====== Lands of Red and Gold ====== [[offtopic:Jared]]'s second longest timeline. Focuses on creatively trying to answer one of the biggest riddles in known human history : Why did pre-European Australians never develop agriculture - and with it, a more complex civilization - like the natives of all other continents? Commonly referred to by the acronym LORAG. [[offtopic:running_jokes|May include]] [[alternate_history:airships|airships]]. Inspired many [[agricultural timelines]] named "Land[s] of X and Y". ---- ==== Premise and POD ==== The timeline features a heavily alternate Australia, where, unlike in [[alternate history:OTL]], [[pods:agriculture|native agriculture]] is born and flourishes. This is all thanks to an accidental (but plausible) mutation of an edible Australian tuber plant (consumed by Aborigines already in OTL), creating a new plant species that becomes the first "founder crop" of Australia. It stimulates the gradual rise of agriculture and the domestication of other plant and animal species, eventually leading to a completely new local civilization. And after the native Australian civilizations achieve contact with other human cultures during the early modern era, the world will never be the same again... ---- ==== Links ==== The background was introduced in two preview threads, //[[http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=84094|For Want of Yam]]// and //[[http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=94408|Walking Through Dreams]]// (the latter being an older working title, before //Lands of Red and Gold// was chosen as the definitive one). Since then, the scenario has been published in a regular timeline format - first in [[http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=110941|this thread]], containing the **Prologue** and **Act I**, and then continued in [[http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=286304|this thread]] (opened recently), which contains **Act II**. You can also download a regularly updated version of the TL in text format from Jared's [[http://decadesofdarkness.alternatehistory.com/|website]] (see the Lands of Red and Gold subsection). A chapter guide is available below. The TL also has a [[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LandsOfRedAndGold|TvTropes page]]. An artwork showcase thread is [[http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=350805|here]]. ---- ==== Chapters ==== **[[Chapters (Lands of Red and Gold)]]** Due to the increasing lenghth of the timeline, we've created a separate page to list all of its chapters and other related updates concerning the timeline's narrative. ---- ==== TL-related media and trivia ==== Besides various images and data appearing in the main chapters, here's some additional interesting stuff provided by members of the board. Be warned, these are all potentially spoiler-ish overviews. **[[Domesticated Crops and Animals (Lands of Red and Gold)|Domesticated Crops and Animals]]** - The keys to this unusual story about an alternate Australia. **[[Maps (Lands of Red and Gold)|Maps]]** - Maps of the alternate political geography of this timeline. Includes a nice glossary of place names. **[[Nations (Lands of Red and Gold)|Nations]]** - Nations, ethnicities, countries and states appearing in this timeline. **[[Religions (Lands of Red and Gold)|Religions]]** - The alternate religious faiths of this timeline, mostly native Australian in origin. **[[Dramatis personae (Lands of Red and Gold)|Dramatis Personae]]** - Historical characters of the timeline, both real and fictional. **[[Glossary (Lands of Red and Gold)|Glossary]]** - Alternate terminology and vocabulary seen in this timeline. **[[Artworks and illustrations (Lands of Red and Gold)|Artworks and illustrations]]** - Visual media other than maps that offer glimpses into the intriguing world of this timeline. ---- ==== Awards ==== Over the years, the timeline has won several [[alternate history:Turtledove Awards]], in the following categories: * - **[[https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/69379/|"Best Prehistoric Timeline"]]** ([[alternate_history:2009_winners|2009]] [[alternate history:Turtledove Awards]]) * - **[[https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/94693/|"Best Continuing Prehistoric Timeline"]]** ([[alternate_history:2010_winners|2010]] [[alternate history:Turtledove Awards]]) * - **[[https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/165156/|"Best Continuing Prehistoric Timeline"]]** ([[alternate_history:2012_winners|2012]] [[alternate history:Turtledove Awards]]) * - **[[https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/165936/|"Best Overall Timeline"]]** ([[alternate_history:2012_winners|2012]] [[alternate history:Turtledove Awards]]) * - **[[https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/196897/|"Best Continuing Ancient Timeline"]]** ([[alternate_history:2013_winners|2013]] [[alternate history:Turtledove Awards]]) * - **[[https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/196997/|"Best POD"]]** ([[alternate_history:2013_winners|2013]] [[alternate history:Turtledove Awards]]) * - **[[http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=343307|"Best Continuing Ancient Timeline"]]** ([[alternate_history:2015_winners|2015]] [[alternate history:Turtledove Awards]]) ---- ==== See Also ==== **[[offtopic:Incomplete Works of Jared|The (In)Complete Works of Jared]]** **[[Australia|Australian Timelines and Scenarios]]** **[[Agricultural Timelines]]** ---- ==== Navigation ==== **[[ancient and classical|Ancient and Classical Timelines]]**