovak farmer : Sources for the study of a lifestyle”), VEDA & Ústav etnológie SAV Bratislava, 1st edition 2013, 168 p., ISBN: 978-80-224-1307-7 (the historical developments of farming and the countryside throughout the centuries, including the impact on sociology and cultural customs linked to agriculture)

Encyklopédia židovských náboženských obcí na Slovensku (“Encyclopedia of Jewish religious communities in Slovakia”), Slovak National Museum - Museum of Jewish Culture Bratislava, Judaica Slovaca series; vol. 1 - 1st edition 2009, ISBN 978-80-8060-220-8; vol. 2 - 1st edition 2010, ISBN 978-80-8060-228-4; vol. 3 - 1st edition 2012, ISBN 978-80-8060-229-1; vol. 4 - 1st edition 2014, ISBN 978-80-8060-310-6 (four volume alphabetical encyclopedia of Jewish religious communities throughout the entire history and territory of Slovakia)

Architecture, Fine Arts and Culture

Websites and online articles - Database of Slovak castles, strongholds, towerhouses, forts and city fortifications. Established in 2004, rich photo archive gradually donated by volunteers. (Not regularly updated since at least 2010, admins might become more active again in the near future.) - Database of Slovak castles, forts, chateaus, manor houses and many more historical landmarks. Similar to, but has a more wider scope. - Database of Slovak manor houses and chateaus. Includes fortified manor houses from earlier centuries. - Database of medieval churches in Slovakia. Architectural, historical and tourism topics.

Drevene - Wooden churches of Slovakia (15th-19th century, Roman Catholic, Greek Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran). - Website and discussion forum focusing on research, conservation and management of historical buildings in Slovakia. Also a discussion and idea exchange hub for existing civic associations and initiatives focusing on these fields of historical research and preservation in Slovakia. The forums are frequented by amateurs and professionals alike, and are open to all. Good place to gather the latest news on developments surrounding Slovak historical architecture and monuments. - The database of museums in Slovakia.

Slovak Jewish - Includes information on Slovak synagogues.

Article on the history of the Croatian minority in western Slovakia

A Beginners Guide to the Slovak Book and Literature Market

Why isn't Hungarian an official language in Slovakia ?


Vrtel L., Osem storočí slovenskej heraldiky (“Eight Centuries of Slovak Heraldry”), Matica Slovenská (Martin), 1st edition 1999, 2nd edition 2003, hardcover, 296 p. (2003 ed.), ISBN: 80-7090-691-X, 086516458-4

Moravčíková H., Dulla M., Pohaničová J., Šoltésová D., Kvasnicová M. et al, Architektúra na Slovensku : Stručné dejiny (“Architecture in Slovakia : A Brief History”), Slovart, 1st edition 2005 (2006 according to some sources), hardcover, 184 p., ISBN: 80-8085-079-8

Lalková J. et al, Nekropolná architektúra (“Necropolis architecture”), Fakulta architektúry STU (Bratislava), 1st edition 2012, hardcover, 192 p., ISBN: 978-80-22737-48-7

Mešťan P., Krivošová J., Kissová D., Architektúra synagóg na Slovensku (“Architecture of Synagogues in Slovakia”), Vysoká škola výtvarného umenia (VŠVU) Bratislava, Judaica Slovaca series, vol. n. 54. (for the Slovak National Museum - Museum of Jewish Culture), 1st edition 2002, 36 p.

Lukáčová E., Pohaničová J., Rozmanité 19. storočie. Architektúra na Slovensku od Hefeleho po Jurkoviča (“The Varied 19th Century : Architecture in Slovakia from Hefele to Jurkovič”), Perfekt (Bratislava), 1st edition 2008, hardcover, 243 p., ISBN: 978-80-804-6426-4

Pohaničová J., Výnimočné stavby dlhého storočia (“Exceptional Structures of the Long Century”), TRIO Publishing s.r.o (Bratislava), 1st edition 2011, hardcover, 178 p., ISBN: 978-80-89552-07-8

Pohaničová J. (ed.), Mikloš P. et al, Feiglerovci a architektúra Bratislavy (“The Feigler Family and the Architecture of Bratislava”), Vydavateľstvo Spolku architektov Slovenska SAS (Bratislava), 1st edition 2010, 35 p., ISBN: 978-80-887-57-65-8

Dulla M., Moravčíková H., Hochel B., Vojenské cintoríny v západnej Haliči (Dušan Jurkovič 1916/1917). Sprievodca. (“Military cemeteries in western Galicia (Dušan Jurkovič 1916/1917) : A Guide”), Vysoká škola výtvarného umenia Bratislava, 1st edition 2002, hardcover, 139 p., ISBN: 8088675804 (9788088675808)

Dulla M., Pohaničová J., Moravčíková H., Slávne vily Slovenska (“Famous villas of Slovakia”), FOIBOS (Bratislava), 1st edition 2010, hardcover, 288 p., ISBN: 978-80-870-7326-1

Tajkov P., Sakrálna architektúra 11.-13. storočia na juhovýchodnom Slovensku (“Sacral architecture of the 11th-13th century in southeastern Slovakia”), Fakulta umení Technickej univerzity Košice, 1st edition 2012, hardcover, 308 p., ISBN: 978-80-553-0930-9

Economy, Research and Transport


Prvý banícky - “First Miner Fellowship”, website of the civic association Banskoštiavnicko-hodrušský banícky spolok (“Banská Štiavnica - Hodruša Miner Fellowship”), which focuses on research and preservation of historical mining infrastructure and records in Banská Štiavnica and its vicinity.

A Beginners Guide to the Slovak Book and Literature Market

List of transportation museums and heritage railways in Slovakia - Railways of Slovakia, past and present. Also covers railways in other surrounding countries and other countries of Europe.

Slovak Railway Info and News - Similar to the above, though mostly Slovak focused. News, history, photogalleries and much more. - Photogalleries of Slovak railways and rolling stock.

Photos of Slovak rail vehicles and rolling stock, courtesy of Phil Richards

The history and present of the Tatra railways explained, courtesy of Petike

Narrow-gauge railways of Slovakia - Source text in Czech. Includes historical photos from different periods. Not an exhaustive list of all such railways. - Enthusiast site about skilifts, gondola lifts, funicular railways and related topics. Includes photogalleries. - Enthusiast site about the history and present of domestic urban mass transit. Plenty of photogalleries, schematics and other overviews. Bus spotters, tram spotters, trolleybus spotters, light rail spotters, go here !

Trolleybuses in the Tatras - A forgotten chapter of early 20th century Tatra mass transit. - The history and developments or riverine and naval shipping in Slovakia.

Slovak Organisation for Space Activities - Main research and spaceflight development organisation in the country.


Majerech-Mrzúch J., Remeselnícke cechové organizácie na Slovensku (“Artisan guild organisations in Slovakia”), Academic Electronic Press Bratislava, 1st edition 2000, hardcover, 213 p., ISBN: 80-88880-37-8 (detailed coverage of the history of guilds in Slovakia, from the Middle Ages until their demise in recent history; includes info and images on the heraldic devices of the guilds)

Federmayer F. et al, Magnátske rody v našich dejinách 1526-1948 (“Magnate houses in our history 1526-1948”), Slovenská genealogicko-heraldická spoločnosť (Martin), 1st edition 2012, hardcover, 380 p. (2012 ed.), ISBN: 978-80-970196-6-2 (on wealthy noble houses and dynasties of blue-blooded businessmen in Slovakia's post-medieval period)

Brown E. (transl. Škorupová, A.), Cesta z Komárna do banských miest v Uhorsku a odtiaľ do Viedne (“The journey from Komárno to the mining cities of Hungary and from there to Vienna”), Osveta Martin, 1st edition 1986, 52 p. (translation of the travelogue of English naturalist and doctor Edward Brown (1644-1708), who visited the mining cities of Slovakia during 1669-1670 and provided an interesting account on the period)

Peterec D., Solivar. História ťažby a spracovania soli (“Solivar. The History of Salt Extraction and Processing”), Montana, 1st edition 2014, hardcover, 128 p. (2014 ed.), ISBN: 978-80-971545-1-6 (on the history of salt mining in Solivar near Prešov)

Slavkovský P., Slovenský roľník: Pramene k štúdiu spôsobu života (“The Slovak farmer : Sources for the study of a lifestyle”), VEDA & Ústav etnológie SAV Bratislava, 1st edition 2013, 168 p., ISBN: 978-80-224-1307-7 (the historical developments of farming and the countryside throughout the centuries, including the impact on sociology and cultural customs linked to agriculture)

Military topics


Slovak Institute of Military History

Vojenská história journal - Scientific journal on Slovak military history, published quarterly each year since 1997 by the Slovak Institute of Military History. Available for free download in .pdf format, albeit in Slovak only. Some early issues (1998-2004) are not always available as full texts, only summaries.

Warfare in Fourteenth Century Hungary, from the Chronica de Gestis Hungarorum

Sources on the Military History of Slovakia I (1387-1526) - The first volume of a three-volume series of reference books collecting primary sources related to Slovak military history, by era. This one focuses on the late Middle Ages. Available for free download in .pdf format, albeit in Slovak only.

Slovakia and the Great War - The country and WWI.

Club of Military History Beskydy - Historical association dedicated to the research of World War I in the context Slovak national and regional history and the preservation of WWI historical artefacts and sites.

Slovak armoured vehicles of the interwar period and WWII - Page at the Tanks! website.

Assault Chariots in Pictures - A Czech website with an excellent collection of historical and contemporary photos of interwar Czechoslovak armoured vehicles (including armoured cars, tanks, tank destroyers, armoured rail vehicles, etc.). For further use of the photos, please consult the site's admin first.

Czechoslovakia at the Time of 'Munich': The Military Situation - Katriel Ben-Arie, Journal of Contemporary History Vol. 25, No. 4 (Oct., 1990), pp. 431-446.


Dangl V., Bitky a bojiská v naších dejinách I. (“Battles and Battlefields of Our History I.”), Perfekt, 1st edition 2005, hardcover, 243 p., ISBN 80-8046-310-7 (military history and important military events of Slovakia from the early Middle Ages to the 18th century)

Dangl V., Bitky a bojiská v naších dejinách II. (“Battles and Battlefields of Our History II.”), Perfekt, 1st edition 2007, hardcover, 291 p., ISBN 978-80-8046-374-8 (military history and important military events of Slovakia in the 18th and 19th century)

Dangl V., Armáda a spoločnosť na prelome 19. a 20. storočia (“The Army and Society at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Century”), Veda, 1st edition 2006, paperback, 238 p., ISBN 978-80-224-0919-3 (state of the Austro-Hungarian armed forces branches stationed in Slovakia and their relationship with local society)

Dangl V., Pod zástavou cisára a kráľa (“Under the Banner of the Emperor and King”), TYPOSET Print, 1st edition 2009, paperback, 280 p., 978-80-970264-7-9 (chapters from the military history of Slovakia during the 1848-1918 period)

Dangl V., Segeš V., Vojvodcovia (“Commanders”), Ottovo nakladateľstvo, 1st edition 2011, hardcover, 472 p., ISBN 978-80-7360-986-3 (focuses on important military leaders and personalities with origins in Slovakia, from the early modern period to roughly the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars)

Kováč D., Slovensko v 20. storočí II. : Prvá svetová vojna 1914-1918 (“Slovakia in the 20th century II. : The First World War 1914-1918”), VEDA, 1st edition 2008, hardcover, 323 p., ISBN: 9788022410144

See Also

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