====== Halifax TL ====== A [[britain|British]] [[early 20th century|WWII timeline]] by [[offtopic:fletcherofsaltoun|Fletch]]. You can find it [[http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=135299|here]]. ---- ==== Premise and POD ==== The timeline was created as a response to the [[alternate_history:halifax_the_surrender_monkey|"Halifax the Surrender Monkey"]] alternate history cliché. ---- ==== Awards ==== At the [[alternate history:2010 winners|2010]] [[alternate history:Turtledove Awards]], the timeline won the **[[http://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/2010-new-wwii-png.96233/|"Best New WWII Period Timeline"]]** category. ---- ==== Navigation ==== **[[early 20th century|Early 20th Century Timelines]]** **[[timelines:timelines_and_scenarios|Alternate History Timelines and Scenarios Main Directory]]**