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Chronology of the Raptor of Spain

Note on the Chronology: While all entries are accurate, they are not exhaustive.

Updates to the Chronology by adding new events will continue until it is complete.

8th Century

731: Birth of Abd ar-Rahman
742: Birth of Charles
748: Al-Fihri becomes governor of Al-Andalus
750: The Battle of the Zab
750-753: Abd ar-Rahman’s Maghreb adventures
752: Bedr the Greek freedman is sent to secure support in Al-Andalus
753: Abd ar-Rahman escapes to Al-Andalus
754: Abd ar-Rahman is defeated and imprisoned in Cordoba
755: Abd ar-Rahman escapes and takes service with Alfonso the Catholic, birth of Adalgis
757: Birth of Salamon
758: Desiderius captures Spoletto and Benevento
759-761: Asturian Civil War, Franks subdue Septimania-Gothica
760s: Using people movements and migration, Charles pacifies Aquitaine
761: Bermudo slain, Abd ar-Rahman becomes King of Asturias and converts; marriage to Munina; Capture of Toledo
762: Birth Peio and Krum; Djafar Expedition; Battle of Toledo
763: Marriage of Tassilo III and Liutperga Desideria
764: Battle of Cordoba; Al-Andalus collapses; Djafar ibn Adullah sent west by Caliph Al-Mansur
767: Birth of Marozia Desideria
768: Djafar crosses to Al-Andalus, Himiltrue and Pepin die, Pepin born, Charles weds Gerberga
770: Fall of Sevilla to Djafar; Charles crosses the mountains; Avars invade Bulgaria (1st Time)
771: Battle of Rio Carbones, death of Djafar, Birth of Constantine VI
772: Abd ar-Rahman founds Fentiside, Charles and Carloman divide the Frankish Realm, Jon born
773-774: Portugal Incident, Carloman battles the Avars and Bohemians
773: Martinus born
774: Zaragoza invades Valencia, Avars invade Bulgaria (2nd time)
775: Constantine V campaigns in the Balkans, meets Krum
778: Leo IV the Khazar reigns, birth of Alboin Adalgia
778-780: Krum campaigns in Anatolia against Harun ar-Rashid
779: Siege of Barcelona
780: Deaths of Carloman & Leo IV
780-786: Krum campaigns against the Avars and incorporates the Bulgars into the Empire; rise of Ongendus the Dane
781: Battle of Rio Segre
782: Conquest of Al-Isbona (Lisboa)
780s-790s: Saxon Campaigns of Charles, Saxons flee to Britain
781: Fall of Zaragoza
782: Capture of Al-isbona, death of Elipando
784-785: Conquest of the Rif, death of Tashfin; Foundation of Luz
786: Krum named Western Commander; Death of Desiderius, Adalgis crowned king
787: Idris ibn Abdullah flees west
789-790: First Indrisid War, death of Pieo
791: Death of Abd ar-Rahman, Salamon King
792-794: Spaniards conquer Granada
793: Maria of Amina enters a convent; Marozia Desideria marries Constantine VI; Birth of Aldric
794: Salamon founds Granada, Harun ar-Rashid Caliph, Eudokia born
795: Krum and Irene depose Constantine VI; Franks invades Italy; Harun captures Baghdad as Caliph; death of Al-Hadi, escape of Jafar
796: Death of Tassilo III against the Avars, Odilo II rules, Spanish invasion of Serdenia
797: Alboin Adalgia returns to Italy
797-800: Spanish port enclaves in Italy
798: Birth of Alexander
799: Creation of Pribina as Prince of Nitra by Krum and Charles, Avars annihilated
800: Harun ar-Rashid invades Byzantium; Salah joins Hispania; Salamon and Eder Abarran conquer Corsega (Corsica)

9th Century

800-808: Byzantine-Arab war
801: Charles and Salamon become Consuls of Rome
802-812: Consulate War
802: Battle of Verona; Zaragoza Campaign and the death of Husayn
803-804: Siege of Toledo
804: Siege of Valencia; Battle of Metz; Kreanus and Irene depose Empress Marozia; Death of Jon; Alboin Adalgia becomes King of the Lombards
805: Battle of Ventana Pass; death of Amrus; Second Battle of Metz; Death of Irene, Princedom of Brittany emerges
806: Ramiro captures and executes Muaregato; Battle of Rheims
806-807: Eder Abarran's Frankish campaign
806-808: Galician Campaign
807: Battle of River Mino; Capture of Iria
808: Battle of Compostela; Siege of Iria; Cyprus ceded to Harun Ar-Rashid; Paulicians settled in the east
809-811: Second Idrisid war
809: Paulicians settled in the east; rebellion of Thomas the Slav
810: Battle of Albi; death of Charles; Duel at Tensipa
811: Battle of Muluya; Death of Peppin
812: Death of Salamon; Treaty of Balyon; Ramiro the Wise crowned king
813: Thomas the Slav’s revolt ends
814: Royal Assembly of 814; Theophano marries Alexander
817: Birth of Evan; Birth of Rolando; Vikings raids begin on Frankish kingdom; First Ahmarid invasion of Sicily
819: Death of Kreanus; Alexander I crowned
820s: Kabar rebellion crushed by Magyars
820: Dublin founded; birth of Patrick the Great
822: Reign of Muhammad II ibn Ahmar begins
825: Ahmarids capture Tarabana
826: Divan of Documents created
829: Duchy of Alsesta created
830: Death of Harun; Reza Azad’s revolt
832: Aldrian conquest of Sorbia
833: Ramiro imposes a slave tax; Battle of Menfi
835: Dorestad Raid defeated; marriage alliance between Spana and Pisa; Reza Azad conquers Persia
837: Viking invasion; sack of Merida
838: Royal Assembly of 838; School of Interactions founded; Reza Azad captures Baghdad
839: Library of Scriptures founded
840: Eudokia’s invasion
841: Lances of Illumination published
843: Ahmarid capture of Agrigentum
844: Birth of Alejandro I; 4-field agriculture adopted by the Spaniards
846: Death of Alexander I; paper-making arrives in Spain
849: Imad ibn Agassi executes Reza Azad; Agassid Persia founded; Aldric crowned king; Patrick the Great becomes king of Mide
850-860: Byzantine Aggasid War
850: Death of Ramiro the Wise; Ahmarid capture of Palermo
852: Plague of the Coast; Battle beyond the Fane
855: Grammarium of Sevilla founded
856: Vieido Vimaranes enters the army; Muhammad II invades Serdena
857: Physicians Codex released; invasion of Serdenia
858: Spañan capture of Caliastra; Battle of Parma, Desiderigans regain the throne of Lombard Italy
859: Treaty of Edura, paper-making arrives in Italy
860: Death of Rolando I, Royal Assembly of 860; First Acladiz; First silver dars struck at Badajoz
861: Ahmarid capture of Catina
862: Evan's Anabasis; First Battle of Amul
863-869: Second Byzantine Agassid War
864: Ahmarid capture of Syracusa
865-891: The Reclamacion
865: Salamanca Campaign; Patrick the Great founds the H.E.I.N.
866: Vallalida Campaign
868: Third Ahamarid Invasion of Sicily
869: Basil the Macedonian crowned king of Armenia; fall of Lejon
870: Olaf’s invasion
872: Treaty of Oviedo; House of Olavez founded; Battle of the Golden Vale; El-Halcona administers Valencia
873: Imato raised Alcadiz of Lejon; Death of Evan I; Petros I crowned
874-875: Garone River Campaiagn
875: Sack of Barcelona
876: Siege of Chalon; Eirik the Hungry lands at Jorvik
877: Battle of Selva
878: Battle of Auscita; Siege of Lyon; Italian Kingdom abandons Tolosa
879: Danish conquest of Sussex
881: Olaf Ironarm captures Pampleo
882: Danish conquest of Mercia
883: Siege of Zaragoza
885: Capture of Marselhio (Marseille); North Albaney submits to the Danes
886: Death of Alejandro I; Enrique crowned King
888: Death of Enrique; Alfonso I crowned King; Birth of Rolando the Bastard; Reign of Bernard the Victorious begins
890: Battle of Basigera; first use of the crossbow; Rus'-Pecheng alliance; Battle of Ceria
890-891: Siege of Tolosa
891: Death of Patrick the Great
892: Birth of Alfonso II; Death of Alfonso I; School of Metallurgy founded (Zaragoza)
894: Battle of Kiev; Shahis capture Herat; Cornwall seeded to the H.E.I.N.; H.E.I.N. invasion of Rhodri
896: School of Agriculture (Lisboa)
897: Second Battle of Amul
899: Battle of Culloden

10th Century

901: Abd ar-Rahman b. Hasan b. Ahmar captures Messina. First invasion of Calabria
903: Second Ahmarid invasion of Calabria
904: Shahis capture Kandahar
906: Frankish invasion defeated at Niza
907-921: Southern (Italy) War
907: Third Ahmarid invasion of Calabria
911: Teresa born
912: Anigan of Naoned becomes Prince of Brittany
913: Death of Ramiro II
914-917: Collapse of Viscaya Principality; Creation of the Marca of Bordeio
915-c.960: Francian Conquest of South Denmark and Scandinavian Hegemony
921-935: Third Idrisid War
921: Battle of Salerno, Bernard defeats Abd ar-Rahman b. Hasan
923: Muslims ejected from Calabria
924: Imperial invasion of Apulia
926: Battle of Massafra, Bernard defeats the eastern empire
928: Bernard the Victorious crowned Rex Italiae
930: Muhammad IV ibn Ahmar dies, end of the Ahmarids
932-935: Ghuzz War
934: Third Battle of the Amul River; Death of Bernard the Victorious
940: Birth of Ortiz Araman
943: Death of Alfonso II; Birth of Ramon Araman
944: Death of Liuti, north Italy fractures
945: Death of Alejandro II
947: Birth of Rolando the Timely Sword
949: Birth of Azalais
948: Death of Sigrissa
948-950: Interregnum
950: Ortiz Araman crowned king
950-970: Khazar invasions of central Europe
950-954: Byzantine invasion of Italy; First Roman War
951: Siege of Amalfi; Battle of Grosseto (951)
955: Formation of the Haclona Junta
957: Hugh, Duke of Thuringia becomes regent for Charles II of Francia
958: Foundation of the Republic of Ravenna
959-962: Second Roman War
960s: Arrival of Harald Gormson in Italy
963: First meeting or Ortiz and Azalais
965: Mustan, Count of Zaragoza arrested
966: Ortiz marries Alazais
966-969: Anti-corruption investigations devastate the Halcona Junta
969-971: Third Roman War
969: Battle of Bescara
970: Sack of Rome; Death of Sancho Najera
971: Spanan capture of Campania region
c.972-998: Francian Civil War
973: Collapse of Reka
974: Conquest of Milan by the Confederacy of the South Aar, first Battle of Matera, Tornikes Revolt
974-976: Fourth Roman War
976: Second Battle of Cannae; First Division of Europe
976-985: Balkan Interventions; Creation of the Second Bulgarian Empire
992: First Harmonization of the Laws issued
993: Birth of Alejandro III; Birth of Lucas Almaghreb
997: Birth of Miguel
998: Foundation of the Commonwealth of Nidaros
1000: Death of Azalais

11th Century

1001: Ainella founds the monastery of the Virgin on St. Paul's Island
1002: Death of Ortiz
1002-1023: War of Breton Succession
1019: Murder of Armando by Alejandro III
1022-1025: First Srivijaya-Chola War
1026: Second Division of Europe
1026-1040: Ecumenical Reconquista
1032: Kimek invasion of south Caucasus
1034: Battle of Manzikert
1030: Birth of Leon
1032: Al-Hasi of Damascus becomes the head of the Qarmatian Council
1036: Battle of the Jabbul flats; Kipchaks convert to Christianity
1036-1048: Great Baltic War; H.E.I.N. removed from the Baltic
1037: Siege of Acre; Death of Miguel
1038: Exile of Queen Sophia to the Monastery of the Virgin
1040: Alejandro III becomes the ruler of Damascus
1043: Shahis capture Kannauj
1046-1050: Hirajaraya visits Spana
1047-1050: Spanan Civil War
1048: Leon Araman crowned, Alejandro III established the co-monarchy
1050: Leon ends the co-monarchy 1053: Brian Chaisil discovers the New World
1057: Birth of Rodrigo de la Vega
1057-1059: Adriatic War; First sustained offensive use of pikemen
1065: Birth of Mejed
1071: Birth of Alejandro IV
1072: Second Srivijaya-Chola War
1074: Birth of Saloman II
1080: Birth of Garcia Maurez IV
1084: Second Harmonization of the Laws issued
1085: Birth of Marcus of Granada
1087: Marriage of Alejandro IV and Havisa of Roazhen
1089: Birth of Mazin
1090: Gahadvalan revolt in India
1091: Birth of Giovan; Saloman II's first battle
1094: Kahanid-Spanan alliance; Birth of Enrigo de Lejon
1095: Church of St. Paul built on St. Paul's Island by Leon Araman

12th Century

1101: Birth of Amina Araman Alejandriz; Death of Leon; Alejandro IV Araman crowned; Conversion of Kimeks to Islam
1102: Disastrous reign of Srei Chey begins
1103-1115: Fall of the Naiman Khannate/Great Naiman Migration
1105: Kimek armies cross the Volga
1109: Aditya II Chola concludes an alliance with Kalinga
1108-1110: Perinthian Plague; death of Alejandro IV; Saloman II crowned
1117: Kimeks cross the Don
1119-1126: Third Srivijaya-Chola War
1120-1122: Saloman II's Italian Expedition
1122: Death of Saloman II; Marriage of Amina to Tajer
1125: Birth of Juan the Bastard; Death of King Tajer; Amina Araman Alejandriz crowned
1126-1130: Amina's Italian Expedition
1127: Papal Declaration of Spanan Regicidal Illegitimacy
1027-1148: Hispano-Frankish War
1128: Battle of Agen; Francian forces cross into Spana
1129: Second Battle of Grosseto; Spaniards secure central Italy
1130: Fall of Kiev, Kimeks cross the Dnieper
1131: Fall of Great Liao
1132: Battle of Auscita; death of Mejed
1132-1133: First Councilliarum
1134: Moveable type emerges in Spaña
1135: Birth of Rodrigo Enriguez; Battle of Daressina
1135-1136: Siege of Toledo
1136: Wahamargapan invasion of Shu; Magyars defeated at the Battle of Bugas; Bernardian Revolt begins
1137-1139: Amina's African campaign
1138: Great Syrian Earthquake, death of Al-Faris II, Makanid Civil War begins
1140-1141: First Lasquezian expedition
1141: Battle of Florence; collapse of Republic of Ravenna; Second Councillarium
1142-1148: Second Lasquezian expedition
1143: Reign of Al-Hakam begins
1145: Qasr Ibrim incident, Makanid invasion of Makuria
1146: Battle of Puaton
1148: Treaty of Toledo signed; marriage of Leonora de Aquitania and Ortiz Almagre
1151: Abdication of Amina, Enrique II crowned King of Spaña at the Third Councillarium