__1830:__ __February:__ The areas in South-West Canada saw the final movements of various Creek Tribes arriving in the region. The movement of the Tribes had been underway for almost eight years, since America, the Shawnee Nation and Britain had come to an arrangement to avoid War. The population of South-West Canada had grown incredibly since most of the Tribes of the South-East US had been forced to move with the settlers moving south onto traditional Native land. Several Tribes had stayed to fight but many saw the offer put to them by the British, free land in return for nominal allegiance to the British Crown (IE: Don’t make any trouble) as very persuasive. The tribes which had settled on Canadian soil were all given assorted pieces of land, all mapped out by the British authorities to prevent territorial conflicts. The arrangement, although chaotic at times, had managed to hold together and the population of the region increased steadily. What also increased was the rabid anti-US sentiment, the displacement of the Tribes leading for them to dream of a day when they would be avenged for their losses. The Shawnee Nation, so close to the territories occupied by the Tribes began to use this hatred for its own ends, recognising an opportunity when it saw one. The period also saw a rise of the Native Americans joining the Canadian Army. Rather contemptuously named ‘The Red Brigades’ by some, they nevertheless formed the backbone of the Canadian military throughout the 19th century. __May:__ The Meiningen Pact took a further step towards integration as their militaries began co-operating with each other as a mean to increase their readiness for War. Both Austria and Prussia had been sabre rattling over the Treaty considering how it dramatically cut down their influence in the region. Prussia in particular wanted to gain more influence over the German states, only to be refused point blank on several occasions. __June:__ King George IV, ruler of Great Britain for just over ten years, died after years of excess. Not greatly mourned by his subjects, the aging William was crowned King of Britain as William IV. William had been dismayed at the liberalising of the country he had inherited, the extension of the franchise in particular. But, it was too late to actually do anything about these changes so William IV took every possible opportunity to influence Parliament in some way, wanting to retain some sense of the old conservatism. The damage had been done however and the process of Liberalisation in Britain went on. __October:__ At a meeting of the Shawnee Parliament, cracks in the Shawnee Society began to grow as pro-British reformers began to grow in strength. Led by Sowahquothe, Jeskakake and Magotha, the reformers began to gather support for bringing in social and political reforms to mirror Britain’s. The aging Tecumseh led the opposition against these ideas and they were, for the moment, quashed. But the ideas were beginning to gain support amongst various tribes and it began to divide the Shawnee Nation into two.