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An Australian member of the board who joined the Board in February 2006 and has remained largely under the radar since then. He does post regularly, though.


He is most known for posting silly scenarios in the ASB forum, including an ISOT variation thread, about members appearing in 1508. Since then, he has created some ASB collaborative timelines.

A New Era - 21 Dec 2012 - Onwards ASB, Sci-Fi and Fantasy Collaborative Timeline

Rise of Rome: ASB/Science Fiction/Fantasy Collaborative Timeline

1950 - Present: ASB/Science Fiction/Fantasy Collaborative Timeline

He also posts Fan Fiction in the Writer's Forum.

Star Trek: End of the 24th Century and Beyond (Version 3.0)

The Doctor and Sarah

Doctor Who: Who is the Doctor (Characters' thoughts about the Doctor)

Doctor Who: The End of the Doctor

Doctor Who : A New Beginning : A Crashing Time

Australian board members

Member List