
Official NameRepublic of Dixie
Population3.5 million in 1860
Largest CityCharleston

Following the Great Split of 1852, Mississippi and Alabama banned together. As much of the continent was in tatters after the Split, a group of nations converged in Charleston including Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, and Dixie. It was voted that the south ban together under the Republic of Dixie. However, they where not very united. After Deseret, California and Texas got in a war against Mexico, Dixie intervened. During the Second Mexican-American War, the northwestern part of Virginia revolted and formed the Republic of West Virginia. The lack of support from Charleston enraged the Northern provinces who split off to form the Confederation of the Cumberland.

In the aftermath of the Crimean War and the formation of alliances thereafter, Dixie joined the Parisian League, despite being surrounded by the Cumberland and by Mississippi, who both joined the Imperial Alliance. It is one of the final three countries to allow slave labor, but the slave trade is illegal as it is internationally.