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Children of the Sun

The 'Children of the Sun' is the official name of a political entity situated around Okazaki, in Japan's Mikawa region. It came about due to a an ASB experiment, described in this thread. Its population is predominantly female, with only its ruler Kenshin the Slightly Mad being of the male gender. Unofficially, the inhabitants refer to themselves as hi-no-ko (sun children), nihonjin (japanese), or just simply children. Technically, the nation is an administrative monarchy.


Situated in Okazaki, on the Toukaidou near the Owari plains, the area consists mostly of rice fields and urban areas. To the west there are large forested mountains, and to the south and east lies the pacific ocean. Officially, the children of the sun claims all territory of what is commonly known as the japanese home islands, but no effort to enforce this has been made. Indeed, as of yet no other civilization has been encountered, so it is very possible that the children are alone in the japanese archipelago.


As the name implies, the inhabitants of the realm are mostly children. They are all of the female gender. Appearance-wise, the children appear to be descended from east asian humans, most likely japanese, a theory which appear all the more plausible due to the language, names and culture of the children. Most children live in small villages, from where they tend the fields. Each village typically consists of 100-300 inhabitants, living in 10-30 houses. Most earn their bread by agriculture and/or fishing.


The nation is administrated as a large family, with the Emperor as the family head, but the situation is very informal. Usually day-to-day planning is done on the grassroots level, with more ambitious projects planned by a commission specially put together for the task at hand. Never the less, the homeland is divided into several administrative districts. At the lowest level is the village. Several villages make up a province (not to be confused with Japan's old province system, which provinces were much larger), and these provinces eventually form the nation.

The Village

A village is both a political entity and an actual village. It usually consists of 100-300 village dwellers, living usually 10 people in a house. Most villages are self-sufficient in rice and water, but for the low plains timber usually needs to be imported, and the fishing villages distribute their catch throughout the nation. Every village has a special function, for which it is engineered. For example, rice villages have the main task of producing rice in large quantities, for export to other villages which aren't self-sufficient. Fishing villages catch fish and other seafood. Mountain villages produces lumber, something which is almost completely unavailable in the plains. While every village is different, most generally have the following layout:

The village is ruled by a council, that includes all inhabitants. Thus, a village is a democratic entity.

The Province

Unlike the fixed layout of the village, the province is more of an ad-hoc formation. Villages may choose freely if they shall remain in the province, or become independent from the state. The province is a purely administrative entity, and no legislative power exists. The province is responsible for disaster relief, distribution of goods, and maintaining the standards of education. The province is administrated by a council elected by the villages, and headed by a representative sent by the Emperor.

The Central Government

The central government consists of a council, headed by the Emperor, and an administrative bureaucracy. The council is chosen by the Emperor, and the bureaucracy is a meritocracy.

The administration runs the day-to-day affairs that cannot be handled on a lower level, such as transportation and higher education.


While there was no one around to run it, Japan's infrastructure was still intact. Electricity was of course not available for the railway tracks, but a depot of diesel trains had been found. These trains make irregular journeys across various train lines in the area, mainly transporting goods over long distances. The road network is also intact, and the day-to-day transportation is done over the roads. This is also how people commute, although the distances are generally short enough for bicycles, which is the vehicle of choice amongst the children.


As new children arrive every year, they are initially settled by the central government. First, however, they undergo a month of training in the capital city of Okazaki. They are then settled in new or small villages along the farmlands surrounding the Toukaidou line, or another train line, so that their produce can quickly be moved by train. As children know most of what they need to know initially, as many as 50 villages can be constructed every year.

One of the main goals of the state, is to mechanize agriculture, so that industries and cities can be reclaimed.

Emperor Kenshin the Slightly Mad has declared his goal of completely reclaiming the japanese archipelago, but the low population increase makes this statement mostly boasting.


In addition to the skills they were born with, all children receive additional daily instruction in a variety of subjects according to the availability of teachers. Practical subjects are the most common, but also taught are art and philosophy. The children generally partake in 'guidance' sessions at the local shrine as well. Most children, in addition to all this, have a hobby or special subject of study. These vary from sports to martial arts and the arts. There is also a form of decentralized journalism, facilitated by the blogging capabilities of the personal communicators.


The Children of the Sun, are despite their obvious pragmatism, often deeply spiritual. The main line of belief lies around the betterment of mind and body of zen buddhism, as well as a respect and even love for nature found in shintoism. There are usually weekly festivities, as well as larger monthly celebrations. In January, the Emperors birthday is celebrated across the nation, and all who can make the journey come to the capital to celebrate. Emperor veneration or even worship is a common component of the childrens spiritual life.

International relations

As of yet, there are no other civilizations discovered, so naturally there are no international relations. The Emperor has however, decreed that unless met by outright aggression, friendly relations should be sought to be established, and welcomes any other nation to send an embassy.