Table of Contents
Points of Divergence : The Vietnam War
From the American perspective, WWII was the good war. Vietnam was something else entirely as the superpower was humbled.
Below is an overview of various points of divergence concerning this military conflict.
Different US strategy
Unrestricted bombing by the US
WI the US from 1965 or 66 prioritized ground operations against the HCM trail in Laos ?
Another Laos POD: The Hmong not forgotten
WI: US Military gets the go ahead to invade North Vietnam
WI: Agent "ORANGE" used on the Vietnamese-Cambodian/Laos border
The US using nuclear weapons against North Vietnam
Challenge: The US staying in Vietnam and also intervening in Angola
Know of any PODs or POD discussions ? Feel free to add them.
Various developments and outcomes
Would a non-existent Vietnam War casue less riots in 1967 ?
Challenge: Avert the Long Hot Summer of 1967
WI Laos joins war against North Vietnam ?
WI: Ngô Diệm ousted but lives ?
Plausibility check: How big an issue would the 'loss' of South Vietnam be in 1968 ?
Know of any PODs or POD discussions ? Feel free to add them.